
Even conservatives are starting to admit that Donald Trump is finished

(….personalmente non ne siamo sicuri. Il 60 % della popolazione americana continua a stravedere per questo personaggio che recita ogni giorno il suo reality show sapendo di potere colpire le coscienze ottuse di diecine di milioni di americani privi di capacita' di orientamento politico.Siccome tutto si muove sotto il guinzaglio e la frusta dei foraggiatori, come dice Palmer, l'unica possibilita' che Trump sia arrivato alla fine e' che coloro che aprono la borsa a suon di centinaia di milioni per assicurarsi vantaggi economici abbiamo deciso di tirare su lo zip.

The math for Donald Trump’s ouster is fairly straightforward. If twenty Republican Senators selfishly decide that the best move for themselves and their conservative billionaire donors is to throw Donald Trump overboard, that’ll be enough votes for ouster, and he’ll be gone. The question is how much worse things have to get before the GOP Senate decides not to go down with Trump’s ship. We may be closer than you think.
If you want to know where conservatives are on the matter, it can’t hurt to ask them. Jonah Goldberg is so far to the right, he writes for the National Review. He also writes for the Los Angeles Times, where he just spelled out why the conservative establishment is ready to finish this guy off.
Goldberg’s reasons, not surprisingly, center around Donald Trump’s incompetence and mental instability, which weren’t a problem until it resulted in a shuttered government and a wrecked stock market. Trump’s nihilistic anti-government base might be rooting for him to burn it all down, but the traditional conservatives – the ones who care about their money – have had just about enough of this crap.
Keep in mind that Republican Senators are generally puppets of a fairly small number of conservative billionaire political donors. If those donors say it’s time for Donald Trump to be removed, it’ll happen. If the GOP informs Trump that he’s facing certain ouster at the end of his Senate impeachment trial, he’ll have no choice left but to negotiate a resignation plea deal in exchange for reduced prison time. Merry Christmas. (Palmer Report)