
Lei e Lui e l'orgia delle 12 ore



"Sia ben chiaro che non devi farti venire la voglia di scrivere qualcuna delle tue puttanate su quanto accaduto al braccio destro di Salvini.."


"Grazie per l'apprezzamento dei miei articoli. Comunque si tratta di una storia che deve essere trattata perche' esce dalla routine delle porcherie a go-go di cui sono pieni i giornali italiani."


"E che cosa avra' mai di tanto speciale questa storia? Si tatta di un tale che si e' organizzato una festicciola a casa sua con qualche altro invitato..."


"Festicciola? Un'orgia a base di sesso e droghe pesanti. Ad esempio quella dello stupro, che non e' facile da trovare come la cocaina..." 


"Ognuno fa quello che vuole a letto...E non si vede perche' i carabinieri devono andare a metterci il naso tra le lenzuola.. E poi !"


"E poi?"

Lei: : 

"E poi questa e' una classica porcata fatta da chi-so-io alla vigilia delle elezioni comunali per dare un colpo alle palle a Salvini ed alla Lega.."


"Classico rifugio in corner politico, tanto per alleggerire la gravita' di quanto accaduto."


"Se non lo capisci che vuoi scrivere? "


"Voglio scrivere che stranamente il Capitano della Lega, il grande e immaginifico Salvini ha convissuto professionalmente, sia ben chiaro, con un gay che per anni gli ha montato campagne sanguinose contro altri episodi di malcostume nazionale."


"Adesso ti sei scoperto. Sei un vecchio e rimbambito omofobo. Ecco che rampolla il gay da maledire.."


"Hai ragione sono vecchio e rincoglionito. Ma dovresti spiegarmi perche' grandi personaggi pubblici come Conte e lo stesso Salvini si sono circondati di omosessuali le cui vicende private hanno finito per nuocere alla percezione generale dell'immagine del loro dante causa. 

Personalmente non ho proprio nulla contro chi la pensa diversamente da me in materia sessuale. Sono affari suoi come sono affari miei. Ma sono anche affari nostri quando scoppiano queste storie che hanno un rilievo di impatto molto alto sull'opinione pubblica. Ti piaccia o meno."


"Tu vieni da un altro pianeta. Sei troppo vecchio per capire che il mondo e' cambiato rispetto a quello che eri tu quando eri giovane. Adesso i moduli di riferimento sono altri e ben diversi..."


"Hai perfettamente ragione. Venti anni di Berlusconismo hanno creato una generazione il cui modello di comportamento e di morale e' che 'tutto si compra e tutto si vende'. A cominciare dal proprio corpo. (E forse avrete presto Berlusconi come presidente della Repubblica).

La politica e' l'arte del possibile?.... inteso come arricchimento personale e della propria congrega. Degli altri chi se ne importa? 

Ci sono tanti politici che sono persone per bene, ma nessuno li cura. Non fanno notizia. Si vive nella dimensione della paparazzata organizzata ad arte per far parlare i giornali che vendono solo quando in prima pagina riescono a buttare le maialate di lor signori. Perche' questo vuole la gente che apprezza ormai solo chi parla alla loro pancia. Anzi: al loro basso ventre."


"Patetico, tra due giorni nessuno parlera' piu' dei festini del Morisi, il braccio destro di Salvini, e ci saranno altre storie su cui l'italiano medio riuscira' ad eccitarsi."


"Hai proprio ragione. Meglio non parlare di quella storia di orgia e droghe pesanti (dodici ore, che resistenza!) nella cascina del potente portavoce della Lega."


Brilliant !! Bravo Oscar !!

Emanuele G.


Ben detto!



Ma dove le trovi tutte queste storie ??? RAI international non le ha raccontato. (Ch’io sappia…..)


Caro Oscar,

ben detto! Il problema non sono le inclinazioni sessuali delle persone. Ma quando esse commettono un reato e sono anche personaggi pubblici, quindi con dei precisi doveri. Tutt’altro è invece chi compie una razionalizzazione, cioè il tentativo di spiegare un evento adducendo tutt’altri motivi rispetto a quelli reali.



The AP Interview: Capitol Police chief sees rising threats


WASHINGTON (AP) — The newly installed chief of the U.S. Capitol Police says the force, still struggling six months after an insurrection that left its officers battled, bloodied and bruised, “cannot afford to be complacent.” The risk to lawmakers is higher than ever. And the threat from lone-wolf attackers is only growing.

In an interview with The Associated Press, J. Thomas Manger said his force is seeing a historically high number of threats against lawmakers, thousands more than just a few years ago. He predicts authorities will respond to close to 9,000 threats against members of Congress in 2021 — more than 4,100 had been reported from January to March.

“We have never had the level of threats against members of Congress that we’re seeing today,” Manger said. “Clearly, we’ve got a bigger job in terms of the protection aspect of our responsibilities, we’ve got a bigger job than we used to.”

Manger touted changes that have been made in intelligence gathering after the department was widely criticized for being woefully underprepared to fend off a mob of insurrectionists in January. Officials had compiled intelligence showing white supremacists and other extremists were likely to assemble in Washington on Jan. 6 and that violent disruptions were possible. Police officers were brutally beaten in the insurrection.

The events of that day have redefined how the U.S. Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies in Washington approach security. Extreme measures put into place two weeks ago for a rally in support of those jailed in the riot aren’t a one-off, they might be the new normal. Propelled by former President Donald Trump, the awakening of domestic extremist groups and the continued volatility around the 2020 election have changed the calculus.

Manger said putting up temporary fencing around the Capitol and calling in reinforcements was a prudent decision. It may not be the same for every demonstration.

“It’s really going to depend on the intelligence we have beforehand,” he said. “It’s going to depend on the potential for violence at a particular demonstration.”

With Manger, the police force got a longtime lawman. He served as chief in Maryland’s Montgomery County, outside Washington, from 2004 to 2019. Before that, he led the Fairfax County, Virginia, police department. Those jobs, as well as a leadership position in the Major Cities Chiefs Association, have made him a familiar face in Washington law enforcement circles and on Capitol Hill.

He took over in late July, months after the former chief resigned amid the fallout from the insurrection. The Sept. 18 rally was Manger’s first test — and he was taking no chances.

“We just were in a position where we could not allow another January 6th,” he said. “And I really needed to ensure that the men and women of the Capitol Police department understood that we had the resources we need, the training that we needed, the equipment that we needed, and the staffing that we needed to ensure that they could do their job and do it safely.”

Germania più forte con Merkel. Liberali un problema per l’Italia

“Grande coalizione a guida Spd. I liberali un problema per l’Italia”

Intervista di Mario Ajello a Romano Prodi su Il Messaggero del 28 settembre 2021

“Non dico che sia facile, ma visto il risultato dei socialisti Grosse Koalition più possibile di prima” L’ex presidente della Commissione: “La Fdp compatta su una linea che non ci gioverebbe” L’ex presidente della Commissione: “La Fdp compatta su una linea che non ci gioverebbe” “Non dico che sia facile, ma visto il risultato dei socialisti Grosse Koalition più possibile di prima”

Professor Prodi, il voto tedesco racconta un’estrema frammentazione. Lei immaginava un quadro così?

“Sì, anche se i socialisti hanno fatto più di ciò che mi aspettavo. Ma Merkel è stata costretta ad intervenire con la respirazione artificiale sul leader della Cdu e sul finale lo ha aiutato molto. Ha pesato sull’esito di queste elezioni una caratteristica della cancelliera: persona gentile, ma durissima con i suoi avversari, anche quelli interni che aveva sapientemente divisi, e ha difeso Laschet solo all’ultimo minuto. La verità è che Merkel non ha mai voluto scegliere un erede”.

Qual è il suo giudizio storico su Frau Angela?

“Ha utilizzato tutte le riforme fatte in precedenza e le ha tradotte in decisioni politiche dando continuità e forza alla Germania, che in questi 16 anni, con la Merkel, è diventata una grande potenza mondiale”. Come statista ha fatto molto bene per la Germania e meno bene per l’Europa? “Direi che abbiamo avuto una sola Merkel per quanto riguarda la politica tedesca. Per quanto riguarda il rapporto con l’Europa, invece la Merkel non è stata una sola, ma quattro”.

Addirittura quattro?

“La prima è quella, almeno ai miei occhi, dello smarrimento. Io, che ero presidente del Consiglio, dicevo con una battuta: una gran donna, ma viene dalla luna. La seconda è stata una Merkel che non capiva l’Europa. Ne era impaurita e quasi ostile”.

La Merkel numero tre?

“E’ quella che comincia in occasione della crisi finanziaria e con la vicenda greca. Aveva un approccio rigorista, alla Schauble, e per punire la Grecia stava per far saltare l’Europa. Poi però il suo realismo – e qui siamo alla quarta Merkel – fa capire alla cancelliera che la grandezza della Germania sta solo nella grandezza dell’Europa. E allora ecco la sfida lanciata in Germania sull’accoglienza dei profughi siriani, e poi il suo appoggio alla nascita di Next Generation Ue, che è il rovesciamento della politica tedesca condotta fino ad allora”.

Che voto generale darebbe a Frau Angela?

“Il mio giudizio è positivo. Anche se non c’è nessuna rivoluzione storica che può essere intestata a lei. E’ stata però la cancelliera della grande crescita tedesca. Poi ha capito l’importanza del ruolo tedesco in Europa e dell’Europa per la Germania”.

Non crede che poteva fare di più per una crescita più bilanciata dell’Europa in tutte le sue parti?

“Se c’è adesso un’Europa anche economica lo dobbiamo alle azioni della Merkel degli ultimi anni. Meglio tardi che mai”.

La super-potenza tedesca ha danneggiato altre nazioni?

“Questo no”.

Neanche l’Italia ha patito qualcosa a causa della potenza tedesca?

“Nel momento della crisi finanziaria certamente siamo stati danneggiati. Ma se prendiamo tutto il periodo storico, non vedo un effetto negativo della Germania che è stato un motore trainante per molti paesi europei”.

Con la Grecia però è stata usata un’austerità spietata.

“C’è stato un eccesso di rigidità. Tutti sapevano che la Grecia aveva truccato i conti. Ma il problema si poteva risolvere con un intervento di 30 miliardi che, per la Ue, non erano tanti. Ma la Merkel era in campagna elettorale per il voto in Nord-Reno Vestfalia e temeva che un atto di solidarietà nei confronti della Grecia le avrebbe alienato il favore degli elettori. Intanto, in attesa delle elezioni, la speculazione ha fatto il suo mestiere e i 30 miliardi si sono moltiplicati. Poi però la Merkel non è stata d’accordo con Schauble che avrebbe fatto uscire la Grecia dall’euro e il suo approccio nei confronti dell’Europa è cambiato in maniera fondamentale”.

Il suo rapporto con l’Italia come è stato?

“Durante il mio governo è stato un rapporto positivo”.

E poi?

“Bisogna chiedere ai miei successori”.

Ma davvero la cancelliera stava per scoppiare a piangere quando, mentre eravate insieme allo stadio di Dortmund a vedere la semifinale dei mondiali del 2006, l’Italia sconfisse in extremis la Germania?

“Angela, I hate penalties, odio i rigori, le avevo appena sussurrato. E 15 secondi dopo il gol di Grosso e la vittoria. No, Merkel non si mise a piangere, ma era sconvolta. E mentre Franz Beckenbauer se ne andò subito via, arrabbiato, lei come al solito non perse la calma, era pietrificata”.

Adesso si apre per la Germania uno scenario nuovo. Vede il rischio dell’instabilità al centro dell’Europa?

“Non lo vedo proprio. Andrà come l’altra volta: trattative lunghissime, 200 pagine di programmi, e si troverà la quadra. Qui è la differenza con l’Italia: alle 200 pagine di programma i partiti tedeschi terranno fede per tutta la legislatura. Quando feci io 200 pagine di programma, ridevano tutti: sono troppe! E invece, non erano troppe. Il problema è che nessuno aveva intenzione di rispettarle”.

Crede anche lei che ora l’opzione di governo più probabile sia quella con Spd, verdi e liberali?

“Tutti vedono questo scenario. Io penso che non sia facile questo accordo e che alla fine si possa tornare alla grande coalizione, a parti rovesciate. Anche per un semplice motivo. Fino a poco tempo fa si diceva che il junior partner, cioè l’Spd, sarebbe stato distrutto. Ma ora quello è il partito che ha vinto.

Io la grande coalizione non l’ho mai scartata. Dopo questo risultato la ritengo non probabile, ma più possibile di prima”.

Professore, la vera questione che interessa l’Europa e gli italiani è questa: la Germania riproporrà per tutti la politica dell’austerità o dopo il Covid adotterà una politica più solidale e meno arcigna?

“Bisognerà vedere quanto potere avranno i liberali. Sono il partito più compatto su una politica che non gioverebbe certo all’Italia. La Cdu ha ancora una grossa corrente che sostiene l’economia sociale di mercato. Perciò alla fine potrebbero fare un accordo con i socialisti. Capisco, però, che questi miei ragionamenti non tengono conto delle possibili incompatibilità personali tra Scholz e Laschet. Ammesso che quest’ ultimo rimanga al suo posto”.

Attenti NoVax: In Australia i non vaccinati saranno isolati fino alla termine del lockdown

Sydney's unvaccinated warned of social isolation when COVID-19 lockdown ends
by Reuters

By Renju Jose

SYDNEY, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Sydney residents who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 risk being barred from various social activities even when they are freed from stay-at-home orders in December, New South Wales state Premier Gladys Berejiklian warned on Tuesday.

Under a roadmap to exit lockdown in Australia's biggest city, unvaccinated people are already subject to delays in freedoms that will be gradually granted to inoculated residents between Oct. 11 and Dec. 1.

Berejiklian said people who choose not to be vaccinated could be barred entry to shops, restaurants and entertainment venues even after the state lifts all restrictions against them on Dec. 1.

"A lot of businesses have said they will not accept anyone who is unvaccinated," Berejiklian told Seven News on Tuesday. "Life for the unvaccinated will be very difficult indefinitely."

The two-tier system, designed to encourage more people to get vaccinated, has been criticised for both penalising vulnerable groups who have not had access to inoculations and for falling short of providing a real incentive for the vaccine hesitant.

Pubs, cafes, gyms and hairdressers will reopen to fully vaccinated people on Oct. 11 in New South Wales, home to Sydney, and more curbs will be eased once 80% of its adult population becomes fully vaccinated, expected by the end of October.

Australia is pursuing a faster reopening through higher vaccination rates despite persistent infections, largely in its two biggest cities of Sydney and Melbourne. Along with the capital Canberra, both cities are in a weeks-long lockdown.

The Delta-fuelled outbreak has divided state and territory leaders, with some presiding over virus-free parts of the country indicating they will defy a federal plan to reopen internal borders once the adult population reaches 80% vaccination, expected in November. The national vaccine rate is currently around 52%.

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt welcomed the New South Wales roadmap and urged people to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

"The strongest possible reason to be vaccinated is to save your life," Hunt said.

CASES TOP 100,000

The number of COVID-19 cases recorded by Australia since the beginning of the pandemic topped 100,000 on Tuesday, with around 70% of those detected since a Delta-variant fuelled wave hit the country in mid-June.

New South Wales reported 863 new cases on Tuesday, up from 787 a day earlier, and seven new deaths. Neighbouring Victoria reported 867 new cases, its biggest daily rise ever, and four deaths.

The northeast state of Queensland reported four cases, including its first mystery case in almost two months. Officials are racing to trace the source after an aviation worker, who has not travelled interstate or overseas recently, contracted the virus.

While the state is on high alert, officials stopped short of enforcing a lockdown.

Australia had been faring relatively well until the latest wave, but a sluggish vaccine rollout left it vulnerable to the more virulent Delta strain. Deaths stand at 1,256 but the mortality rate from Delta is lower than last year due to higher vaccination rates among the vulnerable population.

In New South Wales, the number of people hospitalised dipped to 1,155 from 1,266 a week ago as dual-dose vaccination levels in people aged over 16 topped 60% in the state.

Interactive graphic tracking global spread of coronavirus: open in an external browser.

(Reporting by Renju Jose; editing by Jane Wardell)

Almeno in Francia torna di moda il bacetto sulle guance

Missing kissing, Parisians say "la bise" is back
by Reuters

By Yiming Woo

PARIS, Sept 28 (Reuters) - France's traditional "la bise" greeting - a kiss on each cheek - is slowing make a comeback as the coronavirus recedes.

Bestowed on family, friends, or anyone else in an informal setting, "la bise" was de facto banned at the height of the pandemic.

But with more than 70% of the population fully vaccinated, people can once more be seen planting what are usually just air kisses by a kissing sound on each other's cheeks.

"We had stopped in order to respect social distancing, but it's a ritual I really like," civil servant Vincent Seznec said, beer in hand, after greeting friends with a "bise."

As he is vaccinated, he could see no reason not to do it anymore.

"It's best to be vaccinated and kiss each other than not be vaccinated and not kiss each other," he said.

Parisians Anna and Carmela, after embracing and kissing each other's cheeks, said they could not agree more.

"It's a great sign of affection and welcoming the other," Anna said. "It means togetherness."

Carmela dearly missed "la bise" - especially when her 32-year old daughter stopped kissing her for fear of transmitting COVID-19.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, it was so sad," Carmela said.

Even President Emmanuel Macron, who had recommended people do not kiss or shake hands to help reduce contagion risks, can now occasionaly be seen "faire la bise".

However, several Parisians said things will never be quite the same.

For one thing, people are more selective - and it has become easier to say you do not want to kiss someone on the cheeks.

"I'm doing 'la bise' again but only to loved ones, not people I don't really know well," Natalie Bitar said.

And Elisa Mayor, a student, said that in her generation, "la bise" was already not that popular, even before COVID-19. "We rather tend to say hi from afar," she said.

But for Paris-based British comedian Paul Taylor, who shot to fame years ago with a sketch on "la bise," which he called "one of the things that annoys me most about living here," there is no doubt the comeback has started and it's here to stay.

"Of course it's back," he said. "When I do my show I ask the audience by way of applause who's done la bise since covid, the whole room applauds." (Reporting by Yiming Woo, writing by Ingrid Melander, Editing by Angus MacSwan)

N.C. hospital system fires about 175 workers

N.C. hospital system fires about 175 workers in one of the largest-ever mass terminations due to a vaccine mandate
Timothy Bella 

A North Carolina-based hospital system announced Monday that roughly 175 unvaccinated employees were fired for failing to comply with the organization’s mandatory coronavirus vaccination policy, the latest in a series of health-care dismissals over coronavirus immunization.

A health-care worker administers a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine to a staff member of the Clarendon School District at Manning High School in Manning, S.C., on March 12. (Micah Green/Bloomberg)

Novant Health said last week that 375 unvaccinated workers — across 15 hospitals and 800 clinics — had been suspended for not getting immunized. Unvaccinated employees were given five days to comply.

Novant Health spokeswoman Megan Rivers tweeted Monday that almost 200 of the suspended workers, including those who had submitted approved exemptions, received their first dose by Friday. The hospital confirmed that the rest of the suspended employees who did not comply were fired, although the exact number of those dismissed was not specified.

“We stand by our decision to make the vaccine mandatory as we have a responsibility to protect our patients, visitors and team members, regardless of where they are in our health system,” Novant Health said in a statement. “We couldn’t be prouder of our team members who made the choice to receive the covid-19 vaccine and remain part of our team at Novant Health.”

Rivers told The Washington Post that more than 99 percent of the system’s roughly 35,000 employees have followed the mandatory vaccination program. She said in a statement that Novant Health was “thrilled” those who chose to be vaccinated have given patients and visitors “better protection against COVID-19 regardless of where they are in our health system.”

The mass termination of unvaccinated hospital system employees is among the largest of its kind to date. More than 150 health-care workers who did not comply with a vaccine mandate at Houston Methodist — one of the first health systems to require the coronavirus shots — were fired or resigned in June after a federal judge upheld the policy. ChristianaCare, a Delaware health system, announced this week that 150 employees were fired for not adhering to its vaccine mandate.

The move by the Winston-Salem-based system comes as some health-care workers continue to push back on employers’ vaccine mandates after President Biden announced sweeping coronavirus vaccine mandates this month. The president ordered all businesses with more than 100 employees to require their workers to be immunized or face weekly testing, noting that he would also require most health-care facilities that accept Medicare or Medicaid funding to vaccinate their employees.

Biden announces sweeping new vaccine mandates for businesses, federal workers

But as hospitals have been pushed to their limits in recent months, the opposition from some health-care workers toward vaccination policies have further complicated an already difficult situation for the nation’s doctors and nurses.

That opposition has played out in New York, where Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) signed an executive order Monday night ahead of what could be a health-care worker shortage due to the state’s vaccine mandate that has now gone into effect. The order allows the state to expand the available health-care workforce at a time when thousands of workers are still believed to be unvaccinated.

“The only way we can move past this pandemic is to ensure that everyone eligible is vaccinated, and that includes those who are taking care of our vulnerable family members and loved ones,” Hochul said in a statement.N.Y. hospitals brace for staff shortages as vaccine mandate begins: ‘This is just one more body blow’

In North Carolina, the state is averaging more than 5,130 new daily coronavirus infections over the past week, which is an improvement compared to the previous period, according to data tracked by The Washington Post. More than 3,200 people are being treated for covid-19, including 932 in the intensive care unit.

About 50 percent of the state is fully vaccinated, trailing the national vaccination rate of 55.4 percent.

Novant Health introduced its mandatory policy on July 22, saying that employees were given until Sept. 15 to comply and get vaccinated.

“We agree with the North Carolina Healthcare Association, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and many other health care systems in the region that a mandatory vaccine program is in the best interest of public health,” the health system said in a news release. “Simply put, it is essential to ensure the safety of our patients, team members and communities.”

Novant Health has urged the community to get vaccinated. It joined other health systems in the Charlotte area in releasing data this month showing how more than 90 percent of their covid-19 patients had not been vaccinated. David Priest, Novant Health’s chief safety, quality and epidemiology officer, acknowledged to WGHP that the recent wave of covid patients had overwhelmed the hospital system.

“They’re tired. I’m tired. We’re all tired,” he said.

On Sept. 21, the hospital system announced that nearly 400 workers remained unvaccinated. Novant Health said in a news release that unvaccinated employees were given a few additional days to get their first dose.

“If a team member remains non-compliant after this suspension period, he or she will have their employment with Novant Health terminated,” the health system said.

Novant Health employees who have been granted medical or religious exemptions are required to undergo weekly coronavirus testing. While working on Novant Health premises, those with exemptions also must wear N95 respirator masks or other personal protective equipment and eyewear protection.

Some unvaccinated workers remained adamant about not getting immunized. Laura Rushing, a nurse of 16 years with Novant Health, told WSOC that the hospital system denied her religious exemption and that she planned to look for a new job.

“When they put the mandate out there, one thing I knew for sure was I was not gonna take the shot. So, I put in for a religious exemption and got denied,” Rushing told the outlet. “Who decided my religious exemption, the wording used was not good enough? It wasn’t as good as someone else’s? That just feels like discrimination and I didn’t appreciate it.”

Novant Health workers have until Oct. 15 to complete their vaccination and remain in compliance, the hospital system said.

Il burocratese, una malattia.

Riceviamo da Aldo Nicolosi e volentieri pubblichiamo                                        

Il problema non è nuovo: Ugo Foscolo, nelle Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis  (1799), scrive che “i pubblici uffici e le leggi sono scritte in una cotal lingua bastarda che le ignude frasi suggellano la ignoranza e la servitù di chi le scrive”.  E pochi anni dopo Vincenzo Monti, nel 1803, critica il “barbaro dialetto miseramente introdotto nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, ove penne sciaguratissime propongono e consacrano tutto il dì l’ignominia del nostro idioma”. Ma ancora di più, nel 1540, Benedetto Varchi, nella Storia fiorentina, deplorava l’uso di “un gergo a uso di lingua furfantino”.                                                                                                                                                                        Più recentemente il linguista padovano Claudio Magris, denuncia il linguaggio dei burocrati come  “una delle forme di potere esercitate dal ceto amministrativo, cioè dai burocrati, soprattutto di rango più elevato, nei confronti del cittadino”.                                                                                                                                                                          I deliri danno il capogiro. I richiami: anzidetto, di cui sopra, preaccennato, predetto, suddetto, sudescritto, soprallegato, suelencato, suesposto, suesteso.  Le sigle: oiv (organismo indipendente di valutazione), par (piano attuativo regionale), pat (piano di assetto del territorio), pof (piano dell’offerta formativa), pua (piano urbanistico attuativo), puc (progetti utili alla collettività), pza (piano di zonizzazione acustica), rup (responsabile unico del procedimento), suap (sportello unico per le attività produttive). Le abbreviazioni: “La presente verifica di assoggettabilità a vas, redatta ai sensi della procedura prevista dall’art. 4 della L.R. 16/2008 e dall’art. 12 del D.Lgs 152/2006 e s.m.i. riguarda la variante 48 al prgc.”                                                                                                                   Non stupiamoci: la legge delega al Governo del 7 agosto 2015 prevede che nei concorsi dell’amministrazione pubblica si accerti “la conoscenza della lingua inglese e di altre lingue, ma non la padronanza della lingua italiana, orale e scritta, nella misura adeguata al livello di responsabilità a cui si aspira”.

Evviva ! Noi americani ci ammazziamo di piu'

FBI: Killings soared nearly 30 percent in 2020, with more slayings caused by guns

Devlin Barrett

Killings in the United States jumped nearly 30 percent last year, according to FBI data released Monday that indicate a growing number of gun-related slayings amid the pandemic.

The FBI said murder and manslaughter rose 29.4 percent — the largest one-year increase since such the federal government began compiling national figures in the 1960s. That historic increase has been known for some time, and has sparked concern from police officials and prosecutors. But the FBI release of data compiled from thousands of law enforcement agencies formally confirms the trend.

Overall, violent crime rose 5.6 percent in 2020, while property crimes fell 7.8 percent, the FBI said. Assaults increased 12 percent, according to the bureau.
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Criminologists and police officials have been studying the possible explanations for the sudden sharp increase in killings — from societal changes due to coronavirus, to policing, to increased gun sales. So far this year, officials are seeing a further increase in homicides, but not as pronounced as last year.

The FBI data also shows how much killing in America is fueled by shootings. Gun homicides account for more than two out of every three such deaths, according to officials.

Republicans and Democrats disagree on what is causing the increase in homicides, and how to stop it. Conservatives blame Democratic-run cities for what they say are overly restrictive policies placed on police departments; the Biden administration faults the easily availability of guns as a primary reason for more deaths, and the Justice Department is trying to stem the violence by cracking down on illegal gun trafficking.

The disturbing crime data comes as the FBI is pushing the nation’s roughly 18,000 state and local law enforcement agencies to change how they provide data to calculate national figures.

The switch-over to the new crime data format, known as National Incident-Based Reporting System, or NIBRS, has been a years-long process. Many law enforcement agencies don’t yet provide that kind of data to the FBI, leaving some crime experts to predict that national crime figures are likely to get worse before they get better.

“It’s a little bit like cleaning out your garage — first you put a lot of stuff on the lawn, so it looks worse before it looks better,” said Mitch Beemer, who manages crime data for the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, which adopted a similar data-tracking program years earlier. “But I’m optimistic that we are moving in the right direction and will get most of the way there in five or six years.”

Germany enters a period of post-Merkel uncertainty

 By Ishaan Tharoor
with Claire Parker

A worker carries printed editions of Bild newspaper that show candidates for chancellor Olaf Scholz and Armin Laschet after the first exit polls for the general elections in Berlin on Sunday. (Andreas Gebert/Reuters)

The one certainty going into Germany’s elections on Sunday was that they were bound to yield a period of uncertainty. Ahead of the vote, polls suggested a narrowing race between the country’s two waning political heavyweights — the center-left Social Democratic Party and the center-right Christian Democratic Union of long-ruling (and outgoing) Chancellor Angela Merkel — as they sought to also stave off the challenge of other parties, including the Greens and the laissez-faire Free Democrats. Whatever the outcome, the country would have to endure weeks, or even months, of protracted coalition talks between rival parties jockeying for power.

At the time of writing, little else is clear. The Social Democrats, or SPD, had a slender two-point lead over the Christian Democrats, with the Greens and the FDP posting strong showings ahead of the far-right Alternative for Germany. But no decisive mandate has emerged. Olaf Scholz, SPD front-runner and Germany’s current finance minister, told reporters that he hoped to rule out a scenario where Merkel delivers the chancellor’s customary Christmas speech this year with parties bogged down in extended negotiations over the next government.

My colleagues charted a guide to the various coalition options, which derive their names from the amalgamation of each party’s colors into one bloc. The “traffic light” coalition — red, yellow and green — would see an alliance between the SPD, Free Democrats and Greens. That may be the first bloc that Scholz hopes to assemble, but significant ideological differences could throw a spanner in the works. An alternative “Jamaica” coalition — black, yellow and green, like the flag of the Caribbean nation — could see Scholz and his allies get supplanted by the Christian Democrats. A “Jamaica” coalition almost came to power in 2017, before FDP leader Christian Lindner pulled the plug and walked away. The country’s center-right and center-left found themselves once more in an uneasy alliance neither really wanted.

Even now, one can’t rule out a “Kenya” coalition, where the SPD and Christian Democrats restore the grand coalition that held sway under Merkel for much of the past decade, augmented this time by the third-place Greens. Less likely — but still on the table — is a left-wing government of the SPD, Greens and the far-left Die Linke (or the Left), which traces its roots to East Germany’s former ruling Communists.

Other permutations are possible. Smaller parties will play kingmaker as negotiations proceed, holding the portfolios of key ministries as collateral. They may feel the political winds blowing in their direction as both the SDP and CDU hemorrhaged young voters to the Greens and FDP. Analysts pointed to the increasing “Dutchification” of German politics — a nod to the steady fragmentation of traditional party politics next door where once-dominant 20th century factions have lost considerable ground to newer upstarts. Sensing their budding power, the Greens and FDP are expected to negotiate with each other before hitching their wagon to one of the two bigger parties.

Preliminary results are expected Monday morning. But the Christian Democrats appear poised to mark a historic low — a poor performance that can, in part, be laid at the feet of Armin Laschet, the candidate tapped by the party to succeed Merkel but who ran a campaign marred by gaffes. According to exit polls, Merkel’s party lost votes to the SPD, with Scholz appearing to many Germans to be a more plausible figure of stability and continuity than Laschet. With Merkel exiting the political stage, the constituency she held since 1990 was won by an SPD challenger.

“This will be a long election night,” Scholz said Sunday evening. “But what’s also clear is that a lot of voters cast their ballots for the Social Democrats because they want a change in government and also because they want the next chancellor to be called Olaf Scholz.”

But there’s a long road ahead before Scholz can claim the mantle of leadership. The most plausible arrangement — the “traffic light” coalition with the Greens and FDP — will require hard political bargains between Scholz and his would-be partners. Lindner may prove especially problematic: Scholz recently dubbed his views on cutting taxes as “morally difficult to justify.” And Lindner’s belief that the fight against global warming should be left to the incentives of the free market was explicitly rejected by Annalena Baerbock, the Greens’ candidate for chancellor.

“At this point in time, I actually lack the imagination as to what Mr. Scholz and the Greens could offer the FDP that would be attractive to us,” Lindner told supporters at a recent rally. But that may simply mark the opening salvo in tense negotiations to come.

All the while, Europe’s biggest economy and arguably most important political player will find itself in a kind of limbo. Merkel anchored years of German political stability, but she was also a European bulwark — an unofficial leader of the continent who helped steer it through cycles of political and economic crisis.

“Merkel’s exit creates a problem with leadership, a hole at the heart of Europe,” said Giovanni Orsina, director of Luiss Guido Carli University’s School of Government in Rome, to my colleagues. “Either the new chancellor fills that void, or we need to conceive of a collective convergence.”

But Germany arguably may need to move on beyond the Merkel era. Jens Geier of the Socialists & Democrats group in the European Parliament told Politico that a German government led by Scholz would play a “much more active role in Brussels.” Merkel’s critics “say she delayed decisions at the E.U. level in an effort to preserve consensus and avoid conflict — and while doing so allowed for the erosion of democratic norms in countries such as Hungary and Poland,” my colleagues noted. “Her approach even earned its own verb: ‘Merkeln,’ meaning to dither or bide one’s time.”

“Whereas Merkel sought equilibrium, the incoming government will have to make key decisions that will force it to pick sides on the international chessboard,” wrote Aaron Allen of the Center for European Policy Analysis, gesturing to long-standing debates over Germany’s relations with countries like China and Russia. “In any case, many Germans have begun to question the United States’ reliability, given [President Donald] Trump’s euroskepticism and current President Joe Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Trans-Atlantic bonds will remain central, but Germany may begin to show a more independent streak.”

Il Gran Viaggio in Italia: l'Ape Regina e la triste storia del Fuco

Ciao Oscar, come stai? Tutto bene? Grazie della storia delle api.

Holy Rosary Church
Ciao Oscar,
Bravo, molto interessante.
Con affetto,
Carissimo Oscar,
E’ fatta proprio per me ! La tua storia delle api mi fa felice. L’unico secreto che mi rimane: come sanno che
uno di questi animali e’ una regina? Dipinto di bianco , si , ma prima ??
Grazie delle tue notizie, baci a voi DUE , Hedwig PZ
Ma che sei bravo, Oscar !!
Ma dove te le vai a pescare ’ste storie ??
Vi aspettiamo
L’ho inviato ad una DIVA ch si occupa di apicoltura 
Ottimo e salutami il Dr Pescini
A presto !
Grazie caro Oscar! 
Ti avevo mai raccontato che sono diventata una appassionata allevatrice di api?!?
Mi sono goduta il tuo filmato...
Quest’anno solo miele millefiori, non è stata una stagione molto proficua...
Ciao caro, divertitevi in giro per la tua Toscana!!!

Ah se esistesse la possibilità d un’ape regina capace di fecondare, là dove la si posa, ”uova di  stato di diritto” …, oltre naturalmente a prevedere birra, zucchero e miele(e cicuta?) per i “cattivoni”!
Excellent Oscar!!
Che bello! Grazie per condividere con noi.
Per coloro interessati a salvare le api (e a mangiare dell'ottimo miele!) segnalo una bellissima iniziativa che ha preso piede da alcuni anni: la possibilita' di adottare virtualmente un alveare e poi di ricevere a casa propria il miele prodotto da quelle api!

L'ho scoperto grazie a mia sorella, che l'ha offerto a un amico come regalo di Natale per tutta la famiglia (dandogli il "certificato di adozione") e sono stati felicissimi. Trovo che sia anche un bel regalo di compleanno, laurea, o altro evento importante!

Con una cifra annuale modesta si puo' sostenere e seguire online l'attivita' di un alveare, e ricevere il vasetto di miele a casa (1kg o 2 kg, a seconda della scelta iniziale). Si puo' scegliere per regione di produzione o per tipo di miele. 

Los Angeles

Arizona: non solo Biden ha vinto, ma ha vinto di piu'


1 of 10
Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan, center, is flanked by Ben Cotton, left, founder of digital security firm CyFIR, and Randy Pullen, right, the former Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, prior to the Arizona Senate Republicans hearing review of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County at the Arizona Capitol Friday, Sept. 24, 2021, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

PHOENIX (AP) — A Republican-backed review of the 2020 presidential election in Arizona’s largest county ended Friday without producing proof to support former President Donald Trump’s false claims of a stolen election.

After six months of searching for evidence of fraud, the firm hired by Republican lawmakers issued a report that experts described as riddled with errors, bias and flawed methodology. Still, even that partisan review came up with a vote tally that would not have altered the outcome, finding that Biden won by 360 more votes than the official results certified last year.

The finding was an embarrassing end to a widely criticized, and at times bizarre, quest to prove allegations that election officials and courts have rejected. It has no bearing on the final, certified results. Previous reviews of the 2.1 million ballots by nonpartisan professionals that followed state law have found no significant problem with the vote count in Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. Biden won the county by 45,000 votes, key to his 10,500-vote win of Arizona.

For many critics the conclusions, presented at a hearing Friday by the firm Cyber Ninjas, underscored the dangerous futility of the exercise, which has helped fuel skepticism about the validity of the 2020 election and spawned copycat audits nationwide.

“We haven’t learned anything new,” said Matt Masterson, a top U.S. election security official in the Trump administration. “What we have learned from all this is that the Ninjas were paid millions of dollars, politicians raised millions of dollars and Americans’ trust in democracy is lower.”

Cyber Ninjas acknowledged in its report that there were “no substantial differences” between the group’s hand count of ballots and the official count. But the report also made a series of other disputed claims the auditors say should cast doubt on the accuracy and warrant more investigation.

Trump issued statements Friday falsely claiming the review found widespread fraud. He urged Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican vying for his party’s U.S. Senate nomination, to open an investigation.

Brnovich, who has been criticized by Trump supporters for not adequately backing the review, did not commit: “I will take all necessary actions that are supported by the evidence and where I have legal authority,” he said in a statement before the report was made public.

Republicans in the state Senate ordered the review under pressure from Trump and his allies, subpoenaing the election records from Maricopa County and selected the inexperienced, pro-Trump auditors. It took months longer than expected and was widely pilloried by experts.

Still, the Arizona review has become a model that Trump supporters are pushing to replicate in other swing states where Biden won. Pennsylvania’s Democratic attorney general sued Thursday to block a GOP-issued subpoena for a wide array of election materials. In Wisconsin, a retired conservative state Supreme Court justice is leading a Republican-ordered investigation into the 2020 election, and this week threatened to subpoena election officials who don’t comply. Backers also called for additional election reviews in Arizona on Friday.

None of the reviews can change Biden’s victory, which was certified by officials in each of the swing states he won and by Congress on Jan. 6 — after Trump’s supporters, fueled by the same false charges that generated the audits, stormed the U.S. Capitol to try to prevent certification of his loss.

The Arizona report claims a number of shortcomings in election procedures and suggested the final tally still could not be relied upon. Several were challenged by election experts, while members of the Republican-led county Board of Supervisors, which oversees elections, disputed claims on Twitter.

“Unfortunately, the report is also littered with errors & faulty conclusions about how Maricopa County conducted the 2020 General Election,” county officials tweeted.

Election officials say that’s because the review team is biased, ignored the detailed vote-counting procedures in Arizona law and had no experience in the complex field of election audits.

Two of the report’s recommendations stood out because they showed its authors misunderstood election procedures — that there should be paper ballot backups and that voting machines should not be connected to the internet. All Maricopa ballots are already paper, with machines only used to tabulate the votes, and those tabulators are not connected to the internet.

The review also checked the names of voters against a commercial database, finding 23,344 reported moving before ballots went out in October. While the review suggests something improper, election officials note that voters like college students, those who own vacation homes or military members can move to temporary locations while still legally voting at the address where they are registered.

“A competent reviewer of an election would not make a claim like that,” said Trey Grayson, a former Republican secretary of state in Kentucky.

The election review was run by Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan, whose firm has never conducted an election audit before. Logan previously worked with attorneys and Trump supporters trying to overturn the 2020 election and appeared in a film questioning the results of the contest while the ballot review was ongoing.

Logan and others involved with the review presented their findings to two Arizona senators Friday. It kicked off with Shiva Ayyadurai, a COVID-19 vaccine skeptic who claims to have invented email, presenting an analysis relying on “pattern recognition” that flagged purported anomalies in the way mail ballots were processed at the end of the election.

Maricopa County tweeted that the pattern was simply the election office following state law.

“‘Anomaly’ seems to be another way of saying the Senate’s contractors don’t understand election processes,” the county posted during the testimony.

Logan followed up by acknowledging “the ballots that were provided for us to count ... very accurately correlated with the official canvass.” He then continued to flag statistical discrepancies — including the voters who moved — that he said merited further investigation.

The review has a history of exploring outlandish conspiracy theories, dedicating time to checking for bamboo fibers on ballots to see if they were secretly shipped in from Asia. It’s also served as a content-generation machine for Trump’s effort to sow skepticism about his loss, pumping out misleading and out-of-context information that the former president circulates long after it’s been debunked.

In July, for example, Logan laid out a series of claims stemming from his misunderstanding of the election data he was analyzing, including that 74,000 mail ballots were recorded as received but not sent. Trump repeatedly amplified the claims. Logan had compared two databases that track different things.

Arizona’s Senate agreed to spend $150,000 on the review, plus security and facility costs. That pales in comparison to the nearly $5.7 million contributed as of late July by Trump allies.

Maricopa County’s official vote count was conducted in front of bipartisan observers, as were legally required audits meant to ensure voting machines work properly. A partial hand-count spot check found a perfect match.

Two extra post-election reviews by federally certified election experts also found no evidence that voting machines switched votes or were connected to the internet. The county Board of Supervisors commissioned the extraordinary reviews in an effort to prove to Trump backers that there were no problems.

Cassidy reported from Atlanta. Associated Press writers Jonathan J. Cooper in Phoenix and Nicholas Riccardi in Denver contributed.

Biden White House leans toward releasing information about Trump and Jan. 6 attack, setting off legal and political showdown

Tom Hamburger, Jacqueline Alemany 

The White House is leaning toward releasing information to Congress about what Donald Trump and his aides were doing during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol despite the former president’s objections — a decision that could have significant political and legal ramifications.

Trump has said he will cite “executive privilege” to block information requests from the House select committee investigating the events of that day, banking on a legal theory that has successfully allowed presidents and their aides to avoid or delay congressional scrutiny for decades, including during the Trump administration.

But President Biden’s White House plans to err on the side of disclosure given the gravity of the events of Jan. 6, according to two people familiar with discussions who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private discussions.

In response to questions about White House deliberations over what information to release, Biden spokesman Michael J. Gwin said the president views the attack on the Capitol as “a dark stain on our country’s history” and is “deeply committed to ensuring that something like that can never happen again, and he supports a thorough investigation.”[Can Trump use executive privilege to stall the Jan. 6 investigation?]

Members of the investigative committee argue that Trump no longer enjoys the protection of executive privilege, encouraging the White House to push aside institutional concerns about sharing information with Congress and aid the panel in an investigation focused on what Democrats and a handful of Republicans have called an assault on democracy.

“It’s not really relevant because there’s no president involved — there’s no such thing as a former president’s executive privilege,” said Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.), a committee member who teaches constitutional law. “That’s extremely dilute and not really relevant.”

What Trump was doing while the attack was occurring and who he was speaking with are among the big, unanswered questions concerning the assault on the Capitol.

The debate over the validity of his executive privilege claims comes as the committee is moving into a new, more aggressive phase of its investigation. Having requested material from telecom, social media companies and the White House — and receiving some response — it is now looking at how best to compel testimony and documents from those reluctant to participate.

Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.) said this week that his panel will soon issue subpoenas to witnesses and organizations, adding that the committee has started scheduling closed door testimony with cooperative witnesses. On Thursday night, the committee issued suboenas to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, former deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino, former Pentagon official Kash Patel and longtime Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon. The committee is seeking documents as well as testimony from the four men.[House Jan. 6 committee issues subpoenas for Trump aides and advisers, including Meadows and Scavino]

Trump has derided the committee’s work as partisan and is promising to fight its effort to collect information and testimony related to the attack.

“The highly partisan, Communist-style ‘select committee’ has put forth an outrageously broad records request that lacks both legal precedent and legislative merit,” Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich said in a statement. “Executive privilege will be defended, not just on behalf of President Trump and his administration, but also on behalf of the Office of the President of the United States and the future of our nation.”[Jan. 6 committee faces unprecedented choice of whether to call Republican lawmakers to testify]

In response to the House panel’s request, the National Archives has already identified hundreds of pages of documents from the Trump White House relevant to its inquiry. As required by statute, the material is being turned over to the Biden White House and to Trump’s lawyers for review.

The committee’s Aug. 25 letter to the National Archives was both sweeping and detailed, asking for “all documents and communications within the White House on January 6, 2021, relating in any way” to the events of that day. They include examining whether the White House or Trump allies worked to delay or halt the counting of electoral votes and whether there was discussion of impeding the peaceful transfer of power.

The letter asked for call logs, schedules and meetings for a large group, including Trump’s adult children, son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and first lady Melania Trump as well as a host of aides and advisers, such as his attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani.[House Jan. 6 committee seeks information from tech giants regarding attack on Capitol, attempts to overturn election]

The committee has focused, in part, on seeking information about whether the Trump White House and members of Congress played any role in encouraging the demonstrations, which interrupted the constitutionally mandated certification of electoral votes and unleashed a series of violent confrontations with the U.S. Capitol Police.

So far, more than 650 people have been charged with crimes in connection with the violent demonstrations that delayed that vote. Many were charged with obstructing a federal procedure and for knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building. Documents and testimony could show whether White House officials and members of Congress encouraged or supported those actions, congressional staffers said.

White House documents requested by the panel are identified by National Archives personnel and then sent to Biden and Trump lawyers. The first tranche was sent out Aug. 31, according to a person familiar with the transfer.

Trump has 30 days following the delivery of the documents to decide whether to object to their release, according to the statute. Even if he opposes turning them over, the Biden White House has decision-making authority and can release them, over Trump’s objections, after an additional 60 days has elapsed. Trump’s remaining option would be to go to court to try to halt the release, legal advisers said.

While Trump has struck a defiant tone, his options may be limited if Biden decides to handover the information the former president says should be protected, according to several legal experts — including those who have reviewed similar requests in the past.

“The law we have is not favorable to the former president,” said Bob Bauer, who served as White House counsel under President Barack Obama. “A former president has a chance to review the materials, to raise issues of privilege and if the former and the current presidents cannot reach some agreement, to take the dispute to the courts.”

Bauer added that while an inquiry into a former president is unique, legal precedents suggest disclosure of the information Congress is seeking.

“The circumstances here — the former president acting at the time in his capacity as a candidate seeking to challenge his defeat at the polls — make this uphill battle much, much tougher,” he said.[Donald McGahn tells House panel about Trump’s bid to undermine Mueller probe]

Norm Eisen, a former Obama appointee, who advised the first House impeachment inquiry of Trump, said the former president’s power to assert executive privilege has weakened since he left the White House.

“The executive privilege stonewalling that Trump used while he was in office won’t work anymore,” Eisen said, noting that the current president — not the former — has the real decision-making power.

A former federal judge who worked on executive privilege issues in the Ronald Reagan White House and the George H.W. Bush Justice Department pointed out that privilege requests do not typically attempt to shield information about potential wrongdoing.

“With a few notable exceptions, the historical practice has been for Presidents to avoid asserting Executive Privilege to protect from disclosure information that suggests wrongdoing or potential wrongdoing by a President and/or his advisers,” J. Michael Luttig, a former U.S. federal judge, said in an email.

Several cases involving requests for tapes and other records from the Richard Nixon White House provide precedent for release of presidential records when requested by Congress or government agencies.

In 1977, the Supreme Court in Nixon v. Administrator of General Services, rejected Nixon’s privilege claims about White House tapes and documents, embracing the idea that executive privilege “is not for the benefit of the President as an individual, but for the benefit of the Republic.”

Legal experts also pointed to recent private talks involving Trump officials and Congress that could provide a path to a resolution that does not involve going to court. They cite the negotiations that occurred between lawyers for Trump, the Justice Department and the Senate Judiciary Committee investigating claims that a Trump Justice Department official, Jeffrey Clark, had sought to deploy department resources after the election to back Trump’s claims of massive voting fraud.[What Rosen told U.S. senators: Trump applied ‘persistent’ pressure to get Justice to discredit election]

In the end, the Biden Justice Department waived executive privilege, and two of Trump’s top former Justice Department officials, Jeffrey Rosen and Richard Donoghue, sat for interviews with the Senate Judiciary Committee, providing detailed accounts of what happened during the post-election period.

The decisions Biden and Trump make about the current records and interview requests will be momentous, said Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University who has written about the protection of White House documents and previously argued that Democrats’ impeachment efforts against Trump were a misguided use of congressional power.

“There is an unbroken tradition of deference by the incumbent presidents to their predecessors,” Turley said. “In the past, incumbent presidents would generally support their predecessors in restricting access, despite partisan differences. It appears we may be poised here to shatter that tradition.”

ll Gran Viaggio in Italia: Gianni a Levante

"MI devi spiegare perche' insisti nel descrivere sul blog le tappe del tuo viaggio in Italia. Alla gente non gliene importa nulla, mentre interessano le tue valutazioni sulla politica americana." 

Cosi' Gianni B., amico washingtoniano di lunga data, ex alto dirigente della Banca Mondiale, architetto e raro esemplare di amico che ti dice quello che pensa senza troppe perifrasi e senza recitare. 

Siamo ospiti di Gianni e di Patricia nel loro delizioso appartamento aggrappato sulla scogliera di Sori, Riviera di Levante.


L'occasione e' non solo quella di trascorrere tre giorni con questi cari e veri Amici. Ma anche di esplorare i luoghi della mia adolescenza, quando trascorrevamo tre mesi d'estate a Bogliasco o a Camogli. Si partiva con il pullman Lazzi da Firenze e si faceva il passo del Bracco. Otto ore di montagna e regolare mal di stomaco del sottoscritto ragazzino.

Nella mia lunga vita ho avuto occasione di conoscere tanti esperti, o presunti tali, di turismo che illustravano a modo loro le localita' nelle quali ci trovavamo  momentaneamente .

Ma Gianni e' tutta un'altra cosa. 

Il suo entusiasmo nel descrivere situazioni architettoniche, paesaggi, aree urbanistiche e' condito con una passione ed una entropia che rasentano l'orgasmo.


Gianni non parla all'amico o al conoscente, ma a se stesso. Perche' adora il bello dell'architettura, dei paesaggi, della natura. 

Nei tre giorni trascorsi in sua compagnia basati a Sori, ci ha condotto a visitare Camogli, Recco, Sori, le Cinque Terre e in particolare Porto Venere. E la sublime Genova. 

(Genova Duomo)

Senza rendercene conto abbiamo camminato per chilometri, noi sedentari americani. 

Gianni ha guidato con grande perizia nelle impossibili stradine dell'entroterra ligure.

Ci ha fatto vedere aspetti delle cittadine nelle quali avevo trascorso lunghi periodi della mia adolescenza e che ignoravo, mettendo in risalto tra l'altro il notevole livello di organizzazione che le autorita' locali hanno messo in essere e che si distingue in contrasto con la realta' cialtrona di quella Roma nella quale abbiamo vissuto per oltre venti anni e che resta comunque il nostro riferimento italiano.

Si comprende che Gianni prova un piacere intenso nel far capire a chi lo segue quanto la bellezza sia a portata di mano. Basta scoprirla e apprezzarla.

Il suo amore per l'architettura, per i musei, per la natura non e' solo italiano.

Gianni ha viaggiato in ogni continente per ragioni professionali e per interesse personale. Al termine dei suoi viaggi ha steso dei resoconti dettagliati che abbiamo adocchiato sul suo computer e che meriterebbero di essere pubblicati, tanto sono pieni di informazioni e aspetti interssanti.

Gli chiedo perche' non li pubblichi visto che sono ormai un prodotto finito.

Gianni dice che non puo' perche' non sono perfetti. Lui in ogni sua attivita' e' alla ricerca della perfezione e per uno cone il vostro redattore che vive da sempre alla carlona, anche questo e' un ulteriore motivo di ammirazione e di affetto (ma senza esagerare, please).



che belle passeggiate e condivido, ascoltare Gianni 
e’ speciale, lui sa descrivere veramente bene il mondo che lo circonda 
 A presto ! 
Erminia (Camogli)


Favoloso! Un caro saluto a Gianni!!


Caro Oscar, inutile dirti che ho apprezzato il tuo blog sul soggiorno a Sori e i tuoi generosi commenti su di me,  anche se per natura sono una persona schiva e incline ad un sereno anonimato.  Un caro abbraccio. Gianni


che belle passeggiate e condivido, ascoltare Gianni 
e’ speciale, lui sa descrivere veramente bene il mondo che lo circonda 
 A presto ! 

Il Gran Viaggio in Italia: Una serata bestiale


Maria ci invita ad una cenetta insieme a suo figlio e un’amica.

Patrizia, simpatica persona conosciuta e apprezzata per molti anni. Vedova di un noto chirurgo, medico anche lei. Animalista con preferenza per cani di grossa taglia. Il che me l’ha fatta sempre sembrare ancora più’ simpatica.Oppressa da un solido benessere.

Il vostro redattore, in la’ con gli anni, preoccupato per la recrudescenza dei contagi in Italia, causa variante Delta. Affetto da connaturato radicalismo e quindi privo di capacita’ di gestire dolcemente situazioni pericolose.


Ci incontriamo a casa di Maria.

Come impongono le nuove regole del galateo sanitario dichiaro la doppia vaccinazione e quella di mia moglie.

Maria e il figlio fanno altrettanto.

Patrizia dice invece che lei non si vaccina.

Perplesso le dico: “ Rispetto il tuo punto di vista,  anche se non lo condivido. Ma non mi siedo in ambiente chiuso accanto a chi dichiara di non essere vaccinato. Oltretutto oggi che hanno approvato l’obbligo del Green Pass.”

Patrizia si inviperisce. “ Non credo nella bufala dei vaccini..”

“ Libera di farlo, così’ come io sono libero di andarmene.” Purtroppo alzo la voce.

La padrona di casa, poveretta, non sa che pesci pigliare e ci guarda strangolata.

“No, dice Patrizia molto irritata, ad andarmene sono io..” e si avvia verso l’uscita seguita da Maria che le cinge le spalle con un braccio.

Ma prima di uscire Patrizia mi fulmina con :

“Quello pericoloso sei tu che mi puoi infettare, non io!”

La serata prosegue facendo finta di nulla.

Ma qualcosa si e’rotto.

Che peccato. Anche perché’ io a quella Patrizia ero e sono affezionato.

Una serata bestiale.


Quelli che non si vaccinano debbono restare a casa loro e non uscire se non per le cose essenziali punto e basta, a questo punto li possiamo accusare di omicidio intenzionale, mi sono trovata nella stessa situazione in Italia, ma per fortuna eravamo all’aperto, dopo che la donna si e’ annunciata priva dell’intenzione di vaccinarsi, ci siamo tutti allontanati da lei ed ha mangiato sola e si e sentita una vera appestata...

Elisabetta Ullmann
Appena vissuta la stessa situazione in Svizzera. Robe da matti !!
Un abbraccio

Questi signori (e, nel caso che ci racconti, signore) non vaccinandosi non esercitano affatto un diritto, bensì attentano a quello altrui (di proteggersi). Bene hai fatto a importi. Monsignor della Casa del resto mi risulta che si sia vaccinato con due piatti a base di Pfizer…!


Paolo Nardi

Quando la massa d’idioti capirà che il distanziamento sociale, le sanificazioni (che cosa sono?) le igenizzazioni (idem come sopra) le mascherine sono una boiata pazzesca come la corazzata Potionky
Caro Oscar, hai ragione! Qui manchiamo di senso civico e i noVax non capiscono che la loro libertà di non vaccinarsi lede la nostra salute e così il virus non si fermerà. Tempo fa abbiamo dovuto invitare un caro amico - vaccinato - la cui stupida compagna, oltre a non essere vaccinata, si é messa a fare propaganda alla nostra tavola pur sapendo di essere a casa di Giuseppe medico e che sia io che lui siamo vaccinati: grrr! Questi sono i danni collaterali da Internet: c’è gente che va in rete e crede a tutto quello che trova, dopodiché si crede più intelligente di tutti noi, ari grrr. Ma a casa mia quest’inverno non la inviterò più.

Per quanto la situazione possa essere stata imbarazzante, hai reagito nel modo giusto... nulla di peggio che lasciar correre e prendere  rischi (inutili), soprattutto dopo aver fatto tanto per prevenire qualsiasi contagio.
Emanuela (Los Angeles)
  • Patricia Bordoli Brizzi
    Io me la sarei presa con la padrona di casa che invita gente non vaccinata!
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  • Antonella Discepolo Chiancone
    Abbandoniamolo il conflitto tra no vax e pro vax, per cortesia
    Concentriamoci letteralmente sul “benessere di tutti”… 
    See More
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    • Patricia Bordoli Brizzi
      Antonella Discepolo Chiancone non sono d’accordo ! Sei libero di non vaccinarti e io sono libera di non frequentarti!
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      • 23h
    • Patricia Bordoli Brizzi
      Antonella Discepolo Chiancone nessun conflitto! Solo libertà individuali
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      • 23h
    • Antonella Discepolo Chiancone
      Certamente! Ci mancherebbe altro. Ognuno è e deve restare libero di scegliere. Azioni e frequentazioni. Non è certo questo in discussione. Ciò che invoco è il deporre le armi contro chi scelga di non vaccinarsi. Non rappresentano un pericolo concreto per alcuno, se non per loro stessi. Fatti loro, in somma.
    • ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    • Caro Oscar,
      E sempre un piacere ricevere da te le simpatiche riflessioni che ci proponi sulla base delle tue esperienze di vita. Il mondo è bello perché è vario ed ogni persona la pensa a modo suo. 
      Ognuno vive nel suo piccolo universo di conoscenze e di convinzioni, di principi morali e sociali, di frequentazioni famigliari e di amicizie. Quando nuove persone si incontrano, questi universi di incrociano e si confrontano, si adattano e si influenzano, si attraggono e si respingono a seconda delle circostanze.
      E proprio in questo continuo interagire tra le persone che sta la bellezza della vita.
      Cari saluti. 

    • Armando Gal.