
La Casa Bianca rema contro Trump

“I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations............”

“It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room," the official wrote. "We fully recognize what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won't."

Questo un passaggio significativo di una lettera pubblicata dal New York Times di un alto dirigente della Casa Bianca di cui il quotidiano conosce il nome.
 Una conferma di quanto Bob Woodward scrive nel suo libro, secondo cui vi sono collaboratori (si fa per dire) di Donald Trump che gli fanno sparire le carte alla firma per evitare disastrose conseguenze.

WASHINGTON — The New York Times took the highly unusual step Wednesday of publishing an op-ed by an anonymous senior official who wrote that "many of the senior officials in his own administration" are working against President Donald Trump from within "to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations."
The official also confirmed reports that there were once internal Cabinet discussions about removing Trump from office by invoking the 25th Amendment, but said in The Times that now "we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it's over."