
There is a great desire for civil war - Platonic Dialogue

Hundreds of Protesters Gather in Louisville


 Hundreds of Protesters Gather in Louisville


Illustrious and admirable Grand Master I am pleased and happy to meet you here at the Olympus bar. I believe that you too are following the evolution of the electoral campaign for the American presidency. I tell you right away that Donald Trump (who as you know I do not appreciate) is blowing on the fear of the Americans.


Phaedo my young ex-shoot. President Trump is blowing on the fear of a large part of the American population and he does so with great professionalism. It does, but it must do so rightly.


Wonderful inspirer of justice, but what great professionalism? You do not take into account that in these four years of presidency all the issues that have invaded the front pages of the American and international media on a daily basis have been made in the name of Trump by his inspirers locked up in Fox News. You want to forget that every day the US president spends six hours in front of his television screens mainly following this channel and talking for more than an hour with that Sean Hannity, anchor of that channel, who blows him with frightening rumblings to which he doesn't know say no because they are the ones who speak to the belly of 42% of the American population who dogmatically follows this spirited character temporarily allocated to the White House.


Phaedo mine, your para-communist origins cloaked in bailout liberalism prevent you from seeing how wisely Donald is pursuing his plan to reconfirm the presidency of the United States ...


Excuse the interruption Venerable Grand Master: it is precisely on this level that I want to dialogue. For the umpteenth time I remind you how much Alexis De Tocqueville, in his de America, hypothesized after his 90-day trip to that country in 1830. This great diplomat wrote that the United States would become a democracy sick with 'softened despotism' . Which is exactly what we are experiencing these days and that, if Donald Trump is confirmed for another four years, he will transform the oldest modern democracy into an autocracy: power in the hands of only one at the top.


What dribbles of conventional pessimism, my dear Phaedo…! Despite what you Democrats think, dear President Trump knows that the only way to be reconfirmed in the White House is to spread terror among millions of people already terrified by the virological events that we are also experiencing here in Olympus. , extreme remedies ... Including the just threat of not accepting a peaceful handover in the event of a candidate Joe Biden victory.


I am amazed at what you have said, Venerable Grand Master, you mythical example of a philosopher in the Athenian homeland of democracy. You are saying that generating and empowering fear is an acceptable political commitment in times of extreme crisis. You do not realize that there are now all the signs that characterize a civil war scenario: militias of armed volunteers who even insinuate themselves among the local police forces, many sheriffs who choose young men belonging to neoNazi movements as officers of their police forces and of the extreme right ... violence calls violence and even blacks have their movementist fringes of armed men ... It is significant that after the scandalous acquittal of the three policemen who killed Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky, a nurse who was at home with the boy an exalted one shot at two policemen and wounded them ...


Phaedo, once a graceful young man: I ask you a question, if you belonged to the middle class or to that middle class affected heavily in their affections, in their professional activities by Covid 19, if you had lost your job, if the violence unleashed by those of the black movement had shattered the windows of your shop, if you were a pensioner who fears the arrival of the Socialists and Communists who will force him to leave his trusted doctor and contact unknown public medicuzzi, yes, in short: if you were a Latino in perpetual apprehension about the arrival every day in the United States of tens of thousands of illegal Mexicans who could take your job away from you, ... Would you vote for that Joe Biden who may be a good person but is limp, gaffist , worn out by so many decades of political life?


"Law and Order" with this slogan enormous historical misdeeds have been committed, starting with Hitler's Nazi preaching and Mussolini's fascism. Have you seen where your beloved Donald Trump has come? He has been beating for days on the integrity of the vote or on the fact that - according to him and according to his inspirers of FoxNews, the postal vote foreseen in tens of millions of ballots could be manipulated by the Democrats ... To the point that the mockery he placed at the head of the American postal service has already begun to destroy entire lines of equipment… Fear and Victimism these are the key elements on which the election campaign of the last few weeks before November 3rd is based.


Dear Phaedo, if in New York, thanks to the virus, crime has increased by 160%, do you think people are worried about democratic institutions or about their own safety and that of their families? The "who-cares about democracy" in moments of serious pandemic crisis such as those we are and are experiencing is more than justifiable at the level of the individual citizen who will have to cast their vote by confirming a lonely man, increasingly lonely, at command.


Dear Teacher, everything is fine with you and the opposite of everything ... It is probable that on 3 November the deaths from the virus will reach 300,000 units, it is probable that in the face of the loss of their jobs thousands and thousands of citizens feel ready to jumping on any undemocratic wagon costs what it costs, plus the complete disinterest of most of the population in the fact that Donald Trump has managed to secure a majority of six to three votes in the Supreme Court which is the one who decides on conflicts elections for the presidency of the United States as happened between George W. Bush and Al Gore. The vote will be decided by that band of independents who did not vote in 2016 or voted badly ... Let's not forget the nearly 5 million votes scattered on the candidates of the libertarian and the Green parties that prevented the success of candidate Hillary Clinton. The virus is a plane (a la Totò) that is killing a population suffering from diabetes, coronary dysfunction, cancer ... Most of the new generations have no reference points other than self-destruction by drugs, for existential challenges such as the one underway for the taking of the Benadryl or the jump of the platform before the immediate passage of a train and so on, citing the episodes of youthful madness ...


Dearest Phaedo, don't you realize that your pessimistic evaluations are coinciding with my hope that Donald Trump, the true man of providence, will be able to impose himself firmly on this disjointed America to make it return as great as in the distant past ...?


Immeasurable example of moral and existential virtues: I fear that all these symptoms will lead us to a social clash of great proportions that will jeopardize the fundamental principle of freedom, fraternity, equality on which the American democratic house has been built. overcome historical moments of great tragicity with the firmness of its Constitution and the solidity of its democratic principles. I, dear Grand Master Plato, only hope in the awareness of that part of the American population that still believes in the principles of freedom affirmed by its own Fundamental Charter approved on September 17, 1787.


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