
America: Guerra Civile prossima ventura (4 su 10 americani ne sono convinti)

By Philip Bump. (TWP)

It is Donald Trump’s fervent hope that, somehow, he should become president again. Maybe it’s in 2025, with his reelection by the American people. Or maybe, he seems to think, it could happen sooner. On Monday, he posited that some theorized bit of FBI nefariousness would warrant “declar[ing] the 2020 Election irreparably compromised” leading to a “new Election, immediately!”

Hopefully needless to say, this is both an unfounded demand and an unrealizable one. There is no mechanism for just throwing out a presidential election, even if it were warranted, which here it is not. But what’s important is that Trump believes or is pretending to believe that it could be. That the government of President Biden is illegitimate. This is the message he’s sending to his supporters: that the government should be upended in his favor.

This should be considered in the context of a disconcerting new poll finding released by YouGov: Four in 10 Americans think that a civil war may be likely within the next decade. Among those who say they voted for Trump in 2020, it’s more than 50 percent — a group that also expects political violence to increase “a lot” over the coming years.

We should stipulate that discussion of civil war is very different from any actual conflict. In fact, experts on civil conflict believe that a full-on armed conflict between political groups is unlikely for a variety of reasons, and that political violence might instead manifest as sporadic flare-ups. Not much consolation, certainly, but some. Of course, that’s assuming that tensions flare up at all. Relying on public opinion as an indicator of what’s likely to happen is understandably fraught.

That said, Americans generally see the danger of civil war — whatever that means in practice — as very real. In YouGov’s polling, conducted for the Economist, 14 percent of respondents said civil war was “very likely” within 10 years. An additional 29 percent said it was “somewhat likely.” Among Trump voters, though, those figures were 19 percent and 34 percent, respectively — or 53 percent in total. Among Biden voters, the total was just over a third.

Just because Americans see a civil war as looming doesn’t necessarily mean they will try to effect it, of course. But as explored elsewhereMonday, discussion of violence as potentially imminent can make it more likely to occur. What’s more, polling from The Washington Post and our partners at the University of Maryland this year found that 1 in 3 Americans think violence against the government can be justified — a sentiment more common on the right.

YouGov also asked respondents what they expected to happen more broadly in coming years. Most Americans think both political divisions and political violence will increase. But Republicans and those who say they voted for Trump are more likely to believe that both will increase than are Americans overall.

Among Trump voters, 47 percent think that the level of political violence will increase in coming years.

It’s clear, as the YouGov poll found, that political division has in fact increased. Even since 2021, poll respondents said that America had grown substantially more divided. This is measurable, as shown in analysis like that published by Pew Research Center this month. Americans feel as though political gulfs are widening, and researchers are measuring that expansion.

This is not the same as feeling as though the nation’s divides warrant or precede a violent conflict. Yet many Americans think such a conflict is looming. That a former president suggesting that a change of power is necessary doesn’t help.

By Philip BumpPhilip Bump is a correspondent for The Washington Post based in New York. He writes the weekly How To Read This Chart, to which you should subscribe. Twitter

Diario italiano #4: Cronaca di una traversata verso la Sardegna


“Sia ben chiaro a tutti: domani dobbiamo partire alle sei, senza tante storie. Dobbiamo fare i passaggi ponte per Marco e Romi ed io devo registrare sul biglietto la targa della macchina presa in affitto…”

Questo ordine preciso veniva impartito in maniera quasi stentorea dall'anziano della famiglia al termine di una raffinata cena offerta da Lucilla nella sua prestigiosa terrazza di via Tevere.

Presenti anche Franco e Ferial, viaggiatori instancabili e programmatori di ogni esperienza sino nei minimi dettagli, ‘traditori’ perché’ dopo decenni di permanenza hanno tradito gli Stati Uniti avendo deciso di assorbire di Roma la parte migliore con visite ai particolari urbanistici della Capitale, intervallate da golf e lunghe sedute di bridge.

Scopo della elegante cena da Lucilla era anche quello di consegnare a Giuseppe una dozzina di mutande di Brook Brthers, introvabili ormai a Roma e che Franca era riuscita a reperire in uno shop di Chevy Chase.

Quanto a Franco e Ferial il loro compito, al termine della serata, era quello di consegnare ai Bartoli la borsa contenente le minime cose da mare che loro conservano gratis nel loro garage.

Alle una i due americani e i due indiani finalmente hanno provato a dormire anche se la sveglia era stata posta sul cellulare del capo branco alle cinque e quarantacinque.

Ed infatti allo squillare del ‘la quale’ si e’ dato via al caricamento della vettura, una Corolla ibrida che rispetto alla Corolla di Washington e più’ piccola perchè’ le manca la coda.

Nonostante lo scontato scetticismo del pater familias, Marco e’ riuscito a sistemare dentro l’angusto abitacolo valigie e borsoni, pacchetti e altre minuzie.

Ma bisognava fare presto perché’ la nave della Tirrenia era previsto che partisse alle otto del mattino e per andare a Civitavecchia non ci si mette meno di un’ora e un quarto andando a 110 all’ora.

Ammesso che il navigatore ti faccia fare la strada giusta e non ti faccia uscire, per esempio a Civitavecchia sud come invece avverra’ puntualmente costringendo l’allegra (ma non troppo) brigata  a smadonnare in una serie di vicoli campestri prima di ritrovare la strada del porto turistico.

Dove finalmente i Nostri arrivano maledicendo gli aggeggi elettronici che ti lasciano sempre col culo a bagno.

Arrivati alle partenze per Olbia, la signora Franca che e’ una donna di mondo dice che c’e’ pochissima gente, forse per la crisi economica.

Gli addetti all’imbarco in gilet giallo ci guardano in una certa maniera e non sappiamo identificare quale possa essere il loro sentimento.

Entriamo nella biglietteria deserta, un uomo di colore con tuta di colori sgargianti e’ appisolato su una sedia di fronte alla finestra Tirrenia.

Siamo digiuni e decidiamo di andare al bar in fondo alla biglietteria che almeno e’ aperto.

Il barista di turno, un giovanotto simpatico e sveglio, ci informa che da due giorni Tirrenia ha cambiato orario.

Non poiu’ partenza alle otto e arrivo alle 14 a Olbia, ma partenza alle 10 e arrivo a Olbia dopo nove ore e mezzo di viaggio con arrivo in serata oltre le 19.

Ci tremano le gambe, gli sportelli Tirrenia apriranno alle 8:15, tanto, aggiunge il simpaticone che maneggia sui nostri cappuccini, la nave e’ arrivata pochi minuti fa dopo la traversata notturna.

Dopo cappuccino e cornetto (buono) mi piazzo in prima fila e finalmente vengo ammesso alla presenza di un giovane e simpatico funzionario che ascolta le sconsolate contestazioni dell’anziano Oscar.

“Si, e’ vero, Tirrenia ha cambiato due giorni fa il programma ed ha avvertito i passeggeri via telefono o via email.”

“Non ho ricevuto alcuna telefonata e tanto meno email !”sostiene con calore Oscar.

Il funzionario Tirrenia controlla il biglietto e dice: “Forse dipende dal fatto che il suo telefono e’americano e non hanno saputo come fare…”

Il suggerimento finale e’ quello di prendere contatto via email con l’ufficio Tirrenia  e contestare quanto accaduto.

Mesto ritorno all’auto. Ormai i villeggianti sono arrivati a centinaia con le loro auto evidentemente informati del cambio di orario.

La fila comincia a muoversi.

Marco e Romi sono andati avanti come pedoni per occupare nel bar un consistente vantaggio di posti sui divani.

Oscar si rende conto con terrore che la Corolla ibrida ha una chiavetta che deve essere tenuta nelle vicinanze di un tasto che deve essere premuto insieme a quello del freno per accendere il motore.

Ma la chiave ce l’ha in tasca Marco ormai ai piani alti del grande traghetto.

Le auto dietro iniziano un concerto di clacson.

Oscar provando a simulare un sorriso di rassegnazione si mette a dirigere il traffico facendo passare la fila di auto, mentre Franca disperata chiama Marco che dopo dieci minuti riappare sul retro della nave e corre a consegnare al vetusto genitore la maledetta chiave..

Sbarcati a Olbia i quattro affrontano la ripida strada per Arzachena e Baja Sardinia, passando per San Pantaleo, incontrando una fila di chilometri di auto che vanno agli imbarchi. Perché’ hanno terminato la vacanza.

Ed anche questa e’ Sardegna.

Diario italiano #3: Quanto sei bella Roma quando e’ sera….

 “ Dobbiamo fare vedere a Romi quanto e’ bella Roma…sembra quasi uno scherzo…”, dice la mia Signora che decide e organizza il programma della nostra permanenza di due giorni nella Capitale della Repubblica italiana.

Per quanto mi riguarda accetto qualsiasi decisione, purché’ sia esentato da impegni organizzativi.

E vi spiego perché’:

Io odio Roma. 

Ci ho vissuto per venti anni, partendo ogni mattina dall’Olgiata per raggiungere via San Basilio, quando lavoravo alla SMI. 

E poi viaVersilia, angolo via Veneto quanto dirigevo l’ufficio stampa dell’IRI con e senza Romano Prodi, prima di andare in America.

Tornavo la sera alle 22 senza parlare dei tanti viaggi in ogni angolo del mondo.

Le rare volte in cui mi toccava guidare nel traffico romano, l’indisciplina, l’innata tendenza dei romani (meglio dire: di quelli che abitano a Roma) di attentare all’incolummita’ del loro prossimo all’insegna del ‘ma che ce importa, ma che ce frega..’, bene, tutto questo era e sono alla base del mio risentimento nei confronti della Magica.

Smentito sempre dagli amici che a Roma ci vivono da una vita e che sono indulgenti verso le malefatte romane perche’questa grande meretrice tutto si fa perdonare con la sua bellezza.

Franca aveva ormai prenotato il biglietto con Big Bus che abbiamo preso in Via Ludovisi dopo avere lasciato in quel parcheggio coperto la nostra Corolla ibrida.

Ed e’ iniziato il giro delle solite bellezze della capitale, viste dall’alto del tetto del bus e viste con una nuova prospettiva; non piu’quella del dirigente assatanato che deve girare tra un ministero e l’altro fronteggiando l’inettitudine della burocrazia,allineando il proprio ritmo a quello sonnolento di chi lavora o fa finta di lavorare nella Caput Mandi.

Roma vista con l’occhio del turista e nella quasi solitudine del post immediato Ferragosto e’ indescrivibile nella sua bellezza. 

Colosseo , Foro e tutto il resto ti entrano dentro non come cartoline usurate, ma con le vibrazioni della potenza e bellezza, che tu, Oscar, avevi dimenticato tutto preso come sei stato per molti anni dal affanno di raggiungere quei risultati che ti erano e ti sei imposti per fare carriera.

Questa Roma si fa amare per forza ed anche Romi, attenta studiosa e artista di alto spessorese.

“Quanto e’ bella, come vorrei vivere qui per una parte della mia vita..”

Lasciamo Romi alle sue fantasticherie insieme alle migliaia di turisti di ogni nazionalità’ che provano le stesse sensazioni.

Che sono poi identiche a quelle del vecchio Oscar che ha ritrovato sul tetto di un autobus turistico quelle dimenticate tanti anni fa.

Diario italiano # 2: Pasta scotta e banche italiane

 Due cari amici di lunghissima data ci hanno invitato a cena in un ristorante casereccio a trecento metri dallo Airbnb nel quale siamo alloggiati.

 Ambiente suggestivo ,cameriere MIchele napoletano molto simpatico. Franca ed io ordiniamo una spaghetti allo scoglio, i nostri ospiti rispettivamente una cacio e pepe e carbonara.

Tutte e quattro queste porzioni sono composte di pasta scotta che, dobbiamo ammetterlo con onesta’, e’ il massimo della blasfemia culinaria in un citta’ come Roma, capitale del buon mangiare.

Suscitando le ire della Consorte (“Cosi’ non si fa perche’ diamo ospiti”) dico al simpatico cameriere Michele di informare lo chef in cucina che non si serve la pasta scotta.

E gli ho detto anche che negli si va in un supermercato si trova una scritta che recita “ Al dente”, si’ in italiano, negli scaffali della pasta.

MIchele fa finta di scusarsi anche se , dice lui, gli sembra impossibile, tanto per non mettersi in difficolta’ con gli paga lo stipendio..


Nell’attesa di andare a prendere a Fiumicino Marco e Romi che arrivano dall’India…via Atene, cerchiamo di versare dei dollari sul nostro conto italiano, operazione da fare presso la agenzia Unicredit di piazza Barberini di cui siamo clienti da trenta anni.

Ci rispondono cortesemente che il servizio cassa  non funziona perche’ l’impiegato e’ in ferie (abbiamo appena superato il Ferragosto e la città’ e invasa solo dai turisti).

Possiamo rivolgerci alla filiale della stessa banca in piazza della Repubblica dove il servizio cassa dovrebbe funzionare, dove ci rechiamo ma mia Moglie desiste perche’ si scontra con una lunga fila di cittadini rassegnati che stanno attendendo da oltre mezz’ora.


A Fiumicino ci informano che l’aereo da Atene di Marco e Romi ha un forte ritardo.

Inutile fare commenti ironici sulla compagnia ITA che dovrebbe essere ceduta dal Presidente Draghi a una delle due cordate sopravvissute. 

Chissa’ se il mitico Mario ci riuscirà’ visto che deve gestire gli ‘Affari Correnti’ e la vendita della disastrata Alitalia non e’ cosa da poco per un governo che ha le mani tagliate.

Dopo qualche ora abbracciamo Marco e Romi felice di conoscerci e di vedere come e’ fatta questa Roma che sta in cima ai pensieri di un miliardo e trecento milioni di indiani. 

Si fa per dire.

Ed anche questa è’ Italia che sembra fregarsene delle elezioni prossime venture. 




Diario italiano # 1: segregato nella doccia.

Il volo diretto United da Washington su Roma si e’ svolto bene. Questa compagnia agli ultimi posti nel gradimento del servizio, sta recuperando alla grande.

Noleggio auto: mio figlio Max ha trovato una nuova compagnia , Karin, che ha messo a mia disposizione una Corolla analoga a quella che ho a Washington (quarta in pochi anni). Questa è’ pure ibrida.

Il GPS ci porta al primo dei numerosi Airbnb che abbiano prenotato.

Si chiama “Il Centurione’ una serie di abitazioni, all’ingresso del Parco dell’Insugherata e all’inizio della Via Francigena.

Ma noi lo abbiamo scelto per la vicinanza sulla Cassia agli svincoli del Grande Raccordo Anulare.

L’ambiente e’ grazioso, messo con buon guasto e Franca e’ particolarmente contenta perché’ il tutto corrisponde alle sue esigenze di artista.

Per me un soggiorno come un altro perche’ con la vecchiaia ho perduto la capacità’ di entusiasmarmi.

Dopo un riposo di qualche ora perche’ in volo non avevamo chiuso occhio, decido di sperimentare l’angusta doccia d’angolo nella solita cabina a porte scorrevoli.

Solo che scorrevoli non lo sono se non a fatica. 

Dopo le abluzioni di rito abbastanza difficoltose perche’, nonostante la rubinetteria finto antico, l’erogazione dell’acqua e’ difficile, mi accingo ad aprire le due ante della mini cabina di plastica per uscire. Ma una rimane incastrata.

Ogni tentativo di farla scorrere e’ inutile e non voglio creare danni.

Dico a mia Moglie di andare in direzione a chiedere aiuto.

Si presenta dopo alcuni minuti accompagnata da un tale di mezza età’, (stile antica comparsa playboy di Cinecittà’).

Mi libera dalla doccia (mia moglie aveva provveduto a passarmi da un interstizio delle mancate porte un asciugamano,. 

L’Antartide bloccata viene divelta.

Alle mie contestazioni espresse con delicata cultura anglosassone, risponde che lui alla doccia non può’ fare nulla e che domani chiamera’ l’idraulico.

Gli faccio notare sempre meno sommessamente che ho prenotato Airbnb tre mesi prima e che avrebbero dovuto fare manutenzione come d’uso e obbligo, dopo l’ultimo cliente. Io stesso sono proprietario di un Airbnb di successo a Washington.

L’Antico play boy risponde arrogante che non e’ sua responsabilità’ . Se uno compra una macchina non può’ chiedere alla Fiat risarcimento per un incidente.

Al che rispondo a piena voce che se compro un’auto, pretendo di avere quattro ruote con pneumatici a pressione.

Il tutto si conclude con l’impegno a non prolungare la nostra permanenza in quel Airbnb al termine del nostro soggiorno romano.

Ed anche questa è’ Italia dove il rispetto del cliente e’ uguale a zero.

Il serpente nero in casa

Un urlo disperato arriva dal salotto.

Mi precipito in aiuto di mia moglie Franca che trema, sconvolta e sta quasi per svenire: "Dio mio, Dio mio… Un serpente nero!!!"

"Un serpente, in salotto, come è possibile, ma ne sei proprio sicura?!"

"Eccolo, sei sempre il solito agnostico che mette in discussione quello che dico io…" continua a esclamare con affanno la mia compagna di una vita.

"Dove mai può essersi nascosto questo serpente…?",

Cerco di assumere un atteggiamento responsabile anche se-detto tra noi-pure io sono notevolmente impaurito.

Ma cerco di darmi un contegno da vero uomo che affronta le situazioni più critiche senza lasciarsi trascinare dalle emozioni.

'Sti cavoli', c'ho una paura fottuta.

"Amore, dico alla mia sposa: cerchiamo di ragionare con calma. Il serpente chiaramente è entrato dal giardino quando tu e la donna delle pulizie avete portato fuori delle piante. Che colore ha e quanto è lungo? "

Franca è riuscita a recuperare un po' di fiato ma il grande spavento può averle rialzato sicuramente la pressione.

"Ti ho detto che e' nero"

Mi aggiro tra i mobili antichi del salotto, residuo di alcune case possedute a Firenze alla ricerca della bestia.

Ma del serpente nessuna traccia.

"Dove potrà essersi cacciato ?", azzardo timidamente.

La mia sposa dimostra anche nei momenti di terrore di avere quel quid che manca a suo marito che, a parte i pennacchi della passata dirigenza imprenditoriale, quanto a buon senso è ormai abbastanza carente, complice soprattutto l'età e i numerosi acciacchi.

"Guarda-dice Franca-credo che si sia infilato sotto il grande divano di pelle…"

"Ma il divano è alto nemmeno un centimetro da terra e l'ho spostato  per qualche metro sperando eventualmente di farlo uscire."

"Devi alzare quel divano, suggerisce la sposa, così potremo vedere se è rimasto lì sotto…"

Nonostante il mal di schiena mi avventuro nella alzata del divano…

"Eccolo, è lì, lo vedi…?"

Il serpentello nero è acciambellato in tondo.

Afferro uno spazzolone che mia moglie ha provveduto a trovare da qualche parte e colpisco il rettile più volte anche se il suddetto fa capire chiaramente che non ha alcuna intenzione di andare serenamente all'altro mondo.

"Prendi un coltello da cucina, uno di quelli grandi…", suggerisco.

La mia metà provvede con celerità e mi porge una sorta di mannaia con la quale mi avvento sul serpentello che, poveretto, proprio non vuole darmi la soddisfazione di farmi sentire quasi un eroe nei confronti della mia adorata mogliettina che ormai ha recuperato gran parte della sua energia psico fisica.

"Beh, adesso basta con quel coltellone, non vedi che è morto? Mettilo in questo sacco di plastica e portalo nel bidone della spazzatura fuori della casa.

Eseguo premurosamente nonostante un nubifragio che sta per abbattersi sulla capitale degli Stati Uniti.

Ma detto in confidenza, avere ghigliottinato il serpente nero non mi ha dato alcuna intima soddisfazione.

Poveretto: il piccolo rettile voleva scoprire un po' di mondo e l'ha pagata cara.

Ed anche questa è America.

VLAD THE KILLER ( Va bene che un tiranno puo' fare quello che forse e' un'ipotesi molto azzardata)

Putin ‘behind revenge bombing that wounded war guru & killed his daughter after former ally slammed him over Ukraine’

Anthony Blair (US SUN)

VLADIMIR Putin was most likely the mastermind behind a deadly car bomb that wounded his so-called "spiritual mastermind" and killed his daughter, experts have claimed.

Alexander Dugin, the man sometimes described as "Putin's brain", has reportedly suffered a heart attack following the blast that wiped out his 30-year-old daughter Darya Dugina.

5Alexander Dugin was returning from a festival with his daughter Darya, who was killedCredit: Twitter

The car was reportedly detonated remotely on a highway on the outskirts of MoscowCredit: Getty

Ultra-nationalist figure Dugin is said to be in hospital after dodging the attempted assassination, with unconfirmed reports saying he suffered a heart attack.

Video taken immediately after the bombing shows Dugin with his hands to his head in shock as he stares at the burning wreck of the car.

Dugina, a Russian journalist, had reported from Ukraine since the start of the war for pro-Russian media, including from the Azovstal steel works in Mariupol.

She was sanctioned last month by the British government as "a frequent and high-profile contributor of disinformation in relation to Ukraine."

No group has claimed responsibility for Saturday evening's bombing on a highway in southwest Moscow.

But various foreign policy and intelligence experts have claimed that the attack was likely carried out on the orders of Vladimir Putin.

Anders Aslund, economist and Russian expert, wrote on Twitter that the Kremlin was most likely behind the bombing.

Aslund, who previously spoke to The Sun Online about Dugin, and wrote the book 'Russia's Crony Capitalism', tweeted: "It appears most likely that Putin killed Darya Dugina. He has that habit.

"The videos at her house were out. Alexander Dugin was supposed to be in the car. Why would Ukraine waste resources on such a target?"

He added: "Given Putin's fondness of false flag operations, it is most likely that he ordered Dugin to be blown up, making it look as done by the Ukrainians, while Dugin's daughter was blown up instead. More such murders are likely."

Russian state media has bizarrely claimed that the assassination was carried out by a female Ukrainian assassin who travelled to Russia last month with her 12-year-old daughter.

RIA Novosti claims that the mum used a Mini Cooper to tail Darya before detonating an explosive device remotely.

As reported by Russian media, the woman then escaped with her daughter to Estonia.

Conservative MP and chair of the cross-party Foreign Affairs Committee Tom Tugendhat also pointed the finger of suspicion at Putin's cronies.

"In recent months, Dugin had been criticising the Kremlin for being too soft," he tweeted.

"Given the terrorism used by Putin over decades - Beslan, Nemtsov, Litvinenko, to name but a few incidents - means the list of suspects should include his own government."

It appears most likely that Putin killed Darya DuginaAnders AslundAuthor, 'Russian Crony Capitalism'

Russian historian Dr Yuri Felshtinsky, author of the new book Blowing up Ukraine, said the car bomb was "most likely part of an internal Russian conflict" and ordered by those with an interest in eliminating Dugin.

He told The Daily Beast: "The blowing up of the car of the famous Russian fascist and ideologist of the Putin regime, Alexander Dugin, was organized, it seems, by the Russian security services.

"The Ukrainian special services, involved in a deadly battle with the aggressor on the territory of Ukraine, are unlikely to be able to send their officers to Moscow to organise terrorist attacks there."

A former Russian MP has placed responsibility for the attack on a shadowy Russian group called the National Republican Army which is aiming to overthrow the Putin regime.

Speaking in Kyiv, anti-Putin activist Ilya Ponomarev alleged that the attack was the first of its kind aiming to bring down the Kremlin.

"A momentous event took place near Moscow last night," he told the Russian-language opposition TV channel he launched in Kyiv earlier this year.

"This attack opens a new page in Russian resistance to Putinism. New - but not the last."

On Monday, Russian state media outlet TASS said the explosive device on Darya's car, which her father was supposed to be driving that night, was detonated remotely.

Witnesses say Dugin switched cars with his daughter at the last minute as they travelled back from an arts festival on the outskirts of Moscow.

5Darya Dugina, 30, was a Russian nationalist journalistCredit: Twitter

5Dugin, who switched cars with his daughter at the last minute, looks on in horrorCredit: East2West

Russia has blamed Ukraine for the attack, something Kyiv has strenuously denied.

Ukraine is reportedly bracing for an escalation in the conflict following the so-called "false flag" attack on Putin.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said: "We should be aware that this week Russia may try to do something particularly nasty, something particularly cruel. Such is our enemy."

Dugin has been described as "Putin's brain" and the "mastermind" behind the invasion of Ukraine, but his direct influence over the Russian president has been disputed.

The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse interviewed Dugin five years ago and wrote on Twitter: "Alexander Dugin is not 'Putin's brain'. He's a man who roughly a decade ago provided a kind of intellectual underpinning for what Putin sees as Russia's historic mission as a geopolitical counterweight to the US."

Dr Ian Garner, an expert on Russian media, added on social media: "Through his youth groups, TV work, internet sites and online communities, he [Dugin] has had a huge impact on Russian political culture in the last 20 years.

"His ideas are everywhere in even mildly patriotic and nationalist culture."

Dugin's biggest influence on Russian thinking in the past 25 years has been his promotion of the idea of Eurasianism, a new Russian empire stretching 10,000 miles encompassing Britain and Europe.

His seminal 1997 book "The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia", sets out the division of Europe between the Russian and German spheres of influence.

He slammed Putin for not taking all of Ukraine during the invasion of Crimea in 2014, which may have alienated him from the Kremlin.

Following the annexation, Dugin urged the Kremlin to "kill kill kill" Ukrainians as he called for the destruction of the entire country.

Decriminalizzare la cocaina:la proposta del nuovo presidente della Colombia

Colombia, largest cocaine supplier to U.S., considers decriminalizing

Samantha Schmidt, Diana Durán 

BOGOTÁ, Colombia — It’s the largest producer of cocaine in the world, the source of more than 90 percent of the drug seized in the United States. It’s home to the largest Drug Enforcement Administration office overseas. And for decades, it’s been a key partner in Washington’s never-ending “war on drugs.”

© SCHNEYDER MENDOZA/AFP via Getty ImagesColombia, largest cocaine supplier to U.S., considers decriminalizing

Now, Colombia is calling for an end to that war. It wants instead to lead a global experiment: decriminalizing cocaine.

Two weeks after taking office, the country’s first leftist government is proposing an end to “prohibition” and the start of a government-regulated cocaine market. Through legislation and alliances with other leftist governments in the region, officials in this South American nation hope to turn their country into a laboratory for drug decriminalization.

“It is time for a new international convention that accepts that the war on drugs has failed,” President Gustavo Petro said in his inaugural address this month.

It’s a radical turn in this historically conservative country, one that could upend its longstanding — and lucrative — counternarcotics relationship with the United States. U.S. officials past and present are signaling concern; the drug was responsible for an estimated 25,000 overdose deaths in the United States last year.

“The United States and the Biden administration is not a supporter of decriminalization,” said Jonathan Finer, the White House deputy national security adviser, who met with Petro here before his inauguration.

A former DEA official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because his current employer had not authorized him to speak on the matter, said he feared the move would limit the agency’s ability to collaborate with the Colombians on drug trafficking investigations.

“It would incrementally kill the cooperation,” he said. “It would be devastating, not just regionally, but globally. Everyone would be fighting from the outside in.”

Billions of U.S. dollars have funded a strategy focused largely on destroying the cocaine trade at its point of origin: the fields of rural Colombia. U.S. training and intelligence have propelled Colombia’s decades-long military efforts to eradicate coca, the base plant for cocaine, and dismantle drug trafficking groups. And yet more than a half century after President Richard M. Nixon declared drugs “America’s public enemy number one,” the Colombian trade has reached record levels. Coca cultivation has tripled in the last decade, according to U.S. figures.

Felipe Tascón, Petro’s drug czar, said the Colombians aim to take advantage of a rare moment in which many key governments in the region — including the cocaine-producing countries Colombia, Peru and Bolivia — are led by leftists.

In his first interview since being named to the job, the economist said he wants to meet with his counterparts in those countries to discuss decriminalization at the regional level. Eventually, he hopes a unified regional bloc can renegotiate international drug conventions at the United Nations.The coronavirus has gutted the price of coca. It could reshape the cocaine trade.

Domestically, Petro’s administration is planning to back legislation to decriminalize cocaine and marijuana. It plans to put an end to aerial spraying and the manual eradication of coca, which critics say unfairly targets poor rural farmers. By regulating the sale of cocaine, Tascón argued, the government would wrest the market from armed groups and cartels.

© Luisa Gonzalez/ReutersColombian President Gustavo Petro gestures during his swearing-in ceremony at Plaza Bolivar in Bogotá on Aug. 7.

“Drug traffickers know that their business depends on it being prohibited,” Tascón said. “If you regulate it like a public market … the high profits disappear and the drug trafficking disappears.”

Colombia’s first leftist president declares 'the war on drugs has failed' as he is sworn into office

He aims to reframe his job not as “counternarcotics” or “anti-drug” but rather “drug policy.”

“The government’s program doesn’t talk about the problem of drugs,” he said. “It talks about the problems generated by the prohibition of drugs.”

Tascón has spoken about his plans with his counterparts in Peru. Ricardo Soberón, head of the Peruvian anti-drug agency DEVIDA, said it was too early to say whether Lima would support decriminalization, but he would welcome a regional debate about new approaches. Petro could find an ally in Bolivia, where in the 2000s the government of Evo Morales began allowing farmers to legally grow coca in limited quantities.

As the most important U.S. ally against cocaine, Colombia is an unlikely pioneer in decriminalizing it. But it’s also the country that has suffered the most from the war on drugs. Tascón said it’s the country where the need for a new strategy is perhaps the most urgent.

The point was driven home by Colombia’s truth commission. The panel, appointed as part of the country’s 2016 peace accord between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, recommended in June that the government move toward “strict legal regulation of drugs.”

In a report, the commission said the militarized approach against drug trafficking intensified the fighting in the half century of conflict that killed hundreds of thousands of Colombians.The Guatemalan rainforest: Lush jungle, Mayan ruins and narco jets full of cocaine

The Washington-based National Security Archive, an independent nonprofit, provided the commission with declassified documents showing the U.S. government knew its approach would lead to many years of bloodshed in Colombia.

“We see no chance that the growing and trafficking of narcotics in Colombia could be suppressed and kept that way … without a bloody, expensive, and prolonged coercive effort,” read one 1983 cable from the CIA provided to The Washington Post by the archive.

“One way to stop this war from happening again is to rethink the way we relate to coca and cocaine,” said Estefanía Ciro, who led the truth commission’s drug policy researchers. “The important thing is not that the markets exist or that there is coca, but the violence that the cocaine market produces.”

Finer, Biden’s deputy national security adviser, said the Petro administration’s approach to drug policy overlaps with the holistic strategy the Biden administration announced last year for Colombia. But not on decriminalization.

“Colombia is a sovereign country. It will make its own decisions,” he said. “This is a relationship that is bigger and broader than just our cooperation and our collaboration on counternarcotics.”

A delegation of U.S. officials, including the assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, plan to meet with Petro administration officials here next week.

USAID Administrator Samantha Power, who attended Petro’s inauguration here, said U.S. officials “have clearly heard [his] message.”

Jim Crotty, a former deputy chief of staff at the DEA, argued that a legal cocaine trade “is not going to get rid of the illegal trade.”

“As we’ve seen before in Colombia and elsewhere, there’s always someone to fill that vacuum,” Crotty said.

Colombians are currently allowed to carry small amounts of marijuana and cocaine. But proposed legislation aims to go much further, decriminalizing and regulating their use.

Decriminalizing cocaine will face an uphill battle in a divided Congress. Taking the debate to the international stage will be still more difficult.Honduran president, a Trump ally implicated in drug trafficking, tries to win over Biden

But it’s a discussion Latin America has already had — on marijuana. In 2013, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalize the production and sale of recreational cannabis.

“We have to open up the debate and break the taboo,” said Milton Romani, who served as secretary general of Uruguay’s national drug board. “It might be a long road, but I don’t think it’s impossible.”

Colombia would have the “moral authority” to lead this effort, he said, “because so many people have died for this.”

Mellington Cortés has seen this bloodshed firsthand.

In 2017, he was one of hundreds of coca farmers who were gathered in the Nariño department, protesting forced coca eradication by security forces, when police started firing into the crowd. One gunshot struck him. Another killed his brother, one of seven protesters who died that day. The killings are still under investigation.

The 45-year-old continues to grow coca, which pays more than twice the $130 a month he made as a driver.

“It’s a secret to no one that we grow coca to survive, to maintain our families, our children,” Cortés said. “There are no other resources here. We’ve been forgotten.”

Rivoluzione a CNN. Deve diventare una TV di centro (per fare un piacere a Trump)

Inside Brian Stelter’s Ouster and CNN’s New Direction | Analys

Sharon Waxman

Getty, illustration by Chris Smith

Brian Stelter had planned to announce his exit from CNN and the cancellation of his show, “Reliable Sources,” which he’s hosted for nine years, on the air on Sunday, according to an individual with knowledge of the show.

It was not to be. The news leaked on Thursday and once again the CNN newsroom is aflutter with anxiety and rumor: What is new chairman and CEO Chris Licht’s plan for the future of the news network? Why would Stelter, a respected media journalist, get the boot along with his show? Who else is at risk to get the ax after Stelter and, last week, legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin? Will the outspoken primetime host Don Lemon or Jim Acosta, the sometimes combative chief domestic correspondent, be next?

To many observers and network insiders, Licht aims to tone down any politically-pointed coverage in a pivot from the strategy pursued by his flashier predecessor, Jeff Zucker, who was ousted earlier this year over a workplace affair but who nonetheless drove the network to improved ratings during the Trump years.

“It’s not a good brand position to be the opposite of Fox News,” said a network insider familiar with Licht’s thinking. “He wants to be tough and no bulls—, but not affiliated with a side. It’s fair to say he doesn’t like the CNN vs. Fox thing.”

And that made Stelter a prime target. The media correspondent frequently took strong positions against the misinformation of the Trump administration and got into on-air scuffles with Fox News, which he frequently called out for inaccurate and misleading reporting. Fox News often returned the favor, with primetime host Sean Hannity mocking Stelter as a “fake-news Humpty Dumpty” and other similar attacks.

Those exchanges got the attention of John Malone, a Warner Bros. Discovery board member who owned in 2021 more than 93% of Discovery’s Class B shares and remains a major stakeholder in the company post-merger. In late 2021, Malone made waves with a CNBC interview when he said CNN should return to nonpartisan journalism once under Discovery’s control. “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” Malone sniped at the time.

Stelter called out Malone in February, accusing the billionaire of criticizing CNN without actually watching it and creating an atmosphere of anxiety in the newsroom. “Malone’s comments stoked fears that Discovery might stifle CNN journalists and steer away from calling out indecency and injustice,” Stelter wrote in his widely read media newsletter at the time.

Two senior Warner Bros Discovery executives denied that Stelter’s ouster was influenced in any way by Malone, calling the decision to cancel “Reliable Sources” entirely Licht’s. “Chris doesn’t want to do the ‘who’s in, who’s out, who’s up, who’s down’ navel-gazey reporting,” the network insider said.

The two WBD executives said that the company had prioritized shaking up the network’s Sunday morning lineup — where “Reliable Sources” has aired for over 30 years, well before Stelter took over as host — and that a totally different show was necessary. However, the two execs said that there are no immediate plans to remove either Lemon or Acosta.

According to the network insider, CNN’s new leadership is seeking a broader lens for its future media coverage. Licht “wants to reimagine our media beat to be the intersection of the platforms and technology, also the content and disinformation, with much greater scope,” this insider said.

CNN has been struggling in ratings compared to Fox News and MSNBC, but “Reliable Sources” fared relatively well for the network. Despite posting record lows in June, averaging a meager 79,000 viewers in the key 25-to-54 news demo (the lowest since 2001), the show bounced back to about 108,000 average demo viewers in July, according to Nielsen.

Compared to CNN’s total day average of 110,000 demo viewers for July, that isn’t half bad.

But 10 Fox News Channel programs tracked ahead of “Reliable Sources” on Sundays. “MediaBuzz,” which airs at the same time and is hosted by former “Reliable Sources” host Howard Kurtz, pulled an average of 140,000 demo viewers in July. And total viewership for “MediaBuzz” was double that of Stelter’s last month, with an average of 1.2 million compared to just 663,000 for “Reliable Sources.”

Despite the network’s denials, several outside observers suspect that Malone’s opinion was important in the removal of Stelter. “If you’re trying to go down the middle, and you have someone getting in scuffles with Fox News, that probably seems partisan, whether or not it is,” said Paul Hardart, NYU professor of entertainment, media and technology, and former Turner entertainment director of strategic planning.

“John Malone was probably one of the more important constituents that (Warner Bros. Discovery CEO) David Zaslav and Chris Licht might have to keep happy,” he said. “They’re trying to tack CNN back to more of a central news organization. Brian Stelter did get in the mix of calling out Fox News. So I think, whether valid or not, it did play into the polarization of what CNN had become, a representation of more of a left perspective, and I think that’s what they’re trying to get away from.”

Hardart also sees a potential financial gain from the network steering itself out of partisan political discourse. “In the future, they can go to advertisers and distribution partners and say, ‘Look, we are not political. We don’t have an agenda. We’re down the middle of the news.’ Their hope is ultimately that will lead to higher ratings, higher CPMs,” he said, referring to the monetary valuation for online ad impressions. “So I think that’s the game that they’re playing is that on a bigger, ultimately broader strategic standpoint — and maybe on a global standpoint — that it may ultimately be better strategically and financially.”

But another CNN insider voiced concerns about what Stelter’s ouster signals. “Maybe Warner Discovery just wants plain vanilla CNN, so that in time it just becomes a tab on a streaming service that doesn’t offend anyone,” this individual said. “Is that where the brand is heading — an inoffensive, boring, bland brand? I’d say that not possible.”

Il culto della personalita' e l'erosione della democrazia americana

 By Ishaan Tharoor
with Sammy Westfall  (TWP)

Trump’s personality cult and the erosion of U.S. democracy

The Trump Tribe of Texas participates in a prayer at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas on Aug. 4. (Shelby Tauber/Reuters)

If it wasn’t certain before, it’s crystal clear now. Former president Donald Trump has a viselike grip over the Republican Party. No allegation of impropriety or illegality, no concern over stoking extremism and violence, no documented trammeling of the rule of law can cut away at his seeming dominance over the American right.

This month, it emerged that the FBI was investigating Trump for his wrongful possession of classified U.S. documents, including items allegedly related to the U.S.’s nuclear arsenal. The wholly partisan reaction to the revelations only boosted Trump’s stock, driving millions of dollars in donations to his political action committee, and fueling right-wing outrage over the supposed overreach of the state. Meanwhile, the results of a series of primary elections across the country — most notably, Tuesday’s landslide defeat of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy0.) by a Trump-aligned challenger — reinforced how internal party opposition to Trump has generally proven to be a political death sentence. Of the 10 Republican lawmakers in the House who voted to impeach Trump for his role in inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol, only two even stand a chance to return to the chamber next year.

Trump’s hold over the Republican Party has led to the rise of a new crop of potential Republican lawmakers who parrot the former president’s 2020 election lies. That has profound implications for the country’s electoral processes: According to an analysis published by my colleagues this week, nearly two-thirds of GOP nominations for state and federal offices with authority over future elections involve candidates who embraced falsehoods and conspiracy theories about the previous one and deny its legitimacy.

In the time since Trump left office, his sway over Republicans has arguably grown. A straw poll of attendees at the right-wing Conservative Political Action Conference earlier this month saw enthusiasm for Trump as high as ever. If he chooses to launch a 2024 presidential campaign, the bulk of the Republican establishment is set to meekly line up behind him. “If you look at a political analysis, there’s no way this party is going to stay together without President Trump and his supporters,” Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) told my colleagues last year. “There is no construct where the party can be successful without him.”

It’s a state of affairs more familiar in other parts of the world than in the United States. The wholesale capture of a wing of American politics by what is, as Cheney put it, a “cult of personality” surrounding one demagogic leader has limited precedent in U.S. history. But we can see current variations of the theme in, among other places, Hungary under its illiberal nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Turkey under long-ruling President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and India under Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In all three countries, the ruling faction in a parliamentary democracy has become a vehicle for consolidating the power of the figure at the top. They are in different stages of their evolution: Erdogan’s grip may be loosening with former allies defecting and forming new parties, while Modi and Orban are more comfortably in control. The leaders’ majoritarian demagoguery has led to the erosion of their democracies, which critics argue have become to varying degrees quasi-autocracies where media is cowed, ethnic or religious minorities are bullied, and the opposition marginalized.

This phenomenon is on show in other democracies dominated by illiberal factions, as political polarization only deepens the incentives to retain power and punish one’s opponents. “The Republican Party’s zealous devotion to getting rid of anyone who challenges Trumpian dogma feels entirely too familiar,” wrote academic Brian Klaas in a Washington Post column last year that noted how Republican fealty to Trump was mirrored by politicians in Poland’s ruling party who have weaponized conspiracy theories about the media and liberal establishment.

“It’s a litmus test. Are you a true believer, willing to repeat the theory even if you don’t believe it yourself?” Klaas wrote. “If you are, the party accepts you. This sort of corrosive loyalty test has caused tremendous damage to Poland’s democratic institutions.”

For the United States, there’s a long runway for further democratic backsliding. Some analysts believe it’s necessary for the full weight of the judicial system to be brought to bear against Trump, even while others warn of the dangerous precedent it may set. A considerable minority of Americans buy into Trump’s narrative of victimhood and persecution by the Democratic establishment.

“Trump’s whole presidency was unprecedented,” countered Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian at New York University and scholar of 20th century authoritarian politics. “He differed from past heads of state of either party in having zero interest in public welfare or consensus politics. His goals were autocratic: amassing power, domesticating the GOP, and having his financial and other personal interests prevail over national ones in shaping domestic and foreign policy.”

Trump’s Republican critics have been demoralized by the extent to which the party’s base has abandoned them and flocked to the Trumpist banner. “Maybe there wasn’t going to be a tidal wave of people to come over, but I certainly didn’t think I’d be alone,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) said to reporters last week. Along with Cheney, Kinzinger served on the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot; he is not seeking reelection in November.

Now, Trump may see a path to override the institutional checks and the instruments of accountability set against him. Sean Illing, co-author of the new book “The Paradox of Democracy” that traces the long history of democracies growing susceptible to would-be authoritarians, warned that the United States’ existing democratic guardrails may not hold if large numbers of Republicans vote for people who explicitly “promise to subvert the rule of law.”

“The only response is to persuade more people to resist it,” Illing told Post columnist Greg Sargent. “The history of democratic decline is a history of demagogues and autocrats exploiting the openness of democratic cultures to mobilize people against the very institutions that sustain democracy itself.”

Calcio Storico Fiorentino in comparison the super-armored champions of American football make you laugh.

Un colloquio di lavoro con i cittadini

“I am Giorgia! I am a woman. I am a mother. I am Italian, and I am Christian. And you cannot take that away from me!”

Far-right Italian leader Meloni rides popular wave in polls

1 of 10
FILE — Giorgia Meloni holds an Italian flag as she addresses a rally in Rome, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019. With God, homeland and "natural" family prominent in her political manifesto, Giorgia Meloni, whose Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) party with neo-fascist roots has been fast rising in popularity in view of the upcoming Sept. 25 elections for Parliament, is positioning herself to become Italy's first far-right premier and the first woman to hold that office. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

ROME (AP) — With a message that blends Christianity, motherhood and patriotism, Giorgia Meloni is riding a wave of popularity that next month could see her become Italy’s first female prime minister and its first far-right leader since World War II.

Even though her Brothers of Italy party has neo-fascist roots, Meloni has sought to dispel concerns about its legacy, saying voters have grown tired of such discussions.

Still, there are nagging signs that such a legacy can’t be shaken off so easily: Her party’s symbol includes an image of a tricolored flame, borrowed from a neo-fascist party formed shortly after the end of the war.

If Brothers of Italy prevails at the polls on Sept. 25 and the 45-year-old Meloni becomes premier, it will come almost 100 years to the month after Benito Mussolini, Italy’s fascist dictator, came to power in October 1922.

In 2019, Meloni proudly introduced Caio Giulio Cesare Mussolini, a great-grandson of the dictator, as one of her candidates for the European Parliament, although he eventually lost.

For most Italian voters, questions about anti-fascism and neo-fascism aren’t “a key driver of whom to vote for,” said Lorenzo Pregliasco, head of the YouTrend polling company. ”They don’t see that as part of the present. They see that as part of the past.”

Still, Meloni is sensitive to international scrutiny about her possible premiership and prefers the term conservative instead of far right to describe her party.

She recently recorded video messages in English, French and Spanish that said the Italian right “has handed fascism over to history for decades now, unambiguously condemning the suppression of democracy and the ignominious anti-Jewish laws.”

That was a reference to the 1938 laws banning Italy’s small Jewish community from participating in business, education and other facets of everyday life. The laws paved the way for the deportation of many Italian Jews to Nazi death camps during the German occupation of Rome in the waning years of World War II.

Yet by keeping the tri-colored flame in her party’s logo, “she is symbolically playing on that heritage,” said David Art, a Tufts University political science professor who studies Europe’s far right. “But then she wants to say, ‘We’re not racist.’”

Unlike Germany, which worked to come to terms with its devastating Nazi legacy, the fascist period is little scrutinized in Italian schools and universities, says Gastone Malaguti. Now 96, he fought as a teenager against Mussolini’s forces. In his decades of visiting classrooms to talk about Italy’s anti-fascist Resistance, he found many students “ignorant” of that history.

Only five years ago, Brothers of Italy — its name is inspired by the opening words of the national anthem — was viewed as a fringe force, winning 4.4% of the vote. Now, opinion polls indicate it could come in first place in September and capture as much as 24% support, just ahead of the center-left Democrat Party led by former Premier Enrico Letta.

Under Italy’s complex, partially proportional electoral system, campaign coalitions are what propels party leaders into the premiership, not just votes. Right-wing politicians have done a far better job this year than the Democrats of forging wide-ranging electoral partnerships.

Meloni has allied with the right-wing League party led by Matteo Salvini, who, like her, favors crackdowns on illegal migration. Her other electoral ally is the center-right Forza Italia party of former Premier Silvio Berlusconi.

Last year, her party was the only major one to refuse to join Italy’s national pandemic unity coalition led by Premier Mario Draghi, the former European Central Bank chief. Draghi’s government collapsed last month, abruptly abandoned by Salvini, Berlusconi and 5-Star leader Giuseppe Conte, who are all preoccupied with their parties’ slipping fortunes in opinion polls and local elections.

In opinion surveys, Meloni is “credited with a consistent and coherent approach to politics. She didn’t compromise,” Pregliasco said, adding that she also is perceived as “a leader who has clear ideas — not everyone agrees with those ideas, of course.”

She has apologized for the “tone” but not the content of a blistering speech she delivered in June in Spain to drum up support for far-right party Vox.

“They will say we are dangerous, extremists, racists, fascists, deniers and homophobes,″ Meloni thundered, in an apparent reference to Holocaust deniers. She ended with a crescendo of shouted slogans: “Yes to natural families! No to LGBT lobbies! Yes to sexual identity! No to gender ideology!”

Meloni slammed ”bureaucrats in Brussels″ and “climate fundamentalism.” Meloni, who has a young daughter, claimed that “the most censured” phrase is “woman and motherhood.”

Abortion hasn’t emerged as a campaign issue in Italy, where it’s legal. But Meloni has decried Italy’s shrinking birth rate, which would be even lower without immigrant women having babies.

At a rally of right-wing supporters in Rome in 2019, Meloni drew roars of approval when she yelled in a staccato pace: “I am Giorgia! I am a woman. I am a mother. I am Italian, and I am Christian. And you cannot take that away from me!”

Within days, her proclamation became fodder for a rap song’s lyrics. While some saw that as a parody, Meloni loved it and even sang a few bars on a state radio program.

According to her 2021 memoir “I am Giorgia,” much of her identity was forged by growing up in Rome’s working-class Garbatella neighborhood. At 15, she joined a youth branch of the Italian Social Movement, the neo-fascist party with the flame symbol, and plastered political posters in the capital.

When she was 31, Berlusconi made her the minister of youth in his third and last government. But she soon blazed her own path, co-founding Brothers of Italy in 2012.

Both Salvini and Meloni say they are safeguarding what they call Europe’s Christian identity. Salvini kisses dangling rosaries and wears a large cross on his often-bared chest, while Meloni’s tiny cross sometimes peeks out from her loose-fitting blouses.

Her party staunchly backed Draghi’s moves to send weapons to Ukraine, even as Salvini and Berlusconi, open admirers of Russian President Vladimir Putin, issued only tepid support. Meloni also defends the NATO alliance anchored by the United States, a fellow Group of Seven country. But she often views European Union rules as an infringement on Italy’s sovereignty.

If Meloni’s far-right forces dominate Italy’s next government, there’s concern about the support Italy will give to right-wing governments in Hungary and Poland “for their deeply conservative agendas″ amid fears about a ”democratic backsliding” in the EU, Art said.

For her part, Meloni says she will “fiercely oppose any anti-democratic drift.”

Trump senza i passaporti (tante le volte che volesse scappare da Putin)

Trump now claims FBI agents seized three of his PASSPORTS during the Mar-a-Lago raidDonald Trump claimed his passports were 'stolen' in the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago
If true, he cannot leave the country
'Wow. In the raid by the FBI or Mar-a-Lago, they stole my three Passports (one expired), along with everything else,' he said on Truth Social
Trump likely has a regular blue passport issued to U.S. citizens and a red 'diplomatic' passport issued for official government travel
He would have received a diplomatic passport as president


Donald Trump on Monday claimed his passports were 'stolen' in the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago last week, which would mean he could not leave the country.

He called it an 'assault on a political opponent.'

'Wow. In the raid by the FBI or Mar-a-Lago, they stole my three Passports (one expired), along with everything else. This is an assault on a political opponent at a level never before seen in our country. Third World,' he wrote on his Truth Social social media account.

He likely has a regular blue passport issued to U.S. citizens and a red 'diplomatic' passport issued for official government travel. He would have received a diplomatic passport as president.

But, without a legal passport, Trump would not be able to travel outside of the United States.

It's unclear what passports were seized, and, if it was done because the former president is considered a flight risk. It's also unclear if Trump currently has a valid passport in his possession.

Trump's office did not immediately respond to's inquiry.

Donald Trump claimed his passports were 'stolen' in the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago last week

His comment that it is an 'assault on a political opponnet' reflects a strategy adopted by him and his family, as they have gone on the defense, where they have accused President Joe Biden of having ordered the raid.

The White House said the president found out about the raid from public reports.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said he 'personally approved' the raid, which was part of a federal investigation into documents Trump took with him after he left the White House. According to federal law, any presidential records are the property of the federal government.

Garland did not give any additional details about the investigation but said the Justice Department requested the warrant and inventory list be made public due to the high level of public interest in the investigation.

And the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Sunday that President Biden hasn't been briefed on it at all.

'Not been briefed. We have not interfered,' she said on ABC's This Week.

Trump has been battling back since he announced his Palm Beach residence was raided by federal agents, including warningthe FBI and Department of Justice that 'terrible things' will happen in the United States if the 'temperature' doesn't come down.

Trump told Fox News Digital that he has offered to do 'whatever he can' to fix the simmering tensions because people are 'so angry at what is taking place'.

Federal law enforcement agencies are warning of 'an increase in threats and acts of violence' directed at FBI personnel after agents executed a search warrant on Trump's Florida home.

Days after the raid, a man who posted regularly on Trump's Truth Social site tried to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati field office in Ohio, armed with an AR-15 style rifle and a nail gun. He fled the scene and was later killed in a standoff.

On social media, there has been increased chatter about a civil war and threats of violence against FBI agents.

Trump also told Fox News Digital that he had his representatives reach out to the DOJ to offer assistance as outrage in his base ensues over the FBI's raid on his private residence.

'People are so angry at what is taking place,' Trump told Fox when asked about reaching out. 'Whatever we can do to help—because the temperature has to be brought down in the country. If it isn't, terrible things are going to happen.'

He added: 'The people of this country are not going to stand for another scam.'

During Monday's raid of Trump's Florida home, FBI agents took 11 sets of classified documents, photographs and other files marked 'top secret' among boxes of items.

In all, FBI agents took 27 boxes of documents, according to the federal warrant.

The inventory of items taken by the agents includes some specific items, including an 'Executive Grant of Clemency: Re Roger Jason Stone Jr' - a former Trump adviser who was pardoned in the last days of Trump's presidency - and 'info re: President of France.'

The list also includes more generic labels like 'Various classified/TS/SCI documents.' In the national security world, the 'TS/SCI' abbreviation generally refers to Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information - available only to those with the highest level of clearance.

Also listed are four sets of 'top secret' documents, three of 'secret' documents and three sets of 'confidential' documents, but the receipt offers no further information about what they contained.

Lawyers for Trump insist that as president he had the power to declassify the documents before leaving office.

Trump also has accused the FBI of taking documents that fall under attorney-client priviledge and demanding their return.

'Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged 'attorney-client' material, and also 'executive' privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken,' Trump said Sunday on Truth Social.

In all, FBI agents took 27 boxes of documents when it raided Mar-a-Lago last week, according to the federal warrant

Donald Trump demanded via Truth Social on Sunday that the FBI return to him documents they seized during the Monday raid of Mar-a-Lago that contained 'attorney-client' and 'executive privileged'
The 'Receipt for Property' lists items seized, including an 'Executive Grant of Clemency: Re Roger Jason Stone Jr' - a former Trump adviser who was pardoned in the last days of Trump's presidency - 'info re: President of France ' and a 'handwritten note'
Warrant gives insight into raid of Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate

He said that the FBI should consider his post on the alternative social media site his formal request that the documents be returned to his Palm Beach estate.

'By copy of this TRUTH,' Trump wrote on Sunday, 'I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!'

Monday's raid was part of a longer-running investigation into documents Trump took with him when he left the White House.

Under the Presidential Records Act, all such documents must be turned over to the National Archives and Records Administration at the end of each presidential administration.

The law declared all presidential and vice presidential records property of the federal government, with 'custody, control and preservation' of the records delegated to the National Archives when a president leaves office.

Trump returned 15 boxes to the Archives earlier this year. But, on Monday, in a day-long search, agents went through storage space at Mar-a-Lago and areas in Trump's personal residence, removing more material.

La possibilita' che venga incriminato e che scoppi la guerra civile e' sempre piu' attuale

A Trump Indictment Over Mishandling Classified Documents Is Now a Very Real Possibility

Mitchell Epner The Daily Beast

Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

The warrant obtained by the FBI to search former President Donald Trump’s office and residence at Mar-A-Lago has been made public, and it is a shocker. And I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but this could be the big one—the case where Trump can’t escape legal accountability.

Appendix B to the search warrant states that the warrant is to search for evidence of violations of the Espionage Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 793, and two other statutes.

What did former President Trump do that could be considered a violation of the Espionage Act?

It appears that Trump allegedly held on to top secret records that he originally lawfully possessed after their return had been demanded by the National Archives.

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Section 793(d) of the Espionage Act states “Whoever, lawfully having possession of…any document…relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation…willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it” is guilty.

Does it matter that former President Trump states that he de-classified the materials found at Mar-A-Lago? No.

Section 793(d) is not restricted to classified materials. Rather, it covers any document “relating to the national defense” that contains information that the possessor has reason to believe would be detrimental to the United States if made public. Here, the search warrant return states that documents seized from Mar-A-Lago include “classified/TS/SCI documents” (meaning Top Secret or Secure Compartmentalized Information), “Top Secret Documents,” “Secret Documents,” and “Confidential Documents.”

Even if former President Trump de-classified these documents before his term ended, the information contained in those documents would still fall squarely within Section 793(d).

How do we know that former President Trump was asked to return these documents to the US government?

In February 2022, the National Archives revealed that former President Trump had brought 15 boxes of materials from the White House to Mar-A-Lago.

David Ferriero, the National Archivist, wrote to Congress that “NARA has asked the representatives of former President Trump to continue to search for any additional Presidential records that have not been transferred to NARA, as required by the Presidential Records Act.”

More recently, it was revealed that a subpoena was issued for return of these documents, but that former President Trump did not return all of the documents demanded.

What penalties does former President Trump face if convicted under the Espionage Act?

If former President Trump were to be indicted, tried, and convicted under the Espionage Act (all huge ifs), he would face a presumptive sentence of between 14-17.5 years imprisonment.

The penalty for each count of violation of Section 793(d) is imprisonment of “not more than ten years.” Each document wrongfully retained by former President Trump would constitute a separate count of conviction, meaning that he could face up to 10 years for each document.

Sentences in the federal system, however, are calculated by reference to the United States Sentencing Guidelines. These guidelines create a presumptive sentence, from which a District Court judge may depart in their discretion, although, ordinarily, the District Court judge will impose a sentence within the range calculated by the Sentencing Guidelines.

Violation of the Espionage Act is governed by Section 2M3.2:

Because Top Secret (and above) information was apparently wrongfully retained by former President Trump, the guideline offense level would be 35. Although there could be upward adjustments for various aggravating factors (such as an abuse of a position of trust), an offense level of 35 and no prior criminal history would expose former President Trump to a presumptive sentence of 168-210 months (14 - 17.5 years).

What happens next and how long will it take?

There is likely to be a long period before the next activity in this case becomes public.

First, because the documents were seized by a search warrant, there is a possibility that some of the documents might be covered by attorney-client privilege. The Department of Justice will use a “taint team” to review the documents for privilege, before handing any of them over to the investigative team of FBI agents and Assistant United States Attorneys. Former President Trump’s attorneys will be able to participate in this process. To the extent that there is any dispute about the privileged status of any of the documents, the decision will be made by a federal judge. This process usually takes weeks or months.

The FBI’s Search of Mar-a-Lago Is a Reminder That Trump Has Always Been a National Security Threat

The DOJ follows a tradition (which is not included in any written DOJ policy) of not taking public action in a politically-sensitive case in close proximity to an election. Depending on who you ask, this unwritten policy means that the DOJ will not indict a case (or otherwise make news) within 60 or 90 days of a general election. The search warrant was executed at Mar-A-Lago 91 days before the midterm elections on November 8.

When the DOJ emerges from the quiet period after the November 8 elections, the next logical step would be an indictment, which might include charges other than violations of the Espionage Act.

An indictment of a former President of the United States would be unprecedented. Of course, the actions of former President Trump are likewise unprecedented.

Read more at The Daily Beast.


 Massimo Gaggi per il “Corriere della Sera” (via Dagospia)

trump murdochTRUMP MURDOCH

Pur evitando di formularli in pubblico, Rupert Murdoch, editore ultranovantenne e ultraconservatore, dà spesso giudizi sprezzanti su Donald Trump. Ma la sua Fox News, la corazzata dell'informazione di destra, continua ugualmente a sostenere l'ex presidente in vista delle elezioni del 2024, anche se ha cominciato a dare spazio pure a possibili candidati alternativi.


Il figlio James, erede designato del gruppo Murdoch e per anni suo amministratore delegato di fatto, se n'è andato da tempo senza nascondere la sua indignazione per come la Fox ha spalleggiato Trump anche nelle sue mosse apertamente antidemocratiche.

Il fratello Lachlan, che lo ha sostituito al vertice del gruppo, non ha fatto mistero delle sue simpatie per la destra più radicale in discorsi pubblici e difendendo i conduttori della Fox anche quando hanno sostenuto che l'assalto al Congresso era una manovra della sinistra contro Trump o hanno sposato la teoria cospirativa della «grande sostituzione»: una congiura contro i bianchi d'America destinati a diventare minoranza oppressa.


donald trump e ruper murdochDONALD TRUMP E RUPER MURDOCH

Da qualche mese, però, anche Lachlan sostiene in privato che Trump è un male per l'America. Ma poi aggiunge (racconto della Cnn) che la Fox non smetterà di sostenerlo perché altrimenti perderebbe gran parte della sua audience: nonostante tutti i danni che ha procurato all'America, la violazione delle regole democratiche e gli atti illegali ormai dimostrati al di là di ogni ragionevole dubbio, Trump rimane popolarissimo nella destra americana. Perché?


perquisizione dell fbi a mar a lago immagini aeree 2PERQUISIZIONE DELL FBI A MAR A LAGO IMMAGINI AEREE 2

Com' è possibile che un personaggio che prima si è inimicato l'intero establishment conservatore, poi ha rotto con quasi tutti i personaggi chiamati a collaborare con lui alla Casa Bianca (licenziati o andati via sbattendo la porta, pubblicando, poi, memorie roventi) e che sembra aver perso il sostegno di molti suoi finanziatori, tentati di appoggiare politici più giovani e affidabili, sia ancora un candidato pressoché imbattibile nel fronte conservatore?


donald trumpDONALD TRUMP

Prima della sconfitta del novembre 2020 erano stati pubblicati decine di saggi sulla diabolica abilità comunicativa e anche sull'intuito politico di The Donald . Tutto dimenticato nei mesi del suo silenzioso ritiro a Mar-a-Lago dopo l'assalto al Congresso e il tentativo, fallito, di sovvertire l'esito del voto presidenziale.


Mentre i giornali si riempivano di analisi sulla fine della sua carriera politica, Trump giocava a golf e lavorava alla costruzione del «secondo atto» della sua battaglia per la Casa Bianca, spinto da un'ossessione: non solo la voglia di rivincita, ma anche la determinazione a non riconoscere la sconfitta del 2020.


dibattito trump clintonDIBATTITO TRUMP CLINTON

La sua intenzione, una volta tornato presidente, è quella di pretendere poteri più vasti da un Parlamento sempre più trumpiano: per gestire la cosa pubblica in modo personalistico senza troppi dibattiti e garanzie democratiche che allungano i tempi e costringono a cercare soluzioni di compromesso. E anche con la speranza di sovvertire un ordine giudiziario che, benché composto soprattutto da magistrati conservatori, fin qui ha confermato la correttezza dell'elezione di Joe Biden.


La forza di Trump si basa soprattutto su tre fattori. In primo luogo la sua capacità di mantenere compatto nel tempo lo zoccolo duro - minoritario ma molto determinato - dei suoi supporter (il popolo dei forgotten men , i bianchi allergici alla società multietnica e altro ancora) che vede in lui ben più di un leader politico: l'uomo capace di rassicurarli, di incarnare il loro desiderio di vendetta sociale, di lenire le loro frustrazioni.



Poco male se nei 4 anni della presidenza Trump per loro le cose non sono migliorate: i forgotten men non si fanno grandi illusioni, non credono nelle virtù dell'economia. Si accontentano di espressioni consolatorie, di parole d'ordine, di proclami libertari, di ribellioni alle regole imposte da governi «socialisti».


Il secondo fattore è la capacità di Trump di mettersi in sintonia col suo popolo, di intrattenerlo facendo spettacolo più che parlando di politica, di costruire parole d'ordine suggestive, di sfruttare mediaticamente a suo favore anche le informazioni negative diffuse su di lui. In questo modo nel 2016 ha sbaragliato la concorrenza degli altri candidati repubblicani e poi è riuscito a prevalere su Hillary Clinton.


supporter armati di trump per strada in arizonaSUPPORTER ARMATI DI TRUMP PER STRADA IN ARIZONA

Nello stesso modo i quattro filoni di indagini in corso su Trump - l'assalto al Congresso di un anno e mezzo fa col tentativo di bloccare la ratifica dell'elezione di Biden, i documenti presidenziali trafugati, le presunte irregolarità finanziarie e fiscali delle sue aziende e il tentativo di alterare il risultato elettorale della Georgia - consentono ora a The Donald di presentarsi agli elettori come un leader che può essere abbattuto solo per via giudiziaria perché inarrestabile sul piano politico.



Salvo che fermarlo in tribunale non sarà affatto facile: l'incriminazione di un ex presidente sarebbe un atto senza precedenti nella storia americana. Se, anche, si arriverà a tanto, Trump darà battaglia (e farà spettacolo) fino alla Corte Suprema. Dove c'è una maggioranza ultraconservatrice da lui stesso plasmata coi tre giudici che ha nominato durante il suo mandato presidenziale.


Il terzo fattore, che è anche il più delicato, ha a che vedere con la devastante capacità di Trump di sfruttare i processi di radicalizzazione politica in corso già da lungo tempo negli Usa, per modificare la sensibilità democratica di gran parte del fronte conservatore fino al punto di rendere minoritaria la destra che crede ancora nella Costituzione e nei meccanismi di una democrazia che può funzionare solo se chi perde riconosce la sconfitta e non tenta di delegittimare il vincitore.


donald trump 2DONALD TRUMP 2

Sono in tanti ormai, non solo nella destra moderata ma anche in quella più integralista, a capire che Trump rappresenta una minaccia per la democrazia Usa: vorrebbero sostituirlo con un conservatore altrettanto radicale, ma più rispettoso della Costituzione. Impresa proibitiva, visto che, alla luce dei risultati delle primarie, il prossimo Congresso sarà ancor più favorevole a Trump mentre l'esercito dei fan dell'ex presidente, inebriato da un autoritarismo che trova addirittura rassicurante, prepara una campagna elettorale assai bellicosa.