
That night at the Madison Square Garden

A Night at the Garden poster.png

'A Night at the Garden' is a seven-minute documentary produced by Marshall Curry in 2017, which came to obtain an Oscar nomination. 

Considering its content taken from the photographic and cinematographic archives of the time, it could never have won the Oscar in the documentary section, because ... it told a true America, far from the polite plastic image that has been spread for decades by Hollywood. ______________________________________________ 

On the evening of February 20, 1939, the marquee of New York's Madison Square Garden was illuminated by the main event of the evening: a "pro American rally." 

The organizers had chosen the date to celebrate George Washington's birthday and had procured a 30-foot-tall banner of the first American president for the stage. 

More than 20,000 men and women poured in and took their seats. 

The rally was sponsored by the American German Bund, an organization based in Manhattan and thousands of members in the United States.

In the 1930s, the Bund was one of several organizations in the United States that openly supported Adolf Hitler and the rise of fascism in Europe. 

They had parades, bookstores and summer camps for young people. 

Their vision for America was a cocktail of white supremacy, fascist ideology and American patriotism. 

The flyer Lindbergh and old Kennedy were Hitler's admirers. 

We suggest our readers to open the link and see this documentary that offers many points of connection with the current situation experienced in the United States under the Trump presidency.


There is a lot of talk about Trumpism and the basic question of political experts is tangled with the 72 million personal votes credited to the current tenant of the White House who refused to disengage from his chair in the Oval Room. 

We talk about Donald Trump pretending not to remember that this colorful character fits into a line of American cultural tradition whose neo-Nazi testimonies date back to the documentary presented to the Oscars, but which goes back hundreds of years established as it is in the cult of 'violence' . 

72 million preferences given to Trump on November 3 are not peanuts but the manifest confirmation of a perennial disconnect in the American population in which tens of millions of people are ready to give their consent to the man only in command as long as he guarantees "bread and circuses. "equivalent of "low and order ".

Trumpism is not a phenomenon to be dismissed with a shrug stating that it is an unstable moment that will soon be undermined by a return to normal, provided that the second wave pandemic is extinguished as soon as possible with its wake of thousands of dead. 

The 72 million who voted for Trump are entrenched in the indefinite defense of the infamous second amendment to the American constitution which allows the use and carrying of weapons, which have now become heavy machine guns. 

The 72 million voters for Trump are those who call for a safe economy, the return of foreign policy to narrow national borders, the refusal to invest trillions of dollars to maintain an international police role by teaching democracy to those who do not practice it. .

The 72 million fanatics for Trump are the ones who have it to death with the women of feminism to the bitter end (just think that 55% of white women voted for Donald). 

The 72 million voters for Trump are those who reverberate hatred of mainly the black minority, but also include other racial and sexual minorities. Confirming that the civil war did not end in 1865, because it continued to meander especially in the southern states. 

The 72 million votes for Trump are proof that the admiration for autocracies has not faded over the decades but has been rekindled by a professional agitator projected to destroy the institutional foundations of this troubled democracy that gives too much power to the man elected to the presidency 'pro tempore'.

Political coexistence in America today is drastically difficult because it is polarized without any common space for compromise and constructive dialogue. 

Therefore, at the end of his stormy term this new Samson who will not die politically because he is adored by his Philistines, will have left behind him tons of political garbage that will reverberate in the coming years, exhausting the new president. 

The other 78 million who voted for Joe Biden are the guarantee that a large majority of the American elective population preferred to put a driver with decades of experience and knowledge of the mechanisms of Washington politics in the driver's seat rather than confirm a controversial used car salesman.

Trump is doing everything he can to create legal and material difficulties for Joe Biden. 

It has even reached the request made by some Republican senators to the governor of Georgia not to consider valid thousands of legal votes. 

Over the course of these four years Donald Trump has been able to try his hand at more than 25,000 falsehoods, the latest of which concerns the presence of his supporters in a massively pumped up demonstration supporting Trump. 

The incumbent president argued that more than a million demonstrators had gathered in Washington. The truth is that the attendance did not exceed 10,000 units. 

But this episode also reminds us of Trump on the day of his coronation when he claimed that more than a million Americans had arrived to celebrate him, a statement widely denied by the photographs that showed large gaps in the crowd on the Mall. 

We will almost certainly arrive at the coronation of the new (Democratic) president by still having Mr. Trump as president not out of the White House. 

Hoping that Mr. Donald does not incite his crowds to physical confrontation to keep his seat in the White House and justifying it all with the elections 'stolen' by the Democrats (accusation without proven results but valid to inflame spirits beyond measure).

 Covid 19, Trump who does not want to leave, armed militias, unemployment, curfew and more. 

It is difficult to pray to Our Lord since among Trump's admirers there are millions of evangelical Christians headed by Vice President Pence. 


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