
Ennesimo massacro celebra Valentine's Day

Slide 1 of 11: Parents wait for news after a reports of a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018.

Spari in una scuola di Broward County in Florida.
Lo sheriffo dice che ci sono almeno 14 vittime.
Tra qualche giorno tutto sara' dimenticato.
Chi muore giace e chi vive si da' pace.
Soprattutto le industrie che fanno capo alla National Rifle Association e che distribuiscono milioni di dollari a parlamentari repubblicani e, perche' no?!, anche democratici per non modificare il Secondo Emendamento della Costituzione che autorizza ogni persona fusa nella testa a imbracciare armi da guerra.
Lista dei massacri con il numero maggiore di vittime

YearDeathsType of weapon(s) usedReference(s)
1Las Vegas shooting201759 (including the perpetrator)Multiple semi-automatic rifles[31][32]
2Orlando nightclub shooting201650 (including the perpetrator)Semi-automatic rifle[31][32]
3Virginia Tech shooting200733 (including the perpetrator)Handguns[31]
4Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting201228 (including the perpetrator)Semi-automatic rifle and bolt-action rifle[31]
5Sutherland Springs church shooting201727 (including the perpetrator)Semi-automatic rifle[33][32]
6Luby's shooting199124 (including the perpetrator)Handguns[31]
7San Ysidro McDonald's massacre198422 (including the perpetrator)Multiple weapons[31]
8University of Texas tower shooting196618 (including the perpetrator)Multiple weapons[31]
9San Bernardino attack201516 (including both perpetrators)Semi-automatic rifles[31][32]
10Edmond post office shooting198615 (including the perpetrator)Handguns[31]
Columbine High School massacre199915 (including both perpetrators)Multiple weapons[34]
12Binghamton shootings200914 (including the perpetrator)Handguns[34]
13Camden shootings194913Handgun[34]
Wilkes-Barre shootings198213Semi-automatic rifle[34]
Fort Hood shooting200913Handguns[34]
Washington Navy Yard shooting201313 (including the perpetrator)Shotgun and handgun[34]
17Aurora shooting201212Multiple weapons[34][32]
18Geneva County massacre200911 (including the perpetrator)Multiple weapons[34]
19GMAC shootings199010 (including the perpetrator)Semi-automatic rifle[31]
Umpqua Community College shooting201510 (including the perpetrator)Handguns[34]