
In America ci sono 30 milioni di diabetici e 80 milioni di prediabetici

Per  il Lettore italiano:

In America ci sono 30 milioni di diabetici e 80 milioni di prediabetici su una popolazione di 327 milioni di persone. Ma questa epidemia non riguarda solo gli adulti e le persone in la' con gli anni.
Il diabete investe oggi soprattutto milioni di bambini e ragazzi tirati su con cibi, dolci, caramelle strapieni di zucchero.
A questo si aggiunga il fast food e la incapacita' della popolazione americana di prepararsi da sola qualcosa da mettere sullo stomaco.
I media fanno il loro mestiere e sciacquano le meningi alla gente creando sempre nuovi bisogni e impellenze alimentari.
Ultimo, ma non ultimo Donald Trump che pubblicizza la sua dieta a base di hamburger, patate fritte e Coca Cola.
I suo medico afferma che il presidente gode di ottima salute.
Ma i dati sul suo diabete non sono disponibili.

Merck and Viola Davis to Debut A Touch of Sugar During Tribeca Film Festival®

Acclaimed Actress Narrates Documentary Aimed at Confronting America's Type 2 Diabetes Crisis
KENILWORTH, N.J., April 25, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Merck (MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, announced today that its documentary film, A Touch of Sugar, will debut during the Tribeca Film Festival on Thursday, April 25 as a part of the company's program, America's Diabetes Challenge: Get to Your Goals. Narrated by award-winning actress and documentary spokesperson Viola Davis, the film dives into the type 2 diabetes healthcare epidemic that affects people in every community across the country, including Davis's own family.
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"I'm one of the 84 million American adults living with prediabetes and I'm sharing my story for the first time in an effort to inspire others to take action against the type 2 diabetes epidemic ," said Davis, spokesperson for A Touch of Sugar. "My sisters are both struggling with type 2 diabetes and my aunt also died from complications of the disease. Growing up, we just said they had 'the sugar,' which didn't sound that concerning. But, when you look at the facts, there's nothing harmless about diabetes – it's a chronic disease that needs to be taken seriously if we're going to get it under control."  
More than 30 million American adults have diabetes – that's about 1 in 10 people – and 90 to 95 percent of them have type 2 diabetes. While many try to manage the disease by eating healthy, exercising and sticking to their treatment plan, about one-third of adults with type 2 diabetes are still not at their A1C (average blood glucose level over the past 2 to 3 months) goal. Living with the disease can be challenging, and there are many external factors that impact diabetes management. Through interviews with patients and their loved ones, doctors, patient advocates and thought leaders in the space, A Touch of Sugar highlights the often overlooked role that culture, community, social dynamics and stigma play in the epidemic.
"The American Diabetes Association is honored to participate in this important documentary, which demonstrates the resiliency of the human spirit and contests the national perception of life with type 2 diabetes," said Tracey D. Brown, film subject and CEO of the American Diabetes Association. "As someone living with the disease, I stand proudly with our community and encourage everyone to share what it's like to live with type 2 diabetes, so we can awaken the world to the everyday realities of this disease. Everybody's voice counts and matters."
A Touch of Sugar is told through the voices of patients united in their struggles with this chronic disease. As Shenekqual Robertson-Carter prepares for her wedding, Stewart Perry heads to Capitol Hill, Niurka Rodriguez provides for her family and Susie Katona searches for the guidance she needs, the film explores the many social factors that affect disease management and helps reinforce type 2 diabetes as an urgent public health issue that can't be ignored, especially among underserved populations. Through these stories, the film touches on pressing issues affecting patients and families nationwide, such as barriers to treatment, stigma, lack of access to care and nutritious foods, and the need for culturally relevant management tools.
"A Touch of Sugar is an honest depiction of life with type 2 diabetes that puts a much-needed spotlight on the real people affected by it firsthand," said Conrod Kelly, Executive Director, Diabetes Franchise at Merck. "Although the disease is a result of a combination of genetics, lifestyle and environment, there are steps we can take together to help reduce its impact on individuals and their families. With this documentary, Merck is dedicated to increasing awareness and inspiring action to ultimately confront America's type 2 diabetes epidemic head on – one community and one patient at a time."
People can learn more about A Touch of Sugar and how to make a difference in their communities by visiting On the website, they can watch the trailer, start the conversation by downloading a discussion guide and find educational resources to help improve diabetes management.

Le prove atomiche, per di più fatte consapevolmente sul proprio territorio, si pagano geneticamente e la bolletta è a carica delle generazioni discendenti. E solo l'inizio e il diabete è solo una delle tante disfunzioni (che incantano le industrie farmaceutiche.)

Egregio Oscar,

Avrei pensato di piu' del 10% della popolazione,  se si considera che in Italia, patria della dieta mediterranea,  la percentuale nel 2016 era del 5% con un picco del 16% tra gli over 65.

Se consideriamo poi che un 30 % degli americani appartengono ad etnie afro e latino, dove l'alimentazione e' fuori da tutti i parametri di salute, direi che, paragonandoli all'italia sono ancora pochi.

In Italia, dal 2016, ultimi dati Istat di 3.2 milioni di diabetici, la situazione e' peggiorata con un forte aumento dell'obesita' e quando avremo i dati del 2019, dopo tre anni , avremo amare sorprese.

E non abbiamo ancora un 30% della popolazione, con abitudini alimentari come quelle sudamericane, messicane e africane che hanno invece gli Stati Uniti.

In conclusione, gli americani si difendono ancora bene, il Belpaese deve invece preoccuparsi in fretta.

Cordiali saluti

Giancarlo Belluso