News and comments from the Capital of the United States (and other places in the World) in English and Italian. Video, pictures, Music (pop and classic). Premio internazionale "Amerigo".
CNN suspends Chris Cuomo ‘indefinitely, pending further evaluation’
The decision follows revelations that he was far more involved in the efforts of his brother, former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, than previously known.
By Sarah Ellison (TWP)
CNN has suspended Chris Cuomo, its biggest star, following the release of transcripts from the New York Attorney General’s investigation into the former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. A CNN spokesman released a statement Tuesday evening saying that the documents released as part of the investigation “raise serious questions.”
“When Chris admitted to us that he had offered advice to his brother’s staff, he broke our rules and we acknowledged that publicly,” the statement read. “But we also appreciated the unique position he was in and understood his need to put family first and job second. However, these documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother’s efforts than we previously knew. As a result, we have suspended Chris indefinitely, pending further evaluation.”
Se Germania, Francia e Italia si muovono insieme, l’Europa si metterà a correre
Articolo di Romano Prodi su Il Messaggero del 28 novembre 2021
Il trattato del Quirinale è oggettivamente importante, non tanto perché intende porre rimedio ad alcune divergenze che, nel recente passato, hanno turbato i rapporti fra Francia e Italia, ma perché pone le premesse per una convergenza tra i due paesi su molti capitoli della futura politica europea, dalla difesa alla cultura, dalle politiche giovanili all’emigrazione. Nulla a che vedere con il significato dell’accordo firmato tra Germania e Francia del 1963.
Un accordo che voleva porre fine a una tragedia secolare, che aveva insanguinato tutta l’Europa in un modo irreparabile. Come scrive Le Monde, i rapporti fra Francia e Italia sono stati certamente complicati, ma i due paesi sono stati nemici solo per poco tempo.
Il testo conclusivo elenca in modo analitico il cammino per raggiungere alcuni traguardi concreti, come il lavoro comune necessario per regolare i flussi migratori e le cooperazioni nel campo della giustizia e della sicurezza. Tutto questo è estremamente utile a entrambi i paesi, ma il più importante e immediato risultato dell’accordo del Quirinale è la prospettiva di una stretta collaborazione per preparare una comune politica economica e monetaria in ambito europeo.
Tanto Macron, quanto Draghi, sono infatti convinti che si debbano rafforzare i legami costruiti con il Next GenerationEU e che si debba radicalmente riformare il patto di stabilità, in modo da evitare la ripetizione delle politiche di austerità che hanno guidato la politica europea nel periodo che ha preceduto il Covid.
La strategia comune fra Francia e Italia non può che giovare a entrambi i protagonisti, ma occorrerà apprestare in tempi brevi non solo gli indispensabili schemi di governance, come le previste riunioni ministeriali, ma anche i contenuti delle azioni da mettere in comune.
Dal punto di vista strettamente politico, la necessaria priorità sarà quella di armonizzare una comune strategia per la Libia. Non dimentichiamo infatti che anche le passate divergenze fra Francia e Italia hanno favorito l’entrata in campo di attori che, come la Turchia e la Russia, nulla hanno a che fare con la Libia stessa.
Credo quindi che gli incontri ministeriali comuni debbano non solo trovare una soluzione concordata riguardo ai noti problemi dei cantieri navali, ma debbano progettare una comune strategia e comuni iniziative nei settori del futuro, come l’aerospaziale e le nuove energie.
E non vedo perché il governo italiano e il governo francese, approfittando di una efficiente azienda che già posseggono in comune (STMicroelectronics) non si pongano come obiettivo la creazione di un’impresa europea dominante nel campo dei semiconduttori più raffinati. Le alleanze globali, come quelle previste dall’accordo del Quirinale, si consolidano infatti non solo con la chiusura delle passate controversie, ma con la messa in comune degli strumenti per costruire il futuro.
Ancora più importante è tuttavia l’osservazione che, con un accordo fra Italia e Germania, si verrebbe a creare un triplice legame che, pur con la flessibilità contenuta nei diversi trattati, avrebbe la conseguenza di costruire un primo nucleo di un’Unione Europea molto più coesa e capace di rispondere alla sfida che Stati Uniti e Cina stanno portando a tutto il mondo.
Non ho infatti paura di un’Europa a più velocità, ma di un’Europa immobile. Se Germania, Francia e Italia si muovono insieme, tutta l’Europa si metterà a correre.
I sovranisti francesi freno per l’Ue – Berlusconi al Colle? Impari a fare i conti
Berlusconi al Colle? Impari a fare i conti”
Intervista di Annalisa Cuzzocrea a Romano Prodi su La Stampa del 26 novembre 2021
Se gli si chiede “Come sta?”, Romano Prodi risponde: “Troppo bene”. E si sente – nella voce – che è così. Ha scritto un libro che racconta attraverso 100 immagini il senso dell’Europa ai suoi nipoti, e a tutti noi. Lo ha fatto con una sorta di candore: ricorda, l’ex presidente del Consiglio e della Commissione europea, che da quando i nostri Paesi si sono uniti, nel continente sono cessate le guerre. Ripercorre questa prima conquista e poi tutte le altre, parla delle ferite, dei pericoli, ma sempre – costantemente – delle possibilità. Di quel che c’è ancora da fare e di come bisogna agire. Sul Quirinale dice: “So contare, quindi seppure questo Pd non fosse più quello dei 101, è troppo piccolo per dare le carte”. Quanto a Silvio Berlusconi: “La sua aspirazione è legittima, ma dovrebbe imparare a contare anche lui”.
“Perché bisogna far entrare il senso dell’Europa nell’immagine quotidiana della vita politica, come un fatto familiare e nello stesso tempo fatale. Non è un caso che abbia dedicato questo libro ai miei nipoti: spero vedano l’Europa compiuta, ma non ne sono sicuro perché i processi democratici, se vogliono essere tali, sono molto lenti. E’ il nostro problema nella sfida con i regimi autoritari, che sono molto più veloci”.
Scrive che bisogna superare il meccanismo dell’unanimità per far marciare l’Unione, troppo spesso bloccata da interessi contingenti dei singoli Stati.
“Sia per la politica contingente che per il semplice fatto che con il diritto di veto un nano si sente un gigante“.
A commento di un’immagine che ricorda il piano Marshall, spiega che per una vera ricostruzione servono forza e coesione della società. Oggi le abbiamo?
“Parliamo soltanto di soldi! O di generici macro-processi di riforme. E invece il cambiamento si fa con i mutamenti nella vita quotidiana. Servono il funzionamento della pubblica amministrazione, della giustizia, ma anche delle imprese, della struttura economica. Altrimenti avremo solo un bellissimo respiro che rischia di durare poco. Non è approfittando di un incentivo temporaneo che si cambia il Paese”.
Visto quello che accade nei Paesi dell’ex blocco sovietico, si è mai pentito dell’allargamento a Est?
Giorgia Meloni guarda molto a Orban, alla destra spagnola di Vox.
“Ma è amore o è ancora una volta politica interna pura pura pura? Che adocchia un elettorato di ‘no vax politici’ per curare la diversità della sua base? Così facendo mette in difficoltà un grande disegno per un interesse breve, accodandosi a una storia arretrata”.
L’Europa dei sovranisti arretra davvero?
“Sì, ma quello che mi preoccupa è un rigurgito di sovranismo in Francia. Che per motivi di politica interna un uomo come Michel Barnier metta delle piccole zeppe perché è entrato in una situazione pre-elettorale, mi colpisce. Sa bene che il diritto europeo deve stare sopra quello degli Stati, sennò si sfascia tutto. Ancora una volta c’è un aspetto della Francia profonda che rallenta la corsa”.
Come fu per la Costituzione europea?
“Esattamente. Ho visto molte volte la Francia governare con lo specchietto retrovisore. E invece ora bisogna definire una volta per tutte i confini dell’Europa: entrino Albania, Serbia e gli altri Paesi della ex Jugoslavia. Poi basta. La Turchia ha scelto un’altra strada“.
Come possiamo richiamarci ai valori europei e tenere fuori con la forza, l’indifferenza e la violenza profughi che le leggi internazionali ci chiedono di accogliere?
“Sono d’accordo con Ursula von der Leyen: non possiamo noi europei finanziare muri. Davanti a quel che accade in queste ore, anche nella Manica, spero che i Paesi del Nord si accorgano finalmente che l’immigrazione è un problema di tutti e cambino le regole di Dublino”.
La coalizione tedesca vuole dare la cittadinanza agli immigrati dopo tre anni. Sono pazzi loro o noi?
“Ho sempre pensato che sull’immigrazione bisognasse aprire e nello stesso tempo tranquillizzare il nostri cittadini, per questo avrei cominciato da tempo ad intervenire gradualmente, a partire dallo ius culturae. Conosco ragazzi che sono raffinati tecnici, lavorano qui da molti anni, poi scopro che non hanno la cittadinanza. Che senso ha?”.
Una delle immagini che ha scelto è un’allegoria del populismo che mangia la democrazia.
Cosa pensa della trasformazione dei 5 stelle: da forza antisistema a forza istituzionalizzata?
“Era fatale, inevitabile quando si deve andare al governo”.
Nel centrosinistra c’è chi li vuole accanto e chi li vuole fuori: lei con chi sta?
“Ho interpretato le ultime comunali come un esperimento e tutto sommato la ritengo un’alleanza possibile. Ma in alcuni processi di cambiamento i 5 stelle devono fare grandi passi avanti. Pensavo che dopo l’uscita di Di Battista il processo accelerasse. Mi dicevo: è uscita la frangia estrema, il partito adesso…mi è scappata la parola partito”.
Scappa spesso anche a loro.
“Pensavo fosse entrato in una fase di revisione e che questo avrebbe accelerato tutto, ma è un percorso ben più lento. Se ci sono nuove scissioni, il Movimento è finito. Se si dividono ancora, vanno a finire in nulla.
Dello spostamento a destra di Renzi che pensa?
“La situazione di Renzi è molto difficile. Da solo non può stare, col Pd fa a botte quotidianamente. E’ la sua vita che l’ha portato a destra. Se rompi, rompi, rompi…c’è stato un attimo in cui progettava di dar vita a un centro moderato, poi si è messo a litigare anche con quel poco di centro che c’è!”
E Carlo Calenda?
“È molto più empirico. Quando non si infuria, per i contenuti, sembra un alleato naturale del Pd. Ma per lui c’è il problema dei 5 stelle. Ecco cosa: è bravo, ma impaziente. In politica la pazienza è fondamentale”.
“Quello di Enrico Letta è un lavoro paziente che tende a unire e finalmente sta dando frutto. Ulivo o non Ulivo, ciò che conta è mettere insieme i riformisti”.
Avrebbe mai pensato che avremmo parlato un giorno della possibilità che Silvio Berlusconi vada al Colle?
“E’ un suo legittimo desiderio, ma se anche Berlusconi imparasse a contare, capirebbe che non è realizzabile”.
Cosa pensa delle tensioni nel Paese per i no vax, i no green pass, le proteste di chi non accetta le misure per contrastare la pandemia?
“Ho sempre pensato che i problemi si sarebbero risolti con il vaccino obbligatorio, poi capisco che in politica si fa quello che si può. E’ una strana involuzione: l’umanità ha sempre accettato tutti i vaccini e ora vi si oppone. Purtroppo non è un economista che può dare risposte su come e perché siano nate queste angosce, del tutto ingiustificate, ascientifiche, un vero regresso dell’umanità”.
Noi vecchi non possiamo essere e sentirci vecchi, soprattutto il Giorno del Ringraziamento
Iniziando dal diabete innescato dall’obesità che colpisce più di 130 milioni di individui su una popolazione di 340 milioni.
E l’obesità - diabete è scatenata a sua volta dal cibo spazzatura imposto dalle campagne di marketing che la gente assorbe passivamente nelle ore di consumo televisivo giornaliero.
La colpa e’ della società (tanto per lamentarsi) e della cultura nella quale viviamo tutti quanti, giovani e anziani.
Il giovanilismo dilagante ha impestato e annullato le corrette distinzioni naturali sulle quali si è basata la vita del cosiddetto homo sapiens da settecento milioni di anni fa sino ad oggi.
Essere anziano è quasi un crimine in molte società occidentali a cominciare da quella nella quale vivo da decenni e cioè gli Stati Uniti d’America.
Sei ancora in vita nonostante l’età? Allora è bene che ti cimenti con la chirurgia plastica perché le rughe e gli appesantimenti della vecchiaia non sono concessi soprattutto alle donne ma sembra ormai accertato anche agli uomini.
Per cui vedi queste facce marmorizzate nelle quali spesso l’intervento del chirurgo o l’iniezione del botulino stanno creando delle cadute asimmetriche della pelle.
I vecchi sono una terribile rottura per il resto della famiglia. Ed allora, se hanno qualche risparmio, meglio cacciarli in quei cimiteri di elefanti che sono le residenze per anziani che qui in America non costano meno di sette-ottomila dollari al mese per pagare i quali si deve vendere qualche proprietà del vecchio pur di levarselo dai piedi.
E bada bene: non è che se stai in uno di quei dormitori di lusso sei garantito quando ti arriva un coccolone perché chiamano immediatamente l’ambulanza e ti scaricano al più vicino pronto soccorso. Dopodiché inizia il calvario prima di arrivare a chiudere per sempre la tua pagina di vita.
Facile immaginare cosa succede a chi non ha possibilità economiche e si vede costretto a immergersi in una bolgia infernale di istituzioni fatiscenti perché in America, ma non solo, se non hai soldi sei finito.
Poi c’è il sesso. Giornali e riviste, radio e televisione parlano sempre più spesso del sesso degli anziani.
Sembra, almeno stando a questi media, che i vecchi rinchiusi nei dormitori di lusso ed anche in quelli meno pregiati pensino soltanto a fare sesso aiutati e sollecitati dalle tonnellate di stimolanti chimici che trovano anche in un settore che sembrava impervio per il marketing aziendale, sbocchi commerciali inauditi.
La chimica sessuale è stato il più grande successo planetario degli ultimi decenni insieme alla chimica del controllo della fertilità.
Il Viagra e gli analoghi prodotti concorrenti hanno modificato miliardi di comportamenti non solo tra i maschi anziani ma anche tra i giovani e meno giovani assetati di prestazioni sovrumane o afflitti da psicosi che ne riducono le capacita’.
Noi vecchi non possiamo essere vecchi se vogliamo avere ancora un minimo di diritto di cittadinanza in una società che, a parte il dolore della pietà familiare, ha applaudito l’ecatombe di massa degli anziani fatta dal virus e dalle sue varianti che hanno scremato, si fa per dire, la società nella quale i vecchi sono una pesante spesa corrente che non produce alcunche.
Per milioni di anni, a cominciare dalle comunità tribali, gli anziani hanno sempre rappresentato un pilastro fondamentale di quelle societa’ anche se allo stato embrionale.
Gli anziani erano i saggi, i depositari degli archivi del ricordo familiare e sociale.
Gli anziani erano il riferimento ai principi etico morali sui quali i giovani dovevano conformarsi.
Gli anziani erano gli eroi sopravvissuti delle battaglie per il mantenimento della specie e quindi modelli di vita sui quali i giovani dovevano orientare le proprie scelte.
Gli anziani erano il rifugio nel quale i giovani potevano attenuare il dolore delle vicende che colpiscono gli affetti.
Gli anziani erano la sicurezza morale in un mondo caratterizzato dalle asperità quotidiane della sopravvivenza.
Oggi tutto questo è cancellato perché la famiglia spesso è distrutta e là dove ancora riesce a sopravvivere la grande mobilità fa sì che il contatto della convivenza con gli anziani sia ormai un capitolo quasi chiuso.
Il ritrovarsi insieme in una unità familiare resta per una società come quella americana confinato alla ricorrenza del Giorno del Ringraziamento alla quale si assoggettano gli spezzoni dei nuclei familiari impegnati in lunghe trasferte in auto e in aereo per trascorrere insieme alcune ore nelle quali è sempre più difficile rinserrare antichi vincoli affettivi.
Il mercato del lavoro comincia a rifiutarti alla vigilia della anzianità, superati i cinquant’anni.
Se non hai avuto fortuna e sei oppresso dalle conseguenze di un divorzio i momenti di pace con te stesso si sono ridotti fondamentalmente.
Se non sei riuscito a mantenere un buon rapporto con i figli, se la distanza interposta con loro ti rende sempre più difficile il vederli nonostante gli Zoom e Whatsapp (perché quello che conta è il contatto fisico attraverso cui si riversano i sentimenti), allora ti senti ancora di più mutilato nella tua fisicità.
Capitol riot
The House select committee investigating the January 6 riot issued a new round of subpoenas yesterday to five of former President Donald Trump's allies directly involved in planning "Stop the Steal" rallies, including longtime Republican operative Roger Stone and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
The latest batch of subpoenas indicates the committee continues to focus, in part, on organizers and funding of the "Stop the Steal" rallies that took place on January 5 and 6, as well as earlier rallies in the months leading up to the attack on the US Capitol. Separately, the Biden administration said in a court filing yesterday that former President Donald Trump's presidential records should be turned over to Congress.(CNN)
Chief: No evidence parade-crash suspect knew anyone on route

Toppled chairs line W. Main St. in downtown Waukesha, Wis., after an SUV drove into a parade of Christmas marchers Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021. (John Hart/Wisconsin State Journal via AP)
WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) — The SUV driver who plowed into a Christmas parade in suburban Milwaukee, killing at least five people and injuring 48, was leaving the scene of a domestic dispute that had taken place just minutes earlier, Waukesha’s police chief said Monday.
Police Chief Dan Thompson said that there was no evidence the bloodshed Sunday was a terrorist attack or that the suspect, Darrell Brooks Jr., knew anyone in the parade. Brooks acted alone, the chief said.
Brooks, 39, of Milwaukee, had left the site of the domestic disturbance before officers arrived, and was not being chased by police at the time of the crash, according to the chief, who gave no further details on the dispute.
Police said they were drawing up five charges of intentional homicide against Brooks.
He has been charged with crimes 16 times since 1999 and had two outstanding cases against him at the time of the parade disaster — including one in which he was accused of deliberately running down a woman with his vehicle.
On Sunday, a joyous scene of marching bands and children dancing in Santa hats and waving pompoms gave way in an instant to screams and the sight of crumpled bodies as the SUV sped through barricades and struck dancers, musicians and others in the community of 72,000.
The dead were identified as four women ages 52 to 79 and an 81-year-old man. Members of a Dancing Grannies club were among those killed, as was a bank employee.

Mayor Shawn Reilly described the parade as a “Norman Rockwell-type” event that “became a nightmare.”
“It looked like dummies being thrown in the air,” said Nicole Schneiter, who was there with her children and grandchildren. “It took a second to register, like, ‘Is that what we really just saw?’ And then you looked in the road and there were just people laying in the road.”
At least nine patients, most of them children, were listed in critical condition at two hospitals, and seven others were reported in serious condition.
The chief said that while police were not pursuing Brooks before he entered the parade route, an officer did fire a shot to try to stop him but ceased shooting because of the danger to others. Brooks was not injured.
Brooks has two open criminal cases in Milwaukee County. In one case, filed Nov. 5, he is charged with resisting or obstructing an officer, reckless endangering, disorderly conduct, bail jumping and battery. Records show his $1,000 cash bond was posted on Friday.
In that case, a woman told police that Brooks deliberately ran her over with his vehicle in a gas station parking lot after a fight. She was hospitalized for her injuries.
In the other case, filed in July 2020, Brooks is charged with reckless endangering and illegal possession of a firearm.
His attorney in those cases, Joseph Domask, said he was not representing him in the parade crash.
The Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office said prosecutors’ $1,000 bail recommendation for Brooks was “inappropriately low,” given the charges. The DA’s office said it is investigating the matter.
Republican Rebecca Kleefisch, a former Wisconsin lieutenant governor who is running for governor in 2022, called the killings “yet another avoidable tragedy that occurred because a violent career criminal was allowed to walk free and terrorize our community.”
Brooks is an aspiring rapper. On a YouTube page, a video that has since been removed showed him rapping in front of a red Ford SUV resembling the one at the parade. The rapper uses the name MathBoi Fly on his Twitter and other social media accounts.
The horror of the crash was recorded by the city’s livestream and onlookers’ cellphones. One video shows the moment the SUV broke through the barricades and includes the apparent sound of gunfire.
“It was like a war scene walking through there” afterward, said Ken Walter, who had been riding in the parade in a hot air balloon basket towed on a trailer along with his wife and youngest son. “There were these piles of blankets with cops standing over them that you just knew were bodies.”
Walter said he saw a red SUV careen into view and watched it hit a member of his real estate-agency parade contingent, then barrel straight into members of the Waukesha South High School marching band.
The SUV continued down the parade route. Behind it, people were screaming, running, searching for family and friends and unsure whether they were still in danger, he recalled.
Schneiter said that after sheltering in a store, she emerged to see bodies in the street, along with strollers, chairs, candy and shoes.
Police identified those killed as Virginia Sorenson, 79; LeAnna Owen, 71; Tamara Durand, 52; Jane Kulich, 52; and Wilhelm Hospel, 81.
The Milwaukee Dancing Grannies posted on its Facebook page that its members were “doing what they loved, performing in front of crowds in a parade, putting smiles on faces of all ages, filling them with joy and happiness.”
Eighteen children ages 3 to 16 were brought to Children’s Wisconsin Hospital, including three sets of siblings, said Dr. Amy Drendel, medical director of the emergency department.
They suffered injuries ranging from scrapes on their faces to broken bones and serious head injuries, she said. Six were listed in critical condition.
The Waukesha school district canceled classes Monday and Tuesday and said extra counselors would be on hand for students and staff. The parade’s lineup included cheer, dance and band entries associated with district schools.
The parade, held each year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. This year’s parade was the 59th one.
Waukesha is about 55 miles (90 kilometers) from Kenosha, where Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted Friday of all charges in the shooting deaths of two men and the wounding of a third during unrest there in 2020.
This story has been corrected to show that online court records indicate a Darrell Brooks Jr. faces charges in another case that include second-degree recklessly endangering safety and that bail in a previous case was $1,000, not $500.
Bauer reported from Madison, Wis., and Balsamo reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Doug Glass in Minneapolis, Kathleen Foody in Chicago, Tammy Webber in Fenton, Michigan, Bernard Condon in New York and Michael Biesecker in Washington contributed.
Questo il commento dello Editorial Board del Post alla sentenza di assoluzione del ragazzo che ha ucciso due persone e ferita un'altra
The Post's View
Opinion: Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted, but his actions should not be excused or celebrated
Hannah Gittings, girlfriend of victim Anthony Huber, is embraced as she speaks to the media after the verdict in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wis., on Nov. 19. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters)

By Editorial Board
Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who fatally shot two people and wounded another amid protests and rioting over police conduct in August 2020 in Kenosha, Wis., has been found not guilty of all charges by a jury that seemed to accept his explanation that he acted in self-defense. The jury deliberated 26 hours over four days, and its verdict in a case that was both complex and polarizing must be respected. That, though, doesn’t mean that Mr. Rittenhouse’s actions should be excused or, as some are sadly wont to do, celebrated. Mr. Rittenhouse is not a hero but a hapless young man who armed himself with a gun he shouldn’t have had, foolishly put himself in a volatile situation where he had no business being, and ended up doing grievous and irreparable harm.
After a two-week trial, the jury of seven women and five men on Friday acquitted Mr. Rittenhouse on five felony counts, including homicide and attempted homicide, in connection with the shootings in August 2020 as Kenosha was gripped with unrest over the police shooting of a Black man. Mr. Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time, took to the streets of Kenosha armed with an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle, ostensibly to protect businesses and provide medical assistance. He shot and killed Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and injured Gaige Grosskreutz, who was 26 at the time. Mr. Rittenhouse took the stand to testify that he acted to protect himself.
The trial brought to the fore issues of vigilantism, racial injustice and guns, but the jury’s job was not to decide those heated questions but only to render a unanimous decision on each of the counts based solely on the evidence presented in court and adhering to the judge’s instructions. Wisconsin law, according to legal experts, is very favorable to a defendant claiming self-defense; the prosecution has to affirmatively disprove self-defense beyond any reasonable doubt. Mr. Rittenhouse, boyish and sobbing on the stand, came across as a sympathetic witness, and some of Judge Bruce E. Schroeder’s rulings seemed to favor the defense in questionable ways.
The parents of Huber, one of the victims (a word banned from the trial by Judge Schroeder), released a statement saying they were “heartbroken” and “angry,” and feared the message that is sent by the not-guilty verdicts. Their fear is well-founded. Mr. Rittenhouse has been embraced by conservative and right-wing groups. Republicans are falling over themselves to show their approval, with some even saying they want to hire him as a congressional intern. Millions of dollars were raised for his defense. Fox News has provided sympathetic, even fawning, coverage. After his arrest, Mr. Rittenhouse, wearing a shirt that said “Free as F---,” posed for pictures and was serenaded with the anthem of the Proud Boys — an incident the judge barred the jury from knowing about.
The worst outcome here would be for other hapless young men to think it is okay for them also to strap on weapons and play vigilante. Mr. Rittenhouse is innocent in the eyes of the law, but the fact remains: Had he not gone to Kenosha, the two people he killed would be alive today. And the ease with which, at the age of 17, he could get his hands on what amounts to a weapon of war underscores how ludicrous and lax are the gun laws in this country.
Biden to transfer power to Harris while he gets a colonoscopy
Noah Garfinkel (AXIOS)

Photo: Samuel Corum/Getty Images
President Biden will transfer power to Vice President Kamala Harris while he undergoes a routine colonoscopy at Walter Reed Medical Center on Friday, according to the White House.
Why it matters: The move will make Harris the first woman to hold presidential power in U.S. history.
Biden will also receive his first annual physical as president.
Details: "As was the case when President George W. Bush had the same procedure in 2002 and 2007, and following the process set out in the Constitution, President Biden will transfer power to the vice president for the brief period of time when he is under anesthesia," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.
"The vice president will work from her office in the West Wing during this time," she added.
Centomila morti per overdose. Povera America
100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 12 months during the pandemic (TWP)
By Dan Keating and Lenny Bernstein
The U.S. drug epidemic reached another terrible milestone Wednesday when the government announced that more than 100,000 people had died of overdoses between April 2020 and April 2021. It is the first time that drug-related deaths have reached six figures in any 12-month period.
The people who died — 275 every day — would fill the stadium where the University of Alabama plays football. Together, they equal the population of Roanoke, Va.
There are now more overdose deaths from the illegal synthetic opioid fentanyl than there were overdose deaths from all drugs in 2016.
Despite the efforts of governments, health care providers, activists and others, the problem is getting worse — much worse. The new figures, which are provisional but rarely change much in final tallies, represent a 28.5 percent increase from the same period a year earlier. The financial, mental health, housing and other difficulties of the covid-19 pandemic are widely blamed for much of the increase.
President Biden released a statement on the overdose death data, saying that “as we continue to make strides to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot overlook this epidemic of loss, which has touched families and communities across the country.”
At a news conference Wednesday, other senior government officials acknowledged the increasing severity of the drug crisis, which has prompted the Biden administration to focus more effort on harm reduction strategies. These include distributing the overdose antidote naloxone and fentanyl test strips to users, in order to keep them alive while the government expands prevention and treatment programs.
“It’s time to face the fact that this crisis seems to be getting worse,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. “We need all hands on deck.”
But Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Milgram also noted the rise in fentanyl seizures, which she said has reached 12,000 pounds in 2021. That is enough to give every American “a lethal dose” of the powerful opioid, Milgram said. Increased use of methamphetamine, sometimes laced with fentanyl, is also a factor, she said.
The U.S. stands out from other wealthy countries
Overdose deaths are not evenly distributed across the U.S. The worst of the crisis has shifted geographically over the past 20 years, as illegal users of pharmaceutical opioids turned to heroin and then illicit fentanyl. But Appalachia always has been hit hard.
Where overdose death rates are the highest
The number of opioid prescriptions issued by health care providers has declined sharply as the crisis continues. Twenty years ago, doctors were aggressively treating pain as “the fifth vital sign.” Drug companies contributed to the idea that powerful painkillers could be used for a wide variety of ailments, not just cancer and end-of-life care. But as the addiction crisis ensued, physicians have cut back.
Addiction preys on young and middle-aged adults, who make up the bulk of those with drug-related substance use disorder. (Alcohol-related SUDs are not included in the chart below.)
Attente donne che andate in Qatar: all'aeroporto vi fanno l'esame ginecologico
Women to sue Qatar for invasive airport body searches, a case highlighting rights concerns ahead of 2022 World Cup
Miriam Berger, The Washington Post
Seven women based in Australia plan to sue the Qatari government and state airline over invasive gynecological searches they were subject to before boarding a flight from Doha - an incident which Qatar apologized for but which their lawyer says highlights ongoing rights concerns ahead of the country hosting the 2022 World Cup.
The lawsuit is intended to "send a message to Qatari authorities that you can't treat women . . . in this manner," the group's lawyer, Damian Sturzaker from a Sydney-based law firm, said Monday, according to AFP.
Travelers to Qatar "should be aware that, whilst there is a guise of a highly developed, highly modernized airport and national carrier, these events have happened, and there's nothing preventing them from happening again," he added.
Qatari authorities said the gynecological searches were triggered by the discovery of a newborn in a trash can in a bathroom. Women having sex and giving birth outside of marriage is illegal in Qatar.
The seven female plaintiffs were among at least 13 women on a Qatar Airlines flight to Sydney that was delayed Oct. 2, 2020, at Hamad International Airport in Doha. Ten flights were held up at the airport that same day, though no other passengers have initiated legal action.
The women taking legal action, who ranged in age from their early 30s to late 50s, said they were forcibly taken off the plane, strip-searched and invasively examined to determine whether they had recently given birth.
Qatar's restrictions on female reproductive rights affects citizens, tourists and foreign residents, many of whom are female migrant workers from Asia. They risk both imprisonment and losing their work visa if found to be pregnant, and frequently seek to travel abroad to give birth. There have also been cases of newborns anonymously abandoned inside the country.
Human rights groups have repeatedly documented how women brought into the country to work in Qatari households through what is known as the Kafala system frequently fall victim to institutionalized violence, including being forbidden to leave their employer's home and having no recourse when subject to verbal, physical and sexual abuse.
Rights groups have similarly raised alarms about working conditions for migrant male workers, also largely from Asia, building the venues and other infrastructure for Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup soccer competition.
An investigation by the Guardian published in February found that at least 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died in Qatar since December 2010, when Qatar was chosen to host the global sports competition.
Qatari authorities apologized for subjecting female passengers to gynecological searches after the 2020 incident, which sparked global outrage.
At the time, Qatar issued a statement saying that "those responsible for these violations and illegal actions" would be investigated.
Sturzaker said one airport police officer had been fined and sentenced to a six-month suspended prison sentence for overseeing the forced examinations.
State-owned Qatar Airways has denied liability.
But Sturzaker said the women were seeking an unspecified financial compensation from the government, the airline and the airport for the distress and trauma they have endured.
"What they want is first of all compensation for the fact that they were effected at the time and continue to suffer," Sturzaker said, according to the Associated Press. "They have problems dealing with what was a very traumatic episode."
The women also want assurances that the airport had entirely banned the practice.
"What they want and have been asking for for quite a long time is that procedures are put in place so that this won't happen again," Sturzaker added.
The lawyer said the women are planning to initiate legal action in the New South Wales state Supreme Court within a few weeks.
HARD TIMES ‘Great Sex Depression’ in US sees record number of young Americans not having sex
‘Great Sex Depression’ in US sees record number of young Americans not having sex, study finds
H. J. Hayes (SUN)
AMERICANS are having less and less sex, especially casual sex, with almost 30 percent of single people surveyed reporting they haven't had sex for at least one year.
In a report issued by the Institute for Family Studies, data from the National Survey of Family Growth allowed researchers to compare sexual habits of young Americans from 2011 to 2019.
1Young people are having less sex and are less likely to live with their partners
The data reveals young people are having less sex and are less likely to cohabitate with partners, and women are increasingly going without sex for years.
In one finding, the report's authors note that sexlessness is more likely among single people living alone, not those who are married or living with a partner.
Only five percent of married people surveyed reported they've gone without sex this year.
However, fewer adults are living with their partners: the number of adults in live-in relationships has dropped from 40% to 32% since 2011.
Married couples are more likely to be sexually active, but as Millennial and Gen Z Americans delay marriage, the number of sexless individuals grows.
In the early 1990s, only 50 percent of respondents to the General Society Survey had never been married, but in the last decade, that number has risen steadily, climbing up to reach a whopping 75 percent.
The statistics around women and sexlessness are particularly significant.
The report indicates that "one out of four single American women hasn’t had a sex partner for two or more years," and one in ten women hasn't had sex for five or more years.
But the real shocker: out of a surveyed group of women older than 25, who have all had sexual encounters in the past, one in 20 respondents said they have not had sex in ten or more years.
Notably, the data only focuses on heterosexual couples, and data about same-sex couples was not included in the surveys.
The data covers a time period ending in 2019--just months before the Covid-19 pandemic changed the world and resulted in many singles going without sex through lockdown periods.
It's unclear how these trends may change post-pandemic, when many people have been unable to carry on social lives as normal for close to two years.
Si parla sempre piu' spesso di guerra civile negli USA
The US army could not withstand an insurgency
The country has never been so divided
Malcom Kyeyune is a freelance writer living in Uppsala, Sweden
Historically speaking, empires on average last for around 250 years, after which they tend to either slowly — or very, very quickly — fall apart due to overreach and internal conflict. Somewhat ominously, the 250th birthday of America is coming up in 2026.
Yet when, towards the end of Trump’s presidency, a radical friend of mine told me that he thought America was headed for civil war, I dismissed the argument out of hand. Why? How? It takes a unique confluence of mistakes and crises for civil war to appear possible, and an even longer list of mistakes, crises and elite screw-ups for them to happen.
But 2021 is a different world to 2015. Talk of insurrection, secession, civil conflict and civil war is no longer the chatter of the gullible and the mentally ill. It’s entering the fringes of polite society. Some support this ‘national divorce’; others are opposed to it. Others claim they would actually prefer to declare war on their recalcitrant countrymen rather than let them go their own way unmolested.
None of this morbid interest in civil conflict is irrational, given the times. The year 2021 has thus far been a spectacular year for signs of political decline: the US has now seen all the notable “horsemen of the apocalypse” that historically herald strife and revolution appear, one after another. Political division among its elites, increasing loss of legitimacy in the eyes of the population, military defeat abroad, and a new and very ominous crisis in the real economy, with no end date in sight.
Any one of these crises would be bad enough on their own; taken together, they represent a truly serious threat to the stability of the current order. Still, the question to be answered at the end of the day is quite simple: how likely is civil war, or national divorce, or a ‘troubles scenario’ really? To answer this question accurately, a few misconceptions about it being impossible have to be dealt with.
One of the most worrisome aspects of contemporary American political discussion is the sense one often gets that many participants are possessed by a thinly-veiled bloodlust. Sometimes, that bloodlust is not even thinly-veiled; after the unarmed USAF veteran Ashley Babbit was fatally shot through a locked door in the Capitol building, many anonymous (and some less anonymous) commentators intimated that perhaps the problem with police violence in America wasn’t that officers were shooting and killing too many unarmed people — but rather that maybe they just weren’t killing enough of them. Following a wave of destructive riots that tore through many cities in the United States last year, this turn toward open celebration of equally useless violence when it is visited on the enemy team speaks to a dangerous sort of polarisation.
From this sort of bloodlust flows another very common assertion: that a civil war, if waged on American soil, would be over quickly, and lead to a fairly effortless massacre of any insurrectionists in flyover America. The idea here is that the US military is so advanced, and has so many tanks, gunships, fuel air bombs, and drones, that the federal government is simply assured of victory. As such, a civil war is an unlikely or impossible scenario, given the dramatic imbalance of power between the state and even a numerically large, dissatisfied internal population.
But this is a dangerous misconception. While the US military is indeed powerful and lavishly funded, it is a military designed to fight other states. Warfare between states is bound by rules and regulations; it is based on consent. This might seem a strange assertion to make, given that a country cannot just decline a war declaration from an enemy, but it holds true. There’s a formal or informal understanding of who is an actual combatant and who is not.
In contrast, warfare in primitive or tribal societies does not make any distinction between a civilian and a soldier. There are just enemies; ambushing and killing a 12-year-old girl drawing water at the creek is seen as normal as killing an adult warrior. This is where the European habit of calling uncivilised peoples “savages” comes from; rather than merely being an expression of racist chauvinism, Europeans were in fact oftentimes shocked by the habit of Native Americans and other peoples to ‘not play by the rules’.
But playing by the rules is a mug’s game. An insurgency in America has about as much reason as the Native Americans once did to follow the rules of their enemies; they are under no compulsion to wear blinking strobe lights to make themselves easier for the drones to target. And that simple fact means that a counterinsurgency effort in the US is almost certainly doomed to fail.
In counterinsurgency warfare, everything that makes the US armed forces great — high-tech weapon platforms with immense destructive power — are not just useless, but counterproductive. A tank parked outside a shopping mall in Idaho will either spend its time shooting at nothing, or be at a very high risk of killing innocent American civilians for the high crime of ‘looking suspicious’. Droning American weddings, like Afghan ones, does very little to advance the goals of a counterinsurgency. If anything, it only makes the relatives of the dead more likely to fight.
The US armed forces are also at least an order of magnitude too small to do the job effectively. During Operation Banner, the British military deployed at most 20,000 soldiers in Northern Ireland to keep a lid on that wayward province. The US armed forces consist of about 1.3 million active duty personnel, but this is spread out over five branches (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard), and only a small minority of military personnel are actually combat troops. It is thus very unlikely that the armed forces could scramble more than 100,000 regulars willing to do the job of holding an M4 carbine and patrolling down the main street of Anytown, Texas. To put that into perspective, Northern Ireland is about 2% the size of Texas.
Then there’s the fact that the most significant political split in America is between rural areas and coastal metropoles, and the armed forces are reliant on the very areas it would be tasked with policing as far as recruiting soldiers goes. Red America is overrepresented within the armed forces, and this won’t change. As such, the US doesn’t just have too few soldiers, it has potentially unreliable ones, and the more brutality is used against recalcitrant red states, the more these soldiers will be ordered to fight and kill their own friends and family — a recipe for serious mutiny and disobedience.
Finally, there is an even greater elephant in the room. In the case of an American drone pilot accidentally blowing up a wedding in Afghanistan, the Afghan relatives of the slain have very little recourse. If an American drone pilot blows up an American wedding, however, that drone pilot and his or her family lives in the United States. Given the likely unreliability of some significant parts of the armed forces, the names and addresses of the most hated butchers are unlikely to stay a secret for long.
In Northern Ireland, for example, the provisional IRA not only attacked soldiers; they made a habit of assassinating the officers, commanders and politicians both for revenge and as a display of might. From Lord Mountbatten to a near-miss against Margaret Thatcher herself, to a score of less well-known targets, the IRA illustrates just how difficult it is to protect against an enemy that can simply choose to not wear a uniform before their enemies visit.
Now, with that all that said, how likely is it that there will be some sort of civil conflict in the near or mid future for the United States?
Unfortunately, the correct answer here may very well be that it is not terribly unlikely. What is significant about America today is not that it’s nearing its 250th birthday, but rather the clear and advanced signs of sickness in the body politic. The ranks of America’s military are now sullen and battered after 20 years of failed nation-building, while its higher officer corps is increasingly alienated from the world of its grunts, mirroring that same cultural, economic and social divide that is currently poisoning civilian life in the US.
The legitimacy of its elite has been shaken repeatedly, and faith in the electoral process itself is now rapidly declining among large segments of the electorate. America is currently a malarial swamp of strange new faiths, creeds, soothsayers and itinerant prophets; from Q to vaccine scientism to various forms of psuedo-gnosticism centered around trans people. To a student of history, this should also be a familiar — and quite ominous — sign: France in the 1780s had its own scientism and mesmerism, and Russia in the 1910s and 1980s was rife with soothsayers and itinerant preachers of new strange faiths.
Most ominously of all, however, looms the growing supply crisis. This crisis would be tolerable if it merely implied a lack of variety at the grocery store. In such a case, 2020s America might just have ushered in a new golden age of Soviet-style political jokes. But it is also creating havoc in the productive economy itself, denying farmers the spare parts to run their harvesters and car manufacturers the metals they need to make cars. The longer the crisis goes on, the more broken the economy will become, and the more painful the necessary reforms will be, once America’s elites truly wake up to the danger.
If there is one time throughout history where civil wars are actually likely to occur, it is precisely when a delegitimated elite undertakes necessary reforms after letting underlying problems fester for decades. That is when states are at their weakest, and when they are vulnerable to the worst forms of internal disasters. Sadly, that might just be where America is headed today.
Ma che vogliono questi americani?
Ma che vogliono questi americani?
Biden's approval drops to 38%
Gloomy landscape for Democrats in midterms as in USA TODAY/Suffolk poll
Susan PageRick Rouan
A year before the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans hold a clear lead on the congressional ballot as President Joe Biden's approval rating sinks to a new low of 38%.
A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, taken Wednesday through Friday, found that Biden's support cratered among the independent voters who delivered his margin of victory over President Donald Trump one year ago.
Biden and his party are poised for a rebound, advocates argue, after the House passed a $1.2 trillion "hard" infrastructure bill late Friday, sending the signature measure to Biden's desk for his signature. An encouraging economic report released Friday morning showed stronger-than-expected job growth.
Kamala Harris:Liberals saw Harris as a unique champion. Lately, they're disappointed.
That said, the survey illuminates the size of the hole Democrats need to dig out of as they look toward the elections in one year – on Nov. 8, 2022 – that will determine control of Congress and shape the second two years of Biden's term.
At the moment, views of the president have soured.
Among the findings:
Nearly half of those surveyed, 46%, say Biden has done a worse job as president than they expected, including 16% of those who voted for him. Independents, by 7-1 (44%-6%), say he's done worse, not better, than they expected.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans, 64%, say they don't want Biden to run for a second term in 2024. That includes 28% of Democrats. Opposition to Trump running for another term in 2024 stands at 58%, including 24% of Republicans.
Vice President Kamala Harris' approval rating is 28% – even worse than Biden's. The poll shows that 51% disapprove of the job she's doing. One in 5, 21%, are undecided.
Americans overwhelmingly support the infrastructure bill Biden is about to sign, but they are split on the more expensive and further-reaching "Build Back Better" act being debated in Congress. Only 1 in 4 say the bill's provisions would help them and their families.
If the election were today, those surveyed say, they would vote for their Republican congressional candidate over the Democratic one by 46%-38%, an advantage that would bode well for GOP hopes of gaining a majority in the House and the Senate. In a president's first midterm election, his party usually loses ground, and this time the GOP needs to flip just five seats in the House and one in the Senate to claim control.
That outcome would make it even harder for Biden to pass legislation – already a difficult task in a Democratic-controlled Congress – and open the door to aggressive Republican oversight of his administration.

The poll of 1,000 registered voters, taken by landline and cellphone, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.
Tony Emmi, 62, a retired health care worker from Wilmington, Delaware, who was among those surveyed, voted for Biden for president and derides Trump as "deceitful" and "malicious." But the Democrat says Biden hasn't done enough to hold his party to account and get things done.
"I think this country is moving in a direction that is dangerous," Emmi says.
Two-thirds of Americans (66%) say the country has gotten on the wrong track; one in five (20%) say it is headed in the right direction. That's no better than the public's uneasy view during the final weeks of the Trump administration.
'Stuff that's keeping me up at night'
The infrastructure bill, which passed Friday with some bipartisan support, is backed by 2-1 (61%-32%) among those surveyed. The supporters include a third of Republicans.
"We're not keeping our infrastructure updated – I don't mean currently updated, I mean since 1930, some of these things have been in place," says Kathleen Loyd, 70, a retired juvenile court officer from Piedmont, in southeast Missouri. She dodges potholes when she drives and had to remodel her kitchen after a water main broke.
Americans are closely divided on the "Build Back Better" act pressed by congressional Democrats. In the poll, 47% support the $1.85 trillion bill; 44% oppose it. The sweeping measure includes more than $500 billion in climate change and clean energy funding. It would establish pre-K for all 3- and 4-year-olds; extend the child tax credit for one year; expand Medicaid coverage in some states; add hearing coverage to Medicare; and finance affordable housing programs.

The White House and its allies haven't persuaded most Americans that the measure would benefit them, at least not yet. Those surveyed are a bit more likely to say its provisions would hurt their families rather than help them, 30%-26%. Thirty-one percent say it would not have much effect.
Those findings reflect either a failure of communication by the bill's backers or a disconnect with what voters feel they most need.
"Is this spending bill out of control? I don't know," says Nia Anderson, 45, a stay-at-home mother of three in Minnesota's Twin Cities. She voted for Biden and says he's doing "fine," but "I'm worried about my kids, and I'm worried about my family."
She was getting ready to take her children, ages 13, 9 and 6, across town to get vaccinated against COVID-19. "That's the stuff that's keeping me up at night," she says.
In the poll, Congress gets dismal ratings: 12% approve, 75% disapprove. Congressional Democrats have a 29% favorable rating; congressional Republicans 35%.
Biden's job approval rating is dismal, too, at 38% approve, 59% disapprove. He has the lowest rating of any modern president at this point in his term except Trump. Studies have concluded that a president's job approval rating is one of the most powerful factors affecting midterm elections.
The party of a president with an approval rating that has dipped below 50% often faces a blowout. In the 2017 midterms, when Trump's approval was at 37%, Republicans lost 41 House seats. In the 1994 midterms, when President Bill Clinton's approval was at 48%, Democrats lost 54.

Last week, Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe for governor in a closely watched off-year election in Virginia. In the poll, 48% agree the outcome is a "telling sign of a Republican sweep in 2022." Thirty-nine percent say it was "one state election and doesn't have national implications."
Biden loses ground with voters who backed him 2020
Biden has lost ground with voters since he won last year's election, but Trump hasn't gained it. Over the past year, two-thirds of those surveyed say, their opinion of Trump hasn't changed. Fourteen percent say their view of him has gotten better, 19% say it has gotten worse.
But Trump commands more loyalty among his core supporters than Biden does.
Among those who voted for Biden last year, almost 4 in 10, 39%, say they hope he doesn't run for another term; 50% hope he will run. Among those who voted for Trump last year, 1 in 4, 26%, hope he won't run again; 65% hope he will.
"I thought he did a great job then, and I know he'll do a great job in the future," says Lynda Ensenat, 54, a Trump voter and independent insurance adjuster from New Orleans. "There's a whole lot going wrong in this society right now, and all the Democrat liberals – that's what they're 100% for."
She says Biden has "been wrong on absolutely everything he's touched."
If the presidential election were today between Biden and Trump, 44% say they would vote for Trump, 40% for Biden, 11% for an unnamed third-party candidate. In the election last year, Biden beat Trump 54%-47%.
Loyd, the retiree from Missouri, used to think of herself as a Democrat but voted for Trump in 2016, then left the presidential ballot blank in 2020. She's so disenchanted with politics that she has stopped watching news coverage as closely as she once did.
She worries that the president isn't competent but says her Republican congressman panders to the right with a false claim that Biden didn't win the election, and she hates the name-calling that is now commonplace in politics.
"I don't think anybody is talking to the average American citizen," she says.
The House has passed the much-debated $1 trillion infrastructure bill after months of tense negotiation and despite pushback from progressives. The bill already passed the Senate in August. Once President Biden signs it, federal money will soon flow to repair the country's potholed roads, aging airports, crumbling bridges and antiquated railroads, with more funds targeting rural broadband and earmarked to catalyze a fast evolution of electric vehicles. Experts consider the bill's passage a big win for Biden after a week of disappointing returns for Democrats in several state elections. It is less of a win for the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which tried to delay the vote until the Senate passed the massive spending package. (CNN)
Franca Bartoli Winter Collection 2021-2022
Dimostrazione della fattibilità tecnica della produzione di combustibili sostenibili
Di: Peter Rüegg
I ricercatori dell'ETH di Zurigo hanno sviluppato la tecnologia di processo in grado di produrre combustibili per il trasporto a emissioni zero dalla luce solare e dall'aria. Ora, in una pubblicazione su Nature, dimostrano il funzionamento stabile e affidabile della miniraffineria solare in condizioni reali sul sole. E mostrano un modo per introdurre i combustibili solari sul mercato senza tasse aggiuntive sul carbonio.
In un'intervista, l'architetto del progetto Steinfeld e il coautore dello studio Anthony Patt, professore presso il Dipartimento di Scienze dei sistemi ambientali dell'ETH, spiegano cosa hanno rivelato gli esperimenti, dove è necessaria l'ottimizzazione e come il cherosene solare può riuscire ad entrare nel mercato.
La miniraffineria solare sul tetto di un edificio dell'ETH è in funzione da due anni. Come riassumeresti questo lavoro?
Aldo Steinfeld: Abbiamo dimostrato con successo la fattibilità tecnica dell'intera catena di processo termochimico per convertire la luce solare e l'aria ambiente in combustibili per il trasporto drop-in. L'intero sistema integrato raggiunge un funzionamento stabile in condizioni reali di radiazione solare intermittente e funge da piattaforma unica per ulteriori ricerche e sviluppi.
Nel titolo del tuo articolo su Nature fai riferimento ai "carburanti drop-in". Cosa vuoi dire con questo?
Aldo Steinfeld: I combustibili drop-in sono alternative sintetiche agli idrocarburi liquidi derivati dal petrolio come cherosene e benzina, che sono pienamente compatibili con le infrastrutture esistenti per lo stoccaggio, la distribuzione e l'utilizzo dei combustibili per il trasporto. Questi combustibili sintetici possono aiutare in particolare a rendere sostenibile l'aviazione a lungo raggio.
Questi combustibili sono a emissioni zero?
Aldo Steinfeld: Sì, sono carbon neutral perché l'energia solare viene utilizzata per la loro produzione e perché rilasciano durante la combustione solo la quantità di CO 2 che è stata precedentemente estratta dall'aria per la loro produzione. La valutazione del ciclo di vita della catena di produzione del carburante solare indica un'eliminazione dell'80% delle emissioni di gas serra rispetto al carburante fossile per aviogetti e che si avvicina al 100%, o emissioni zero, quando i materiali da costruzione (ad es. acciaio, vetro) sono fabbricati utilizzando energia rinnovabile.
Una raffineria che produce combustibili dalla luce solare e dall'aria... sembra fantascienza. Come funziona?
Aldo Steinfeld: Questa non è fantascienza; si basa sulla pura termodinamica. La raffineria solare è costituita da tre unità di conversione termochimica integrate in serie: la prima, l'unità di cattura diretta dell'aria, che co-estrae CO 2 e H 2 O direttamente dall'aria ambiente. In secondo luogo, l'unità redox solare, che converte CO 2 e H 2 O in una specifica miscela di CO e H 2 i cosiddetti syngas. E terzo, l'unità di sintesi gas-liquido, che alla fine converte il syngas in idrocarburi liquidi.
Com'è stata la resa di syngas/metanolo?
Aldo Steinfeld: La nostra miniraffineria solare è davvero un "mini" sistema per scopi di ricerca. E sebbene abbiamo prodotto quantità relativamente piccole di carburante, lo abbiamo fatto in condizioni reali con l'irraggiamento solare non ottimale di Zurigo. Ad esempio, durante una corsa giornaliera rappresentativa, la quantità di syngas prodotta è di circa 100 litri standard, che possono essere trasformati in circa mezzo decilitro di metanolo puro. Diversi componenti della catena di produzione non sono ancora ottimizzati. L'ottimizzazione è la fase successiva.
Cosa è andato bene e cosa non è stato così ottimale?
Aldo Steinfeld: Ciò che è andato eccezionalmente bene è che abbiamo ottenuto la selettività totale per la scissione di H 2 O in H 2 e ½ O 2 , e di CO 2 in CO e ½ O 2 , cioè nessun sottoprodotto indesiderato del termochimico reazioni. Inoltre, e fondamentale per l'integrazione del processo, siamo stati in grado di personalizzare la composizione del syngas per la sintesi del metanolo o del cherosene. Tuttavia, l'efficienza energetica è ancora troppo bassa. Ad oggi, il valore di efficienza più alto che abbiamo misurato per il reattore solare è del 5,6%. Sebbene questo valore sia un record mondiale per la scissione termochimica solare, non è abbastanza buono. È ancora necessaria una sostanziale ottimizzazione del processo.
Come può essere ulteriormente migliorato il sistema per aumentare l'efficienza?
Aldo Steinfeld: Il recupero del calore tra le fasi redox del ciclo termochimico è essenziale perché può aumentare l'efficienza del reattore solare di oltre il 20 percento. Inoltre, c'è spazio per l'ottimizzazione della struttura del materiale redox, ad esempio mediante strutture ordinate gerarchicamente stampate in 3D per un migliore trasferimento di calore e massa. Stiamo investendo grandi sforzi in entrambe le direzioni e sono ottimista che presto saremo in grado di registrare un nuovo valore record di efficienza energetica.
Per il processo chimico, CO 2 e H 2 O devono prima essere estratti dall'aria e immessi nel sistema. Quanta energia deve essere investita per questo?
Aldo Steinfeld: I fabbisogni energetici specifici per mole di CO 2 catturata sono circa 15 kJ di lavoro meccanico per il pompaggio del vuoto e 500-600 kJ di calore a 95°C a seconda dell'umidità relativa dell'aria. In linea di principio, possiamo utilizzare il calore disperso per azionare l'unità di cattura dell'aria diretta. Ma è necessaria un'enorme quantità di calore di processo ad alta temperatura per scindere l'H 2 O e la CO 2 , e questo è fornito dall'energia solare concentrata.
Scalabilità su scala industriale: è fattibile?
Aldo Steinfeld: Certamente. Un campo eliostato focalizzato su una torre solare può essere utilizzato per l'ingrandimento. L'attuale miniraffineria solare utilizza un reattore solare da 5 kW e, mentre una scala 10x del reattore solare è già stata testata in una torre solare, è ancora necessaria una scala aggiuntiva 20x per un modulo di reattore solare da 1 MW. La torre solare di dimensioni commerciali prevede una serie di moduli di reattore solare e, in particolare, può utilizzare l'infrastruttura di concentrazione solare già stabilita per le centrali solari termiche commerciali.
Tu e il tuo gruppo ve ne prenderete cura?
Aldo Steinfeld: No, questo dipende dai nostri partner industriali. Noi di ETH ci concentriamo sugli aspetti più fondamentali delle tecnologie. Ma ci occupiamo anche del trasferimento tecnologico all'industria, ad esempio attraverso la concessione di licenze di brevetti. Dal mio gruppo, fondato da ex dottorandi, sono già emerse due spin-off: Climeworks commercializza la tecnologia per la cattura della CO 2 dall'aria, mentre Synhelion commercializza la tecnologia per la produzione di combustibile solare da CO 2 .
Anthony Patt, in qualità di coautore dello studio, ha esaminato come i combustibili solari potrebbero entrare nel mercato e diventare competitivi. Che tipo di politiche sarebbero necessarie per contribuire a renderlo possibile?
Quali sono le barriere più importanti?
Anthony Patt: La parte più difficile è superare l'elevata barriera del prezzo iniziale. Le tasse sul carbonio non saranno probabilmente efficaci. Se dovessimo tassare il carburante fossile per l'aviazione al punto che il suo costo per le compagnie aeree fosse lo stesso dei combustibili solari, che è ciò che sarebbe necessario, significherebbe renderlo dieci volte più costoso. Nessuno vorrebbe pagare questo costo aggiuntivo per il volo e i politici non sarebbero disposti a imporre questo onere alle persone. Con l'energia solare ed eolica, tuttavia, altri strumenti politici si adattano molto meglio al contesto. Hanno imposto un piccolo costo aggiuntivo sull'elettricità totale consumata e hanno utilizzato queste entrate per finanziare il costo che l'eolico e il solare hanno aggiunto al sistema. Analogamente per i combustibili, bisognerebbe imporre solo un piccolo costo aggiuntivo al volo, grazie all'attuale predominio del mercato dei combustibili fossili, al fine di finanziare investimenti nella produzione di combustibili rinnovabili. Ciò aiuterebbe sicuramente il reattore solare e i combustibili solari a prendere piede nel mercato.
Secondo te, quale sarebbe lo strumento politico ideale per aiutare i combustibili solari nel mercato?
Anthony Patt: Lo strumento più adatto al mercato dei combustibili sarebbe un sistema di quote. Ciò funzionerebbe come segue: le compagnie aeree e gli aeroporti dovrebbero avere una quota minima di combustibili rinnovabili nel volume totale di carburante che immettono nei loro aeromobili. Questo comincerebbe in piccolo, ad esempio l'1 o il 2%. Aumenterebbe i costi totali del carburante, ma solo in misura minima; la quota inizialmente esigua aggiungerebbe solo pochi franchi svizzeri al costo di un tipico volo europeo. La quota aumenterebbe ogni anno, alla fine verso il 100%, il che significa che verrebbero bruciati solo combustibili solari. L'aumento della quota porterebbe a investimenti e questo a sua volta a una diminuzione dei costi, proprio come abbiamo osservato con l'eolico e il solare. Quando i combustibili solari raggiungono il 10-15 percento del volume di combustibile, dovremmo vedere i costi dei combustibili solari avvicinarsi a quelli del cherosene fossile.
Quali posizioni sarebbero adatte per grandi impianti di produzione?
Anthony Patt: Un reattore solare ha bisogno di luce solare diretta, senza nuvole di mezzo. Ha senso costruirli in ambienti aridi, come quelli del sud della Spagna e del Nord Africa, della penisola arabica, dell'Australia, nel sud-ovest degli Stati Uniti, nel deserto del Gobi in Cina o nel deserto di Atacama in Cile. La catena di processo condensa l'acqua dall'aria come un input, ma anche l'aria del deserto è abbastanza umida da fornire le quantità necessarie. Infine, la terra del deserto è relativamente poco costosa, senza usi concorrenti. I combustibili solari sarebbero una merce globale simile ai combustibili fossili odierni e in effetti farebbero affidamento sulla stessa infrastruttura di base per la spedizione e la consegna.
Aldo Steinfeld: I luoghi idonei sono le regioni in cui l'irraggiamento solare diretto annuo normale è superiore a 2000 kWh/m 2 all'anno. A differenza dei biocarburanti, che sono limitati dalla disponibilità di risorse, la domanda globale di carburante per aerei può essere soddisfatta utilizzando meno dell'uno per cento delle terre aride mondiali, che non sono in concorrenza con la produzione alimentare. Per contestualizzare, il consumo globale di cherosene per l'aviazione nel 2019 è stato di 414 miliardi di litri; l'impronta terrestre totale di tutti gli impianti solari necessari per soddisfare pienamente la domanda globale sarebbe di circa 45.000 km 2 , pari allo 0,5 per cento dell'area del deserto del Sahara.