
Sexual addiction

(Forse puo' interessare)

Patrick Carnes, PhD, is an expert in the field of sexual addiction in the United States. Carnes is currently the Executive Director of the Gentle Path program at Pine Grove Behavioral Center in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.


1.Recurrent failure (pattern) to resist impulses to engage in acts of sex.
2.Frequently engaging in those behaviors to a greater extent or over a longer period of time than intended.
3.Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to stop, reduce, or control those behaviors.
4.Inordinate amount of time spent in obtaining sex, being sexual, or recovering from sexual experience.
5.Preoccupation with the behavior or preparatory activities.
6.Frequently engaging in sexual behavior when expected to fulfill occupational, academic, domestic, or social obligations.
7.Continuation of the behavior despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent social, academic, financial, psychological, or physical problem that is caused or exacerbated by the behavior.
8.Need to increase the intensity, frequency, number, or risk of behaviors to achieve the desired effect, or diminished effect with continued behaviors at the same level of intensity, frequency, number, or risk.
9.Giving up or limiting social, occupational, or recreational activities because of the behavior.
10.Resorting to distress, anxiety, restlessness, or violence if unable to engage in the behavior at times relating to SRD (Sexual Rage Disorder).

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