
Perché Elon Musk ha speso 44 miliardi di dollari sull'unghia per acquistare Twitter?

Prima di leggere l'articolo del Sun, provate a rispondere a questa domanda:

Perché l'uomo più ricco del pianeta si è cimentato nell'acquisto di Twitter, il social network più diffuso nel mondo?

Elon Musk ha pagato 44 miliardi di dollari per fare cosa?

Tutti i media repubblicani hanno applaudito questa operazione, perché?

Elon Musk non va molto d'accordo con l'attuale Casa Bianca.

Più volte ha contestato il fatto che il presidente Joe Biden abbia menzionato nei suoi discorsi sull'economia americana soltanto General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, senza mai citare Tesla, numero uno a livello planetario nella produzione di auto elettriche. Insomma è noto che tra Joe Biden e Elon Musk non corre buon sangue.

Donald Trump ha il suo account bloccato su Twitter. Non è improprio pensare che il nuovo proprietario di Twitter darà il via libera all'ex presidente americano, consentendo di di gestire alla grande la prossima campagna di mezzo termine o meglio ancora le elezioni presidenziali del 2024.

A meno che Elon Musk, tanto per divertirsi, non voglia presentarsi come candidato alla Casa Bianca tra due anni.

Altrimenti, ma chi gliel'ha fatto fare a questo Leonardo da Vinci dei nostri tempi, di buttare 44 miliardi di dollari in Twitter?

Dovete ammettere che non si tratta di un quesito di poco conto.
(The US Sun)
What did Elon Musk say about Donald Trump on Twitter?

Nikki Main

ELON Musk has rebuffed circulating claims that he purchased Twitter at the request of former President Donald Trump.

The billionaire purchased Twitter on April 25, 2022, for $44billion, making the social media platform a private company

2Elon Musk refuted claims that Donald Trump told him to purchase Twitter
Why did Elon Musk purchase Twitter?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is the richest man on Earth and used his fortunes to purchase Twitter in April.

He hopes to make bolster free speech on the platform and in a statement, he called it "the bedrock of a functioning democracy."

Musk said during a TED interview he believed there should be “an inclusive arena for free speech,” adding, “Twitter has become kind of the de facto town square."

His comments raised the question if former President Donald Trump, who was banned from the platform after the January 6 Insurrection in 2021, will be reinstated under Musk's ownership.

Musk did not confirm if Trump's Twitter account would be reinstated, but he said the platform should "be very cautious with permanent bans."
What did he say about Donald Trump?

David Nunes, the boss of Trump's media platform Truth Social, claimed that Musk had purchased Twitter at the request of the former President, a claim that Musk has since denied.

In an appearance on Fox Business Network, Nunes said, "President Trump, basically before Elon Musk bought it, actually said to go and buy it because the goal of our company is really to build a community where people are in a family-friendly, safe environment."

Nunes added, “That’s why we encouraged Elon Musk to buy it because someone has to take on these tech tyrants.

"Donald Trump wanted to make sure that the American people got their voice back and that the internet was open and that’s what we are doing.”

Musk responded to a New York Post article that documents Nunes's claim that Trump was behind Musk's decision to buy out Twitter.

"This is false," Musk wrote. "I’ve had no communication, directly or indirectly, with Trump, who has publicly stated that he will be exclusively on Truth Social."

2Elon Musk purchased Twitter for $44billionCredit: Reuters
Will Donald Trump return to Twitter?

The question has remained if Trump will return to Twitter if the ban on his account is lifted under Musk's management of the company.

However, Trump said he has no inclination to return to the social media platform and will instead remain on his own Truth Social platform.

“I am not going on Twitter, I am going to stay on Truth,” Trump told Fox News while negotiations for Musk to buy the platform were underway.

He added, “I hope Elon buys Twitter because he’ll make improvements to it and he is a good man, but I am going to be staying on Truth.”

According to Trump, Truth Social has brought in "millions of people" and said the response to his app has been that it is "much better than being on Twitter."

He added, "The bottom line is, no, I am not going back to Twitter."

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