
Moscow: protest to create democracy - Washington: attack on the Capitol to destroy democracy



 PHOTO: Yulia Navalnaya, wife of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, arrives at a court building before the trial of her husband, who is accused of flouting the terms of a suspended sentence for embezzlement, in Moscow, Russia February 2, 2021.  (Evgenia Novozhenina/Reuters)



In Moscow, thousands of citizens let themselves be 'beaten up' by perfectly trained riot squads calling for freedom and democracy in a country that has become an autocracy after 20 years of rule by Vladimir Putin who has put his culture and experience as an intelligence officer for decades to good use Soviet. 

In Washington, thousands of demonstrators set fire to the Capitol on January 6, the temple of the Constitution of the most 'ancient' modern democracy. 

Seven direct and indirect victims of this orchestrated, stimulated aggression directed by former US president Donald J Trump. 

The assault on the Capitol, witnessed by hundreds of videos, was the classic textbook demonstration of the attempted coup d'état which had the purpose of overturning the fundamental law of the United States by creating a transformation of American society into a 'despotism', according to the definition contained in his De America published in 1848 by the young French diplomat Alexis de Toqueville. 

The basic question debated in numerous interventions on the American media considered liberal and rejected by those of the right and extreme right, is what was the cause that determined the profound radicalization of the American society by now polarized into two components in profound contrast. One with the other, to the point that Fareed Zaqaria, the sophisticated CNN journalist, has titled his special "Devided State of America".

These include the statistical decrease in the majority of whites, which went from 90% of the American population during the 1950s to the current 59%. 

The emergence of a multi-ethnic society, reaffirmed by eight years of presidency of a black man in the White House who was able to heal the American economy left to him as a dowry by the previous Republican president, has sharpened and extreme the dormant racism that has its origins in the bloody Civil War ended and never ended in 1865. 

President Joe Biden is facing an extremely difficult path starting with the fact that the obsessive preaching of Mr. Donald Trump has penetrated the majority of Republican voters who at 74% believe the presidential elections of November 3, 2020 were marred by fraud and embezzlement . 

Despite the dozens of legal challenges in different states and even at the Supreme Constitutional Court promoted by the Trump legal team, these accusations have never had a concrete fund of truth, have been rejected by the courts, but have been drunk and continue to be so by a large portion of American society. 

The vast majority of America is not made up of readers of the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the Los Angeles Times.

Out of a population that reaches 330 million individuals, at least half live in the central part of the American continent with a feeling of growing alienation either for reasons of cultural tradition or because of the rage of economic impoverishment. 

Easy prey therefore of any conspiratorial or para religious suggestion. 

Too many have forgotten the 918 suicides (mostly of American citizens) organized by Reverend Jim Jones, founder of 'the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, Jonestown' in a Guiana town. It was November 18, 1978. 

Too many want to forget the bomb set off by two right-wing extremists in Oklahoma on April 19, 1995, which destroyed the lives of 168 innocent people, a sensational example of domestic terrorism. 

Too many pretend to ignore the Black Wall Street Massacre, "the Tulsa pogrom" with 300 blacks killed even using airplanes. It was May 31, 1921. 

Too many are wondering where the origin of QANon comes from, the conspiracy movement in love with Donald Trump which claims by the acclaim of hundreds of thousands of adherents that Democrats in Washington are pedophiles and drink the blood of children. 

Violence calls for violence, and the past and recent history of the United States feeds on violence. Just refer to the killing of Lincoln, John Kennedy, his brother Robert, the Reverend Martin Luther King, and the thousands of African Americans sacrificed by the police and far-right protesters. 

But to demonstrate that the selection mechanism at the highest levels of leadership has somehow been blocked for some time in the United States, it is enough to consider the election to the Chamber of Deputies of Marjory Taylor Greene, who has become famous nationally for her statements such as for example : "it is fair to say that we must put a bullet in the brain of Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House and third institutional level after the President and Vice President of the United States). 

The lady in question performed in the midst of the enthusiastic approval of the crowds that acclaim her in her political performances, stating, for example, that the young survivor in the Parkland school massacre was nothing more than the emissary of a movement that has always advocated the change of that Second Amendment of the Constitution which allows the use and carrying of weapons. 

Therefore also all the massacres carried out in various capacities in schools and among the people according to the kind lady must be considered as actions taken to dismantle the 2nd Amendment from the American Constitution which 240 years ago was done only to transform a multitude of peasants into an army to oppose the English one, perfect war machine. 

The president of the Republican senators has called the statements of the lady in question a cancer that is eating into the consistency of the Republican party. Some Democratic deputies have called for Greene to be expelled from at least the two chamber committees she joined after her election last November. 

It goes without saying that Donald Trump is thrilled with the new MP who brings water to his project to restructure the Republican party or create a movement in his image and likeness. 

It may be objected that the pits are full of radicalism when recalling what happened in Germany with Nazism, in Italy with Fascism, in the Soviet Union with Communism, in China with Maoism and so on. 

But just to remain in republican and post-fascist Italy in the 8000 municipalities there is still a social reality that amortizes the clashes to the death; a place of peaceful confrontation even if heated, ranging from football to politics, local problems, gossip, gypsy-style "Amici My": the Sports Bar. 

It may seem like an out-of-place joke at the end of these not very consoling considerations, but if you think about it, Italians have always had this ability to communicate even vividly. 

After all, just think of Don Camillo and Peppone by Guareschi. 

At least until the coronavirus appears. 

Then the world changed. 


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