
La Camera approva il 51 stato federale District of Columbia

D.C. statehood approved by House for first time in history; Senate, White House have vowed to block it  (TWP)

For the first time since the establishment of the District of Columbia 230 years ago, the House of Representatives voted to make the city the nation’s 51st state, a change that supporters say would right historic wrongs.
The vote, which fell along party lines, comes as the United States grapples with systemic racism that D.C. officials say has led to the disenfranchisement of the 700,000 residents of the nation’s capital. The Trump administration opposes D.C. statehood, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he won’t allow a vote on the bill.

La Camera approva ed il Senato repubbicano respinge.
Chi risiede a Washington DC paga le piu' alte tasse degli USA ma non ha alcun rappresentante sia alla Camera che al Senato con diritto di voto.
Questo perche' essendo la popolazione del Distretto composta per il 75% da AfricanAmericans, i repubblicani si oppongono alla 'creazione' del 51 stato federale che sarebbe in mano ai democratici.