
Putin era sicuro di conquistare Kyiv in 13 ore

(Drudge Report)
Putin's leaked invasion plan shows he thought Russia would capture Kyiv in 13 hours

Russian troops were given just 13 hours to set off from Belarus and claim the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, but 10 months on from the initial war plans of Vladimir Putin, and confidence may not be so high

Russian president Vladimir Putin had planned for the invasion of Ukraine's capital city to take just 13 hours, rather than the 10 months it has now waged on for.

Documents from the Russian despot's inner circle revealed Putin was so confident in his military that he believed Kyiv would be taken in less than a day.

After 10 months of horrifying conflict in Ukraine, that is clearly not the case, but it appears the initial plans for the war monger showed no sign of "reinforcements" for those invading the capital city.

Plans showed that troops would be on the edge of Kyiv at 2:55pm, after travelling 140 miles from their starting point of the Belarusian border.

Despot president Vladimir Putin had believed the Ukraine invasion would take less than a day (Image: Gavriil Grigorov/AP/REX/Shutterstock)

But rather than pushing through in the initially planned 13 hour window, Russian troops found their invasion plans decimated.

The report read that there were "no forces or equipment or reinforcements" on the way for those troops that were sent into Ukraine, one of which spoke of the horrifying encounter he had 90 miles away from Kyiv.

He said: "In the first battle the column was ambushed and I was wounded. For 24 hours, I was missing a leg, lying in a field waiting for my unit to come get me."

Ukrainian forces were capable enough to prevent Putin's 13 hour plan (Image: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Said troops had been ordered to the outskirts of Ukraine just 13 hours after they first crossed the border of Belarus, but found themselves nowhere close.
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It would appear that Russian forces made it as far as Chernihiv, where the 30,000-strong force sent to the capital were fired on by Ukrainian troops armed with anti-tank weaponry.

Russia had been so confident of their half-day war that they allegedly sent national guard and ordinary police under the assumption they would need to control crowds after they took the capital.

Putin had expected the invasion and subsequent capture of Ukraine to take just 13 hours (Image: AFP via Getty Images)

One Ukrainian source said: "Our guys couldn’t believe it. They just picked them off as they were driving towards Kyiv. This is when we realised the Russians might not be so hard to beat after all."

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