
Obama definito 'musulmano-socialista'

A pochi giorni dalle elezioni gli estremisti di destra vengono allo scoperto. Marcia Stirman, presidente di una associazione di donne repubblicane ha definito Obama 'musulmano - socialista'.

Nessuna reazione da parte dei vertici del partito.

(la foto e' tratta da Drudge Report)


  • ALBUQUERQUE The chairwoman of an Otero County Republican women's group on Tuesday defended a letter to the editor in which she wrote, ''I believe Muslims are our enemies.''
    Marcia Stirman, a 56-year-old interior decorator, also called Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama ''a Muslim socialist.''
    A national Islamic group expressed outrage over Stirman's letter and called on state and national Republican Party officials to repudiate the publication of ''anti-Muslim comments.''
    ''Because these hate-filled remarks were made by a prominent Republican, it is incumbent on state and national GOP officials to repudiate her divisive and intolerant views,'' said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
    Officials with the Republican Party of New Mexico had no immediate comment.
    The letter ran Tuesday in the Alamogordo Daily News. It was titled ''Why I'm a Republican'' and listed 16 reasons for her party affiliation.

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